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The spin of god - is it good? Going against is it evil?

Started by Nicky, September 10, 2009, 10:50:17 PM

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I've just been thinking that what if the christian god exsisted and what if a lot of churches preach about gays and transgendered being sinners was actually spot on?

Would you then say the word of god is a bad thing or would you accept that and try to do better?  I think I would jump the fence to being anti god.

Actually even if you could prove now that god existed and I believed it I think I would be in the against god camp. That is not to say I would consider myself evil. I just don't think this christian god is a particulalry good one. I would say it is an evil thing, a blight on humanity, it has set us up to fail. An omnipotent being would certainly known from the start we would eat the fruit of knowledge, it is just a big game.

I wonder how one would go about waring with god when you don't believe in war, or violence? Perhaps faith against god would be weapon enough?


You don't war against god. We're like rats in a maze, we can never win. I agree with you.



I think Jesus said it best, you will know them by their fruits. Look at the teachings directly attributed to Jesus, everything else is suspect. Your heart will tell you this is true, and that isn't. The same goes for all religions. They all have good things to teach us. But they all contain bad as well. You just have to filter it out. There are spiritual messages everywhere, you just have to open your eyes and see them.

When I fought against accepting my transsexuality, when I fought to suppress my true gender,  I felt emotional, mental, and spiritual anguish. When I accept myself, I am contented. I think that speaks volumes.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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Alyssa M.

I think this starts to get into the kind of counterfactuals that don't make sense anymore. The conservative preachers are simply wrong, and you can't make wrong be right any more than you can make two plus two be five. The fact that you end up in a nasty tangle is evidence of the wrongness of the your conservative preacher.

As to your problem with the Problem of Evil, well, you know you're not the first person to struggle with that one. You might find more interesting responses throughout millenia of great thinkers cracking that tough little nut than you'll get from a bunch of random people on the Internet.
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


IMO being a spiritual person who does good and wishes good upon others is a good thing. But organized religion is a deceptive evil that parades the word of god and then contradicts it.
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


There was an old heresy, and it annoys me that I can never remember whose it was, that said we've all been duped ... specifically that God and Satan both exist but due to the manipulation of the prince of lies, we've all been tricked into worshipping the wrong one.

Think about it - God has been a lot more prominent a character than the other (indeed most of the other we only hear about from words of the former).  One has a classic best-selling book, the other does not (outside of the movies). One can be jealous and warlike, the other one seems strangely and smugly quiet.

The inversion heresy proposes that "God" has artfully manipulated human belief and dogma - laughing himself silly as those dumb humans murder each other over whose beliefs are right.  Oh yes, and throw in flesh-eating, blood drinking, robes & candles...and an effigy of someone being tortured to death as a symbol of worship.  Meanwhile, the "real" god is just quietly in the background, welcoming the truly righteous who didn't get mired in all that BS to come to him.

It's a helluva plot twist, innit? :)


Quote from: Susan on September 11, 2009, 02:09:08 AM

When I fought against accepting my transsexuality, when I fought to suppress my true gender,  I felt emotional, mental, and spiritual anguish. When I accept myself, I am contented. I think that speaks volumes.

Truer words have not been spoken.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


What a fantastic idea Firewine, I like it. I'm going to do some digging on it.

"the devil,
the devil inside,
every single one of us
the devil inside"

Me and my own spiritual being have existed together as natural as breathing - which is to say I don't pay much attention to it. The trick is to wonder if it is even there at all, and then get on with your day regardless. It likes to eat my food though, chicken soup for the soul.

Alicia Marie

Over the last 30 years or so I have noticed a very drastic change in what is being preached in churches.
The original gospel that I grew up believing was that Jesus Christ made a way for sinful man to come unto and dwell with a holy God. That hope was of something better to come after they put off the tabernacle.
When the Christians who received the original gospel spoken of in Jude were hung on crosses and used for human torches I doubt worldly gain, living the good life now, divine healing or whether or not they were transgendered really mattered.
The Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.
I personally think that when they knew within minutes they would face the most important moment of their life, salvation and faith meant more than the latest book about the 7 keys to success.
Most churches appear to have become a greater hindrance than a help in assisting babes in Christ to grow spiritually.
But, that's just my opinion,


"An omnipotent being would certainly known from the start
we would eat the fruit of knowledge, it is just a big game."

"When I accept myself, I am contented. I think that speaks volumes."

As with all texts of history, the Bible is filled with human flaws
and omission but in it, there is an interweaving of truth. I have found a
portion of that truth in the story of creation. According to scripture, our flesh
is a vessel (a diving suit, if you will) containing our spirits. In the story of creation
the "clay" used to create the human form was devoid of life until an omnipotent being,
imparted into it, a portion of itself, with "The Breath of Life". Again we see the same
thing in the story of the conception of "The Son of GOD". An omnipotent being
imparts into a fetus, a portion of itself, as much as that "vessel" could contain
and the resultant child was referred to as being "Emmanuel" meaning God with us.
All and everything is a portion of this "Creative Spiritual Being" and that "all"
includes "Satan". By extension in my belief "Satan" is "God". This is the
knowledge that was gained when the fruit was "eaten", the fruit of the
tree, of the knowledge of good and evil. With this knowledge humanity
also became aware of who they were, a portion of the "I Am" and a
part of an experiment in creation, a big game. When "WE" become
aware that we are all, every one of us, part of the "I Am",
that is when we are able to find peace.

"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers