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herbal enhancers

Started by jessica33, June 21, 2006, 03:40:47 PM

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Hi everyone! I am new and relize this has probbly been asked a thousand times but does anyone know of herbal breast enhancers that really work? I'm not looking for dosage info just past or present experiences.
Thanks a bunch!


Quote from: jessica33 on June 21, 2006, 03:40:47 PM
Hi everyone! I am new and relize this has probbly been asked a thousand times but does anyone know of herbal breast enhancers that really work? I'm not looking for dosage info just past or present experiences.

I researched this many years ago, and eventually came to the conclusion that NO, none of them produce noteworthy results. Sure, you'll find customer testimonials and whatnot; but no scientifically documented proof. Some of the stuff will have an estrogen-like effect, but apparently not enough to cause breast changes - at least not in non-lethal doses.

Again, I could be wrong, but that was my conclusion.


There has been a lot of discussion about that subject on here.  The conclusion is a resounding no.  Even trying is a waste of money.  If you want to view the debates, you may have to do some searching.



Save your money. They don't work. Go through the process with therapist and doctor for the real hormones if you want breasts.

MaryEllen  :)
Live for today. Tomorrow is not promised
  • skype:MaryEllen?call


No. If you are transitioning, do the real thing. These others are just capitalizing on your need, and belief that they can provide it cheaper. What they are doing is making a can of nothing but false wishes, and dreams. Only affects I have heard is weight gain and health problems like high bloodpressure and diabeties. Only growth and curves I have heard of is  from the weight gain, and you can save money by just eating more, if that is to be your method


Thanks everyone! It's to bad but now I know.
I love this site :)


Save your money for'll need it, believe me!



I have used herbal enhancers and also the perscriobed hormones. The perscribed hormones are like a rocket ship as compared to a tortise. I stopped the perscribed hormones because I was loosing the ability o become errect adn I did not want to loose that. I did like the way the prescribed Hormones changed my orgasms because on hormones the orgasms were from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Anyway I have been on the herbal helpers for about ten years adn i have had some changes. My skin is softer, I have restributed body fat. my hips are 46 my waist is 37 and I have a b cup breast. But this took several years adn I do believe the use of the perscribed hormones for 6 mosnths about 4 years ago also made a difference. Each person will react differently becasue each one of us is different in regards our hormones. I femenise easily and have no issues that require facial surgery to reduce masculine looks. I have a soft and curvey body and even as a teen I was growing breasts. So the herbals just pushed me along that route. I sort of enjoy the slow process becasue I am in a job that will disapear if I was to go 24/7 and frankly I like to be able to put a roof over my head and food ont he table. I do have many pewople who know me in both gender roles and I have taken alot of time to develop that interchangability so I can express myself. But that is another topic.


Don't waste your time with herbal enhancers.......



Quote from: zsazsa on July 30, 2006, 10:25:15 AM
I stopped the perscribed hormones because I was loosing the ability o become errect adn I did not want to loose that.

This alone makes me question your motivations.  This was one of the most desirable effects of HRT for me as well as many other transsexuals.



One of my kenpo sparring partners worked in a lab for the .gov that tested pills and drugs.  He made sure to let everyone know how dangerous many of the supplements and generic pills are to your health.  His best recommendation was to cycle them out every them months.  Plus drink a lot of water.  He said many impacted the kidneys and liver in the long run.  Not sure if that still holds today but I have always taken that to heart, with the exception of my prescribed drugs since I have a doctor regulating that.


Quote from: LostInTime on August 01, 2006, 10:58:56 AM
Plus drink a lot of water.  He said many impacted the kidneys and liver in the long run. 
yep, health comes first, what is the point on being a drop dead gorgeous dead dame ;)


  yes, there is nothing worst than an unscratched itch,  I feel that if someone has a strong desire to try something then God bless them, someone has to do the experimenting, I did my share, the worst thing is to be frozen by indecision. And that applies to not telling your doctor, why not? what is he/she gonna do, send you to your room?
  I agree with ssindysmith, got nothing to lose, just tell us how it works, inquiring minds blah blah   :)


Am reading this thread with interest
I don't know if I am misreading things here but it does seem to me that people are making posts based on their own beliefs & convictions, rather than on actual evidence?   So herbal enhancers have no benefit whatsoever?  None at all?  That just strikes me as not really correct (bearing in mind I have no evidence one way or another).
It just seems to me that what zsazsa said is more reasonble - that there would be an effect though weak, especially when compared to prescribed hormones.

And Melissa, why are you questioning zsazsa's motives?  There is a broad range of objectives & desires here.  I have desires & leanings, but I have no intention & desire to lose the ability to function as a man.  I think zsazsa has a valid point of view here.  One of many I hasten to add :)


Cindi Jones

My doctor recommended an herbal supplement to help me with the artificial menopause I am going through.  I've had frequent night sweats which are very uncomfortable and disturbing. She has recommended that I do not take estrogens any more due to potential conflicts with the medicines I'm taking for diabetes.

I've taken the supplements for a couple of years.  I don't know that they have helped much.  But the night sweats have finally subsided and I no longer take them.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Yeah, I'm glad someone posted about this, because on the other end of the spectrum I've seen some ads for testosterone enhancers, and wondered if they might help me until I have the money for T therapy. It's not a matter of my being afraid of transitioning, it's that I'm dirt poor. Anybody heard anything about those?

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

Check out my blog at


herbal enhancers, transfemme pills, ED tablets, hair-growth medication....*giggles*   you will probably get much better results going to a witch doctor and have him/her perform a spell for you using a pegasus tooth and the tail of a mermaid! >:D

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


I could cast that spell!! lol Seriously though, I ran a health food store for 5 years and there are many breat-enhancingsupplements out there on the market. All of them have only minor effects, even if you are a GG. The deal is that all of the estrogen levels are too low to have any real effects, The standards for herbal supplement and the RDA (reccomended daily allowance) haven't been changed scince 1933. So, I wouldn't waste my money on those. However, Rafe, there are natural testosterones that body builders take to boost their T levels during training that would have a much better impact on you. However, I do stress caution where use of supplements is being considered.



Yeah, I'm glad someone posted about this, because on the other end of the spectrum I've seen some ads for testosterone enhancers, and wondered if they might help me until I have the money for T therapy. It's not a matter of my being afraid of transitioning, it's that I'm dirt poor. Anybody heard anything about those?

heard of?  oh my yes.
asked or looked for?  no.

good luck to ya.
take acre


Quote from: Rafe on August 04, 2006, 05:54:11 PM
Yeah, I'm glad someone posted about this, because on the other end of the spectrum I've seen some ads for testosterone enhancers, and wondered if they might help me until I have the money for T therapy. It's not a matter of my being afraid of transitioning, it's that I'm dirt poor. Anybody heard anything about those?


Rafe, if you're poor, you'd be better off saving the money you'd put towards this snake oil and putting it toward transition. You'd get there sooner. They won't make enough difference to you, particularly if you give it a dollar for value figure.

The best T-enhancer is exercise. Low body fat and high muscle mass. If you work toward that before you start T, you'll benefit from it much more than otherwise.
