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Lies to your therapist/Dr

Started by stephanie_craxford, July 20, 2006, 01:26:59 PM

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Have you or would you lie to your therapist/Dr?  Not just embelishments but straight out lied.

61 (73.5%)
7 (8.4%)
Yes to get letter
0 (0%)
Yes to get HRT
5 (6%)
Maybe to get letter
5 (6%)
Maybe to get HRT
5 (6%)

Total Members Voted: 42


Quote from: Nero on July 20, 2006, 08:03:05 PM
Well, for some of us who are a bit, shall we say, uncoventional, there is a lot to lie about, or rather, omit.
I mean, I can really see a therapist rushing to give consent for hormones after she hears that I love my p****.

This cracked me up. I read that last word as "penis" and wondered what the heck you were talking about, Nero. Then I figured it out. Duh.

It all goes back to the way I perceive you. I guess, despite my best efforts, I've been socialized to equate masculinity/maleness with penises. Sigh.

On another note, one of the big reasons I didn't seek counseling when I first came out as TG--other than the fact that I had been burned a couple of times in therapy and had sworn off it for life!--was that in those days a lot of therapists (perhaps most) were still operating under some rather draconian views having to do with childhood molestation, gay FTMs, and people who didn't necessarily want to go "all the way" with surgeries.

I was molested as a child, I liked men exclusively, and I was pretty sure I didn't want anyone monkeying around with my genitals, especially in those days when the state of the art was quite a bit more primitive than it is now. If I had gone into therapy then, I probably would have had to lie at every damn session. Literally.

I think it's wonderful and miraculous that I am transitioning--finally. And that I was able to find a therapist that I don't have to lie to.

But I haven't yet told my GP that I'm gay. That's next on my list of things to do.
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


To be perfectly honest, I might.
I might... omit certain things, stretch certain other things, reduce other things, try and get the T sooner than in a year...
Actually, I think it's near certain that I will.
I just, can't cope this way much longer.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I lied to my therapist at first. I fed him the standard "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body" line so that he would give me a referral for HRT, when in fact, I am an androgyne who identifies as both male and female (sometimes neither) and I have never truly felt that way at all. I simply knew that if I told the truth I would not get the hormones.

BTW, that was nearly 12 years ago, I am still on HRT, it has helped improve the quality of my life tremendously, and I have never had any regrets whatsoever about lying to my therapist in order to accomplish my goals. And yes, I did eventually come clean and tell him the truth.
ƃuoɹʍ llɐ ʇno əɯɐɔ ʇɐɥʇ


yup, I lied. I told my phsychologist I was out at work and had been for a long time.
A whole year RLE is just far too much to ask of someone who's "obviously female", if not on first sight then as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I lied to my first psychiatrist, sorta. I presented a really strong, confident air because I wanted him to prescribe for me, when I was anything but...because I felt like it had taken longer then I wanted to get the referral from my regular therapist to see him because I had been honest with her. I left with my scripts, but also feeling very, very alone. Friday I met a new one, someone to whom I didn't have to explain what the word Transexual meant before we could talk, and I didn't hold anything back. What's she going to do, take my hrt? Like hell.

There's something to be said for both sides, on the one hand the hoop jumping is silly for some, but necessary for others so what can we say? We are paying these people to care, why not give them the right information so they can care for the real person and not some made up individual? I'm not sure that it's possible to even imagine how hard this stuff is until you do it, and how quickly our male constructed, testosterone reinforced walls come tumbling down. I would think it would be worth it to have someone there who can see what's happening to the real you, not just some narrative you gave them.

Ms Bev

I said no.
Hell.......I haven't even been to my, or any therapist in over a year.
I might go back for a 'tune up'..........mostly age-related crap.

1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


Quote from: Becca on September 13, 2009, 12:32:28 PM
There's something to be said for both sides, on the one hand the hoop jumping is silly for some, but necessary for others so what can we say?

That's the reason I have by omission.  I spent over a decade trying to convince myself I wasn't TG/TS and couldn't possibly transition for reason of those differences from the standard story and was miserable for it, so when I was in a position where I believed that bringing that up would leave me where I'd been I wasn't very inclined to mention it.