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Our Parents acceptance/Post living f/t other than our birth sex

Started by juliekins, August 10, 2009, 11:58:16 AM

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For those who are now living fullt time, what is the level of your parents acceptance?

About 100% ( use of proper name, pronouns, still will see me, accept my phone calls etc)
Maybe 75% (accept my visits and phone calls, but goof up on the name and pronouns unintentionally)
50-50 at best (don't get the name/pronouns right maybe on purpose, and sometimes don't wish to see me or slow to return phone calls)
Low Acceptance/Tolerance 25%(they refuse to try and use my new name, use old pronouns, seldom if ever will see me or call me. Seems like I have to call them)
Intolerance0-20%(I'm not allowed to see them, and they will barely if ever talk to me even on the phone. Losing contact almost completely)
Parents deceased


I've been very surprised at my parents reaction since I've come out. Not what I would have expected from a very close relationship prior to outing myself.(talk on the phone every week or two, and seeing them in person every month). My poll assumes that your parent(s) are alive, or else answer how they were treating you prior to their death)

BTW, I came out 3 years ago to them, got them to see my gender therapist for a good long session, then I took another two years to go f/t to "give them time". They are Catholic and believe that God makes us one way and that we should abide by that. (especially since I have children) After the gender session, they said that they would follow my lead etc.

Well, now after being f/t about a year and a half, and now post-op, my mom has refused to talk to me or see me now completely. My dad I've seen only once last X-Mas. He will take my calls by cell phone only, so that I don't have a chance to talk to my mom on the phone. I'm very hurt and disappointed by the inability to barely try and cope with my change. My dad still views it only as a "lifestyle" choice. Here I am so very happy, in a wonderful relationship with a woman I'd like to marry, yet I've pretty much lost my parents. Where are the rest of you with you parents?
"I don't need your acceptance, just your love"


I'm not sure which to pick here..
My mom's fully accepting, even if she fudges up on the pronouns every once in a while, but daddy dearest is.. well.. a little dense. (though I do suspect he's coming around.. he "did" refer to me in the masculine once the other day)

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche

Julie Marie

Dad is passed.  Mom says she accepts me but has a tough time with names and pronouns.  Also isn't quick to call me her daughter.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


I choose 75%, but it's somewhere between 75-100%.  My parents are divorced.

Dad is very accepting, see's me as his daughter, uses the right pronouns and names (currently living with him), but sometimes he will slip up by accident, only when he's tired though, and he's quick to correct himself when he does make a mistake.

Mom is another story.  We still visit and she still calls, but she refuses to call me by the right name, or use the right pronouns, and still sees me as her son, even though I've been FT for about 2 yrs, and out for 2 1/2 yrs.  She still loves me, and wants me to be happy, and that won't change.  She just can't accept it.


Parents call as often as ever, meaning rarely. Acceptance is 0.


I only have my mom and she has been increddible. I thought for sure our relationship would be over as she freeaked out when I cam out as a lesbian. She says this is easier to deal with (interesting). I now talk to her weekly and think of her often.
Lost a brother gained a mom.
On a computer with out the spell check function here and 5 hours post Op so forgive the spelling.
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


Both are gone now, but I know that Dad would not want anything to do with me if I transitioned while he was alive, and he did know and said so. Mom, I think knew because of the way she raised me, but she never said..



100 % for me too. Dad took a while with pronouns, but never the name. They knew for about a year before I went full time. Whole family's been great actually, guess I'm a bit lucky.


My father is deceased. I don't know what his reaction would be. My brother and his family haven't spoken to me or stood in a room with me since they found out I was transitioning, five years ago. The last time I saw them, my SIL and my two grown nieces all acted like I'd flown in from the moon just because I had dyed my hair red. So forget them understanding anything else.

My mother has been very dicey about it, but she asked me to help her move out of her condo, so I went. A neighbor dropped by and my mom wouldn't introduce me, so I finally had introduce myself, which I did by first name. As I was tending to soemthing nearby, the neighbor asked my mother if i was "that girl who comes and helps you out sometimes." My mom said yes. I'll never forget that she let a frigging neighbor think I was the hired help and not her daughter. I've never seen my mom since that day. She says, oh, I miss you, and I think, like hell.


My mum 100% accepts me and she very rarely messes up with pronouns but...

My dad doesn't at all, he refuses to see me or talk to me on the phone...mum says he might come around but I doubt it...