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DR ZUCKER alligations of unethical practice - a comment upon

Started by thehumanthings, May 25, 2009, 07:21:59 PM

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this is a report of a news story that is doing the rounds it is not the view of susan or anyone here merly reporting what the news is on the  CAMH/clarke institute front

CAMH/Toronto University Allegedly videotaping transsexual people getting dressed

05/25/2009 — Suzan
The allegations below are just that, accusations that are being amassed as part of the process of delivering an indictment. It is a process that calls upon those who have been harmed or abused by the researchers and medical authorities to come forth and add their own stories along with evidence which can then be used to remove these alleged evil doers from power.


Andrea B.

This may sound stupid and blatantly obvious.

The fact is, that CAMH videotape transsexual people, getting dressed.
They are alleged to have also put a plethysmograph on pre-operative transsexual people. That is not clinical study technique or clinical evaluation. It is blatant voyeurism and sexual fondling.

For link to penis fondling device used on pre-operative transsexual people. Go to:

For information on videotaping of patients getting dressed. Go to:

Scroll down to Sharon

You will find this.
One of their evaluations required that I present myself dressed as woman for an interview with one of their staff, which was to be videotaped. Since I had not transitioned, and would not have passed in public, they agreed that I could change into my feminine attire on the premises. They left me alone to change in the studio where the interview was to be taped, but soon I noticed the cameras slewing to aim at me. The bastards were taping me dressing! I complained, afterward, but they just sloughed it off. It was now becoming clear that I was
much more of a test subject to them, than a human being.
One of the final tests involved the plethysmograph. A contraption designed to measure penile response while the subject is shown various pictures. I was told not to speak, and to focus my attention on the pictures. I was surprised to find that some of them were from the session for which I had dressed as a woman. I remember little else about the test itself.

We can safely say this is not a harmless kink or something like that.

How would they like it if there daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and themselves were forced to strip naked and then get dressed for a pervert behind a mirror, to videotape it?

People who put video recording equipment in changing rooms in clothing stores end up arrested and treated as a sex offender.

Has no one in the Canadian Authorities, both the American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association, WPATH, police, etc, not figured out that the people doing the video taping, are a bunch of criminal perverts?

I find it hard to believe they have not. By not arresting and trying these perverts in a court of law, the authorities are sending out a message that it is acceptable to do whatever you want, to transsexual people. Which is exactly what CAMH, WPATH, the authorities and people who attack, rape and kill transsexual people, do.

CAMH would be shut completely and the offenders arrested immediately, if the authorities did not support treating transsexual people in such a manner.

Everyone should ask themselves, particularly those in American Pychological Association and American Psychiatric Association and WPATH.

Would it be acceptable to demand a Jewish person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand an African person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand a Chinese person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand a Japanese person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand a Muslim person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand an East European person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of their medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand a Romany person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand a disabled person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand an American Indian person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of their medical treatment?

Would it be acceptable to demand an Irish person to dress in a clinic while being videotaped, as part of there medical treatment?

In all cases the answer is no, so why it is acceptable to do so to Transsexual people?

Are transsexual people subhuman, in the eyes of the Canadian Authorities, CAMH, Toronto University, American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association and WPATH?

If you change transsexual people, to African people, Chinese people, Jewish people, Romany people, etc. There would be a very different reaction to CAMH and its activities, which are fully supported by CAMH and all members of staff, otherwise they would have went to the police a long time ago.

The behaviour of so-called clinicians in the CAMH and University of Toronto is purely in the realm of criminal behaviour. It would take a very twisted and sick mind to argue otherwise.

I think it is time we told people exactly what CAMH are, a bunch of perverts. They should not be emulating the sex offenders they are studying and imposing sexual offences onto vulnerable and misunderstood groups.

Has Zucker videotaped any of the 500 plus children that have went through CAMH, getting dressed and undressed or in any other capacity?

CAMH are the sex offenders; they are supposed to be studying, not joining.


Factual Websites on this issue

Raymond Blanchard

How Raymond Blanchard sees transsexual people.

Raymond Blanchard

Raymond Blanchard getting an award from James Fitzgerald of APA division 44. The claim was that it was for
The Gender Identity Clinic has established itself as the premier research center on gender dysphoria research and clinical care since 1968, and is celebrating its 35th year."
Most likely it was for dehumanising and degrading transsexual people. If you read the page carefully, you will see that Fitzgerald, who is gay, somehow plays with missiles at the Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron. Security clearance must be interesting.

Blanchard proposing with "ANNE THE MAN" more insane theories from the deranged.

"ANNE THE MAN", protégé of Blanchard.
Documentation in Case Number 97-05-0042MD

James Cantor. A gay man who was mentored by Blanchard, with loving care. As a matter of interest, it would be interesting to find out if Cantor and Blanchard were ever lovers or not.

Kenneth Zucker

Kurt Freund who was Blanchard's boss, who committed suicide, in 1996. He must have been psychologically of very good mind, according to CAMH/WPATH principles and well able to write theories in his state of mind.

Freund's favourite device, to use on patients.

The Clarke Institute, now CAMH. Which is funded by Canadian taxpayers to abuse transsexual people.

The war within CAMH

J. Michael Bailey, who is obviously by his name and red hair, descended from a good Irish Catholic background. The fact he associates with people who allegedly consider the Irish inferior, is a bit strange.

"Lynn Conway's Trans News Updates: The web page Zucker attempted to suppress"

"Kenneth Zucker's legal threats: Part of a pattern of silencing transgender critics"'s_pattern_of_silencing_transgender_critics.html

WPATH: World Professional Association Transgender Healthcare.

Ts Road Map

Organisation Intersex International

Articles from organisation Intersex International. Sophie makes very good reading.

Sucessful women who were once transsexual.

Sucessful men, who were once transsexual.


*sigh*... and I was considering seeing him because he seems to be the only option.
Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar


there are others but there private... should help