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Did God march in the gay pride parade?

Started by Natasha, July 02, 2009, 10:26:27 AM

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Did God march in the gay pride parade?

Speaking of the parade, yesterday I stumbled upon a couple articles posted by something called "Americans For Truth". The first article was written by Dan Musick, a Christian who was distributing anti-homosexual tracts at the parade . . . tracts titled, "I Was Gay." Musick described how another Christian activist . . . a man who had used bungee cords to hang a 4' by 6' banner displaying what Musick termed, "a model presentation of the gospel . . . loving, clear, and direct" . . . was manhandled by a "mob" of pro-gay onlookers. Musick's article didn't include what the banner said.

But right below Musick's article, was a second article describing the same incident . . . an article posted by the bungee cord man himself, a guy by the name of Joe Christopherson. "I Was Attacked By a Homosexual Mob", he begins. A bit further into the article, Christopher does tell the reader what the "loving" and "model presentation of the gospel" on his banner had to say:

Lied, Stolen, Lusted? Homosexual, Fornicator, Drunkard? Repent and call on the Lord Jesus to Escape Hell



I have to say from my perspective of having spent three years at a conservative Lutheran seminary, the statement, "Lied, Stolen, Lusted? Homosexual, Fornicator, Drunkard? Repent and call on the Lord Jesus to Escape Hell," cannot be characterized as "a model presentation of the gospel." The simple fact is there is not a single word of gospel in the entire thing. It is, rather, entirely law.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano


You'd think that at the very least god rode in a car, if not on a float.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...