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Ok..don't laugh but....

Started by BrandiOK, September 01, 2006, 09:56:39 AM

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umop ap!sdn

A bot is just a program running on a computer that makes it do something automatically, such as crawl the web. :)


Quote from: Buffy on September 02, 2006, 02:34:46 AM...
Never before have I discussed Arachnids and Computers in the same discussion. Next question is what the hell is a BOT and a SLURP?
BOT: Short for robot, simply a script or other program left run often unattended. Similar to those wretched phone robots.
SLURP: Yahoo's attempt to be cleaver, also know as the name for their spider.


This whole thread is extremely interesting, perhaps a bit telling as well, maybe just to me.  It started with a simple question about an obvious computer activity (so simple and obvious that I hadn't a clue what a spider was, and was afraid to ask!), followed by a common sense and simple answer (thanks Melissa), and 3 pages of varied computer information, responses and other points, particularly, thanks Cindi - short and sweet. 

It's a sexual stereotype that men won't ask for directions or important basic details.
Was this another of those gender tests we get every now and then?  I'm pretty analytical but too detail and attention span challenged to pull it together, but I am curious if anyone sees a pattern here, or just my mind on another runaway.

Speaking of my mind, I'm sure I welcomed you to Susan's Brandi, but if I missed doing so, welcome, thanks for the question.

Susan K


I will typically go whatever route I think will get me the answer the fastest.  It usually comes down to a choice between looking up the answer or asking somebody.  Sometimes it is faster to look it up yourself and sometimes it is faster to just ask somebody.  I prefer looking it up usually though, because I tend to learn a lot along the way.
