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How does Age fit in?

Started by Saraloop, March 25, 2009, 06:54:51 PM

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Why prayer? What kind of prayer?


I'd like to go back to a few different times in my childhood so I can see what happened and plant a few ideas in my parrents head so they would be more understanding now. 
I don't want to be a man there from Mars
I'd Like to be a woman Venus looks beautiful
I'm enjoying living on Pluto, but it is a bit lonely


Hi... i spos this depends on your or my out look on life ... try this i am yes 61 .. & this is the best part of my life . why  because i am who i am .. being happy being able to live in a way . that is just me ... yeap.    i.v been through the mill . it did not stop for me . so i had to just accept what i had  . & run with it ... or miss out on what i could have had .. so for me do i look back .. yes of cause.    do i wish i could go back ..    i have what i need ...i can live i mean   REALLY live ... as who i should be ....thats whats so neat .   dont wish  .    just as i say.... love life life .....look foreward other wise youll miss what you have ...& miiss what you could have .dont waist your time looking back know the saying look back ..youll mis whats coming yes i know some is not so good ... youll get around that . or go through it ... i did & have ...
Hi. from New Zealand, Im a woman of difference & intersex who is living life to the full.   we have 3 grown up kids and 11 grand kid's 6 boy's & 5 girl's,
Jos and i are still friends and  is very happy with her new life with someone.

Simone Louise

Quote from: Saraloop on April 20, 2009, 05:58:17 PM
Why prayer? What kind of prayer?

Prayer is a form of communication. It is communication between a person and that which is central to that person's life. One might pray to express awe, wonder, fear, thankfulness, joy, or need. One might pray in order to slow down and concentrate on the deeper meaning in life. One might pray to connect with a group or to express one's love for others. One might pray when one is about to fulfill an obligation. One might pray to rededicate oneself to one's principles. This is not intended to be a systematic or all-inclusive list.

Any action done with the intention to pray is a prayer. Words spoken aloud in formal or spontaneous prayer are what is most commonly meant (fleeting thoughts are not prayer). Work, if done as a conscious expression of love, joy, need, etc., can be prayer. Political action, done in the recognition of the nobility of human life, is prayer. Cooking and eating, consciously done in order "to do what needs to be done" (to borrow a phrase from Prairie Home Companion), is prayer. Life lived with the conscious intention of serving one's highest principles is prayer. I believe this is meant by the New Testament directive, echoed by mystics within many disciplines, to "pray unceasingly".

Off to prepare food again,
Choose life.


Quote from: Simone Louise on April 21, 2009, 05:29:23 PM
Prayer is a form of communication. It is communication between a person and that which is central to that person's life. One might pray to express awe, wonder, fear, thankfulness, joy, or need. One might pray in order to slow down and concentrate on the deeper meaning in life. One might pray to connect with a group or to express one's love for others. One might pray when one is about to fulfill an obligation. One might pray to rededicate oneself to one's principles. This is not intended to be a systematic or all-inclusive list.

Any action done with the intention to pray is a prayer. Words spoken aloud in formal or spontaneous prayer are what is most commonly meant (fleeting thoughts are not prayer). Work, if done as a conscious expression of love, joy, need, etc., can be prayer. Political action, done in the recognition of the nobility of human life, is prayer. Cooking and eating, consciously done in order "to do what needs to be done" (to borrow a phrase from Prairie Home Companion), is prayer. Life lived with the conscious intention of serving one's highest principles is prayer. I believe this is meant by the New Testament directive, echoed by mystics within many disciplines, to "pray unceasingly".

Off to prepare food again,

I love everything you say.  :-*
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC

Simone Louise

My wife sent out the following email today: "I am so proud of [Simone]. He walked all 20 miles yesterday in the annual Boston Walk for Hunger, with his friend Ron Eskin. Not bad for the "old guy" Hey he's not that old--this prooves it. He is a little sore today but managed to work 4 hours at Club UPS. Good tune ups for hiking in Arizona and Wyoming. I know everyone is tight--but the need has never been greater. Consider a donation in [Simone's] name. Every little bit helps!"

In my twenties, I felt like I could walk indefinitely. Yesterday, it was harder, and I did not want to jog or skip at the end--I even wanted someone else to do the cooking (the two walkers and their wives ate at Warren Tavern, which has been in operation since 1782 and commemorates a martyr of the Battle of Bunker Hill). That's one way age fits in.

Forty four thousand walkers raised 3.8 million US dollars. The goal is 4.1 million by the end of May. To donate, visit or the group of your choice that fights to alleviate and prevent hunger.

Still smiling,
Choose life.


Quote from: Simone Louise on April 21, 2009, 05:29:23 PM
Prayer is a form of communication. It is communication between a person and that which is central to that person's life. One might pray to express awe, wonder, fear, thankfulness, joy, or need. One might pray in order to slow down and concentrate on the deeper meaning in life. One might pray to connect with a group or to express one's love for others. One might pray when one is about to fulfill an obligation. One might pray to rededicate oneself to one's principles. This is not intended to be a systematic or all-inclusive list.

Any action done with the intention to pray is a prayer. Words spoken aloud in formal or spontaneous prayer are what is most commonly meant (fleeting thoughts are not prayer). Work, if done as a conscious expression of love, joy, need, etc., can be prayer. Political action, done in the recognition of the nobility of human life, is prayer. Cooking and eating, consciously done in order "to do what needs to be done" (to borrow a phrase from Prairie Home Companion), is prayer. Life lived with the conscious intention of serving one's highest principles is prayer. I believe this is meant by the New Testament directive, echoed by mystics within many disciplines, to "pray unceasingly".

Off to prepare food again,

Well said. We have the concept of Taqwa or God consciousness which kind of is close to what you mention.


Quote from: Saraloop on March 25, 2009, 06:54:51 PM
konnichiwa! :)
Haven't posted in quite a while.

I was wondering how you all think about feeling an age that conflicts with the body to the point of something similar like being transgender, but instead of feeling like 1 sex or another, feeling a certain age... I know lots of people want to stay young, but in my case it seems pretty extreme. Ever since going past the age of 12, it feels like I've lost such a big part of me that I can't even consider myself to be anything human. The biggest thing has been not being able to express what I truly feel.  The response from people around is just too big for me to be ok with, as it is. :(
What do you guys think?
I wonder if there's people out there that feel like they should be really old :S
I know exactly how you feel, if I could've stayed 15 forever I would in a heartbeat.