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Congregation embraces transgender minister as his secret is revealed

Started by Natasha, August 31, 2009, 09:35:33 AM

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Congregation embraces transgender minister as his secret is revealed
Christine Mcfadden

He told them that in 1984, just nine years after undergoing extensive sex-reassignment surgeries, he was ordained by the Methodist Church without telling anyone of his original gender at birth.

Following his story, the congregation, who had remained silent throughout his talk, broke into thunderous applause. Church members then proclaimed their support for their pastor.


Julie Marie

Here's another article

The slide show included also speaks well for the minister.  Maybe the UMC will open their eyes.

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Interesting that the comments were all supportive.

The article from the Virtue Online article about "Guess who's coming to Lunch" there were some very derisive comments.  Much along the same lame statements of "God made you that way, you should stay that way" and "You can't change your DNA so you'll always be a man".  And the most strident and ugly statements coming from a minister!  To quote the bard: "Methinks he doth protesteth too muchly."

Just an interesting trend I seem to sense.  If the person is FTM then they are more easily accepted in mainstream society.  But if they are MTF they are considered perverts and should be kept away from the children.  And just hear the hue and cry if that person is a *teacher*!

I am very happy for him.  And I truly hope that his acceptance will lead the way for others to serve and minister as is their calling and not have to concern themselves with gender.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


Wonderful article. I was most impressed with the response of the congregation. Very supportive. I pray that his ministry will reach even more people.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)


Shana A

The Rev. David Weekley: Methodist minister comes out as transsexual man
August 31, 7:29 AM
Matt Kailey

In the early 1970s, David Weekley began his transition from female to male. And in 1982, he began the process of becoming a Methodist minister.

For 27 years, Weekley, now 58, married, and the father of five adult children, did not reveal his trans status to the church or to his congregations. But on August 30, he finally told his congregation at Epworth United Methodist Church in Oregon that he had been born female with a male gender identity and had transitioned decades ago.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



An example like this will do more to change hearts, one at a time, than all of the name calling and ranting could ever hope to accomplish.

Serve well and be blessed, David!
