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Very sick now, with little warning :(

Started by findingreason, November 13, 2009, 04:40:34 AM

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So I was just getting over a regular run of the mill head cold....nothing major. Feeling pretty well except for a minor cough earlier today. No biggie.

Now....I've been up all night, and can't sleep cause I now have a severe almost nonstop bronchial cough (with occasional minutes of quiet), body aches, chills, extremely bad fatigue, can't think straight at all, and may be running a fever (unsure of that one). My vision seems uncoordinated, I'd be sleep right now if I could, but unfortunately the uncontrollable cough is not letting me. I'm also feeling shaky a bit too, and not the best balance possibly. I took max strength cough stuff and what not, and it has done NOTHING for it. I think I may be calling class off today.....I hate sick season ><; I wanna sleep SOO BAD right now but cannot. :(

Plus adding in my earlier horrid emotional position that didn't help....

Any thoughts? I'm thinking it's either a flu or maybe swine flu finally found me, but I cannot say for sure.


The None Blonde

Sounds like regular old flu... spend a few days in bed...  As long as you haven't broken out in rashers, think yourself lucky its the weekend :)

Dana Lane

I am just recovering from this same thing. It sucks. You cough so hard it makes your stomach muscles hurt.

Going to the doctor to get antibiotics would be your best bet. Other than that get mucinex 12 hour expectorant and also get some Emergen-C to help strengthen your immune system.
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


Yeah....I'm beginning to hurt in the stomach area from it and everywhere else, my neck hurting too ><

Yeah, I'm using the Mucinex DM max-strength 12-hour and it don't help :(

But if it's a virus antibiotics can't do much for it >< I'll be seeing the doc today anyway for this.



go to bed early, drink plenty of fluids, make sure you eat some foodstuffs too, and just ride it out.
If you get a fever, then an over the counter painkiller can knock it down a few pegs and clear your head a bit.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Still getting over something I got Oct 18th. The cought just keeps lingering.

The None Blonde

Don't bother going to the doctor... it will only expose your overstretched imune system to more bugs... Flu is a virus, and antibiotics are designed to work on bacteria... They have no viral effecacy.


The doctor yesterday thinks it's bronchitis that I have, however I wonder if there's something more attached to it. I ended up throwing up yesterday from mucus pressure in my throat, and had a couple dry heaves since. Adding to it, I've got fairly bad diarrhea too, runny nose, now a really horrid headache (sharp pains above my ears that are preventing me from sleeping), but the good news is the cough stuff the doc prescribed it helped a LOT, it took the cough down significantly. I've also got a fever, my brain is dead, and unfortunately I live only in a single dorm, so now one is there to directly help me. I don't know what the heck to do, cause right now I just feel like absolute crap.

Adding on, I also was with some friends at a gay club earlier this week, and unexpectedly the decided to have me come up to stage and I got kissed by the drag queen.... I hope none of how I feel now has to do with that >< (catching some sort of virus and all)
