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Started by phantom_heart, April 30, 2009, 03:08:07 PM

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I've talked a little about taking a vote with my personalities on who is for and against Adrian going through with GRS. I'm sure that if we used paper it would get lost as we are moving. Or tossed out by accident as we like to toss stuff out without looking it over  lol So i'm going to post it here. Its safe and we can also get criticism and even advise. Read my intro to understand better what i'm talking about. (For those who dont know i have MPD multipul personalitie disorder my SO is Chaos_dagger)

We (as in the people in my head) have names and we are different ages. So it could take days, weeks or months before this is finished. Depends on triggers on where we are and if that personality feels like coming online.  So feel free to post anything while waiting lol i'll kick it going to make my own post under this just to feel special. ^_~

Post Merge: April 30, 2009, 02:12:30 PM

So, I'm Savannah the #1 Supporter of Adrianna. I also dislike men. Making me a lesbian. Whoot for boobies. *ahem* Anyways my vote is the biggest HELL YES ever!! Not just because i'm selfish but because I want Adrianna to be happy. I want that person that I love to be who she is in every way. IF i had it my way she'd already be going through the process. I understand that everyone should have there say and blah blah blah but its HER life she should do what she wants. *nods* well that's all i have to say!!


This is a great idea. If you don't mind me asking, there's something I'd like to understand better. Are any of your other personalities posting here as well or will you know how they vote? I know my online friend talks to the little girl she has. Are you able to talk to each other as well? I don't mean to offend. I don't know much about this and want to learn. I'll try to do some reading on my own.


Hi Starr,

Its highly probable they will. Both Adrian and I are spending a lot of time on the boards so its only natural that someone else besides myself will post. I'm hoping for it i want to know what the others think. The one thats really going to matter is the 5 year old.

The answer to your question is sometimes. If Kiara (the 5 year old) is "out" its like a door is opened lol. We can talk to her because if she comes out at say a work place (Witch she's done numerus times) she panics. Or if someone comes out and they panic and they are alone. So yes sometimes if the situation calls for it. The mind is so great. If it wasnt for this i dont know if i'd be here today.


Thanks for explaining. I hope all of you will feel safe and know that you can find support here.



hi nicky sad i had to vote on him beeing a girl he is gon to work now big girls helping me. i love nicky he makes me happy if nicky not happy then i mace him happy i want nicky to bee a girl becos then he can play dres up with me. bye. kiara



Well unfortunately since my vote is not counted unless i post here I have to post. I'm betting that everyone on this board thinks we are ether nuts or making it up. I wish.

Toss me in the pit of snakes i guess. My vote is No.

When i walked down the isle almost 3 years ago i was walking toward a man. Or so i thought. I had plans for my life. I chose this man for the person he presented himself to be to me. The fun loving carefree guy who smiled no matter what. The one that took charge when things got bad. Than after a year i find him having an online relationship with some chick he met on a video game chat board. His answer to me to why this chick was under the impression that he was a female and he's reason for having this affair was because he was transgendered. He drooped that bomb. Sure it explained a few things about him but still wasnt an excuse. After we tried to sort through that we moved to Oakville. I thought things with the trans gender just went away because he didnt bring it up and wasn't actively searching for what i knew.

Now its back and its reared is head and now i'm stuck with the consequence. Personally i can live with him dressing up every once in a while. What woman doesn't want to hold her hubby down and put make up on him for fun. But surgery? I'm not for it. I wont stand in his way but i have to be honest and say that I want a man. I can't help who i am. I dont have anything against people who make this choise. I just dont have to be attracted to it.

Anyway sorry Nick. Sorry to all the people in my head who want this. If he bases his dission off me i think he's stupid. For all he knows i am just one tiny fragment of this screwed up mind. And when the day comes that we can be whole that little part wont matter. But for now i have a voice so i'm using it. Thats all.


Post Merge: May 13, 2009, 05:15:30 AM


But thanks to the previous post all this probably doesn't matter. One no and i think "she" will stay a he. Its really too bad.


Post Merge: May 16, 2009, 05:30:27 PM

Can't really say much only that my vote is Yes.


Lily says yes as well.


Keep up the good work, and continue voting.  I refuse to make any decisions until every last one of you has placed a vote  :P


My vote is Yes. I have to change my name though its just too odd having the real live person Adrian and the me! >.< ^_^ i'll think of something.

Love you!!! <3


Sorry, I am a little confused.

From what I gather phantom_heart is the collective that married Adrianna, and Adrianna (a.k.a Nick) is mtf, and you are voting on whether the collective is for or against adrianna getting grs?

Is that right?


er...yes that's right! I have MPD (multiple personality disorder) as such Adrianna does not want to get GRS unless she understands that we all or at least most agree and want this for her. We were going to vote on paper in private but the way we are it would get lost. Plus this is a safe place.

That being said thanks to an image i'd rather forget. my vote is a big big yes. I for one would love to snap my fingers and have her be the woman she should be. *snaps* dang. ~kat~

IF you have any other questions feel free to post we are open about this because we have to be. I don't like feeling crazy so i'd rather explain things and have other people understand what i'm going through the suffer alone.

Post Merge: May 20, 2009, 05:49:50 PM

What a week i guess. Why am i last? *sigh* I hate being last.

Oh well, so I am not vote on Nick becoming a woman. Hum..Well I love nick not for what he looks like although to me he's very good looking. I love him for whats in his heart. So if i take physical form out of it i'm still left with the same person. Just a happier person. One who can look in the mirror. One that can smile. One that i can buy cloths for...when can he start? LOL This should be fun!! Aw but he doesn't get the dark side. Aunt Flow doesn't visit..darn. Oh well I guess I am voting yes. I accept you anyway you come Nick..or Adrianna i guess it is now!!

love always



I hope you don't mind me refering to you as a collective, I find disorder to be a rather weighted word and all the multiple personality people I have meet online all seem to be rather ordered and living, for the most part, harmoniously with themselves.



Collective is good!! Thats what we strive for in the end i guess! To be one who person who doesn't "black out" all the darned time. What cloths she can't where and say things she doesnt know she said. And move places she never wanted *glares around* Of all the places to live we have to live in the stinky city >.<


Sorry to hijack this thread a little, and really I should not be posting in the significant other area...I'll give myself a smack  :)

It has struck me that all the multiple personalitied people that I know who are in relationships, all their personalities love their partner. Now this has got me thinking that this would make sense if you look at love as a purely physical reaction with the mental stuff following on from that...


The "collective" says to not slap yourself, and continue posting all you want in here, since they are done voting.  As for love being purely physical and ALL personalities loving their partners... That is way further than the truth.  I know all the ones that are here now love me, but it hasn't always been that way.   I had to work on each one of them individually, as if I had started getting to know a new person each time.  ONE Personality just wanted to be friends and nothing more.  Savannah was the HARDEST to work on, because well... she's a lesbian and before I came out and told them that I was MTF... she would have nothing to do with me other than be my friend.  Then there's Evan... (I think that was his name) I don't know if anyone remembers him.  I do though.  He was only there for a week or two before disappearing.  Obviously he wanted nothing to do with me, I think however he was representative of narcissism as HE was "in love" with another personalty in her head.  That didn't go over to well with me, but it might have been interesting from a purely objective view.    Erica (the personality) although I'm positive she has always loved me, has frequently fought with Adrian (another personality[the one who says she'll have to change her name]) and in doing so, has "hated" me and pretended to like her ex and tried to leave me for him as well as another vampire.  There's been more... but I'm sure I've probably already burned your eyes out with this block of text.


Thank you for your reply! I feel like I have learnt a lot, thanks for indulging me.


Just encase you are wondering the "Vampire" is one of my friends who well...kinda looks like a vampire in photos that i have of him.

blah sharing a computer is hard!! I can't watch her type so when she gets the computer i'm like "Hey say this" or "hehe mabie you should say this." but i'm never allowed to read as she's typing. >.< Ah well. LOL