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The Secret Universal Attraction's Law

Started by bigbreastlover4269, September 08, 2009, 03:54:55 PM

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Hi Ladies.... and Gentlemen.

Big Lover here, and had something on my mind that I wanted to share. Some of you may or may not be aware of this spiritual belief but it's called... "The Secret". You can YouTube it for the movie or get a copy of the book at a library.

Anyway, b/s aside. I was thinking, since we can attact what we think and feel about to our being, and QUOTE in the Secret "NO MATTER HOW IMPOSSIBLE" it seems, we can have ANYTHING we want. I can't ask, "Does it involve our gender bodies?" because I'm 50% sure you can! Which is why I asked the Universe to make me into my ideal female for in my next life.

Okay, God made us all "Thy Will be Done" but WE are the co-creators of our existance. I've laid it all out, my perfect body, the type of home I want to live in, the schools I attend, I've got almost everything down I want out of my perfect life. But then again, I in a way am 10% we can even get our perfect bodies in THIS life and no I don't mean surgery and all, because i can't go though GCS and get my perfect figure.

We are not to judge "how" things are going to happen. It's the Universe's job to handle the "Hows" of things.

Just something i've been thinking about for a while.


All I can say is Be Careful What You Wish For. If you ask the Universe for lemonade, there is a better than even chance you will get a pile of lemons dumped on your head. That's because the Universe will often take the shortest route (path of least resistance) to bring you what you want. So, if you're ready to create lemonade, be ready for the lemons. Just sayin'.
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


I have an ex-friend who feverently believes in this hooey, watches the movie every day.  She lives off charity and sex toys.
It's easier to change your sex and gender in Iran, than it is in the United States.  Way easier.

Please read my novel, Dragonfly and the Pack of Three, available on Amazon - and encourage your local library to buy it too! We need realistic portrayals of trans people in literature, for all our sakes


Hey it worked for the people who wrote the book lol
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


QuoteWe are not to judge "how" things are going to happen. It's the Universe's job to handle the "Hows" of things.

How things happen gives you a clue of how to make your desires come true. No Plan, no action, no success.


Quote from: lisagurl on September 08, 2009, 05:30:21 PM
How things happen gives you a clue of how to make your desires come true. No Plan, no action, no success.

Not true.

The Universe has 1000X knowledge than man and doesn;t need our help manfiesting the things we ask for.

I know I'm getting my laptop this fall and I don't have to lift a finger for it! :P


I haven't looked it up and I'm not going to bother, I think I'm getting a fair picture of the idea from the context. As anyone who has ever practiced witchcraft or any other denomination of magick knows it's quite possible to tilt probabilities in your favor, but nothing is free. It's really best to leave it alone and get what you need through hard work and sacrifice. Your'e talking about forces of nature, and mucking about with that doesn't usually end well. That's just my uninformed two cents, take it or leave it.


If the secret worked like the books claim, then everyone would be having millions of dollars just by daydreaming of it.  The fact that you don't have millions of dollars just appearing out of thin air is proof enough that "The Secret" doesn't really work.

What does work is intent.  If you have a strong enough desire to create something, you will find a way to create it.  But daydreaming about it is usually not the method employed.  Focused contemplation is the method to use.

You probably could change your body... iff you focused on it hard enough.  Then again, you could probably heal the blind, and walk on water too.  But I have high doubts that these things are as easy as thinking happy thoughts.  I have high doubts because I've been working on developing such abilities for years, and I've had much more failure than success.

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but I have to call truth where truth demands it.  If you think you are going to get a female body by daydreaming about it, there's a very high chance that it isn't going to happen.  The odds against you are astronomical.

There might be a way to mutate the body with the mind, but The Secret is a woefully inadequate method.  Some of the greatest occult minds have attempted such a task and come up emptyhanded.  If it were as easy as thinking happy thoughts, I'd think someone would have found it by now.

Also, The Secret is trash.  The author just copied everything Wallace Wattles wrote, but threw out all the theoretical analysis.  It's popular nowadays to make watered down versions of century old books and sell them in New Age shops.  If you want something to make you feel good and think you are God, those books are a dime a dozen.

If you really want to try this method, get the Wattles articles.  Then at least you'll start with something which was actually researched to some extent, instead of some wild fairytale.

The Secret makes the opposite mistake of scientific materialism.  Materialism states that everything in the universe can be explained through the interaction of matter.  The Secret proposes that everything can be explained through consciousness.  The reality is that we exist as both matter and consciousness.  If you neglect one, chances are you are only going to be half as effective at creating your life.
"The cake is a lie."


You guys make me feel so unappriciated. Especially you, VeryGnawty! I try to help people acquire ANYTHING get what they truley wasnt in life and you wanna go and screw it up saying, "NO THAT DOESN"T WORK!" when it actually does."

It's not "daydreaming". Ask God, ONCE, know that He just said yes, now let Him do the rest of the work from there. No, I don't have my dream body but I used this before several times and worked for me.


Quote from: BigLover on September 08, 2009, 08:09:17 PM
You guys make me feel so unappriciated. Especially you, VeryGnawty!

On the contrary, I appeciate what you are trying to do.  But my suggestion still remains to do a little research first.

QuoteI try to help people acquire ANYTHING get what they truley wasnt in life and you wanna go and screw it up saying, "NO THAT DOESN"T WORK!" when it actually does."

I have one simple position when it comes to miraculous claims:  prove it.  Think you can walk on water?  Prove it.  Can you make millions of dollars suddenly appear out of nowhere?  Prove it.  Change every cell in your body just by thinking about it?  Prove it.

When the day is done and it all comes down to it, it doesn't matter how much you think something is going to happen.  The proof is in the results.  You can imagine that you are a marathon runner in your mind all you want, but that isn't the same as chugging it for thirty miles.

I was once like you.  I tried to sit back and let God do all the work.  What I learned was that God is a very lazy person.  If you want anything done in life, you've got to do it yourself.  If there is an easier method, then by all means prove it.  I've been waiting for a long time for my life to become easier, but it only becomes more complicated every day.
"The cake is a lie."


Quote from: VeryGnawty on September 08, 2009, 09:12:20 PMI was once like you.  I tried to sit back and let God do all the work.  What I learned was that God is a very lazy person.  If you want anything done in life, you've got to do it yourself.  If there is an easier method, then by all means prove it.  I've been waiting for a long time for my life to become easier, but it only becomes more complicated every day.

Those would be the lemons I referred to earlier. Sure you can have lemonade, but you gotta make it yourself out of what's handed to you in life. Since you can't make lemonade without lemons, the Universe has obliged you with lots of them. It does no good to sit around complaining about all the damn lemons, you gotta make the lemonade yourself. Sorry to use such a tired analogy, but it's one that is simple to understand.

So just because you can have it doesn't mean you're going to have it handed to you, complete, all wrapped up with a little bow. You still have to work for it. In fact, you don't know at all how you're going to get it handed to you. The difference is, you know what your intent was, so you have to have faith (read: hope like hell) that the particular lemons you've been handed are going to be what you need to make the lemonade you asked for. It's like the guy who kept praying to God to win the lottery- day after day he prayed, yet no lottery was forthcoming. Finally he asked, "God, I prayed and prayed, yet you haven't let me win the lottery!" Then God answered, "work with me here, will ya? Buy a ticket."

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Quote from: Becca on September 08, 2009, 06:41:17 PMit's quite possible to tilt probabilities in your favor, but nothing is free.

That would be the core of my reply actually.

Quote from: BigLoverYou guys make me feel so unappriciated. Especially you, VeryGnawty! I try to help people acquire ANYTHING get what they truley wasnt in life and you wanna go and screw it up saying, "NO THAT DOESN"T WORK!" when it actually does."

I'm sorry if it makes you feel unappreciated, but the truth is, if the world would simply hand you what you want as long as you ask for it, we'd all be far better off than what we are now.
The Secret does not work. It feels like it works to everyone who truly believe in it because that's how the human mind works. We see things that affirm our beliefs and we don't see things that don't affirm our beliefs. We remember the things that are evidence that we're right, and we forget the things that indicate that we're not right. It's just the way the mind works.
How many things have you asked the world for that you haven't received? How do you really know you got the count right? Did you write everything down?
Our minds are not like books. The information in a book doesn't change, doesn't shift around, you can put the book down for a year and the next time you pick it up the text on the page is unchanged.
Our memories change. The information shifts. If think back to the day exactly one year ago, can you remember what you had for breakfast that morning? at what time? what you were wearing? etc, etc, etc..

This is relevant.
Just because there are a lot of people who're sure that the secret works, doesn't make it factually true.
There is far more factual evidence that suggests it doesn't work than suggests it does (and anecdotes do not count as factual evidence).

It's not that people aren't thankful for the positive suggestion/advice, it's just that even if you mean well and even if the advice is "positive", doesn't mean that it's actually "good" advice.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


What I learned was that God is a very lazy person.  If you want anything done in life, you've got to do it yoursel

Amen to that.  Or, as the old saying goes: The good lord helps them what's helps themselves.

Certainly, such techniques like visualization do have an important role to play, and the mind set on things can help bring those things to reality, but alone, it don't do much or else all those people daydreaming on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park would be rock stars or something.

There is much to be said for 'attraction' - its an old rule of show biz that 'if you want to be famous, hang out with famous people.'  Some people will just assume that you are famous too, and that's a start at least.  I know that if you hang out with lucky people, it seems like you get a bit luckier, and if you are hanging out with unlucky people, you're luck will change for the worse.

To the degree that keeping your mind focused on the changes you want to bring about helps spur you into action, its good.  If its just wishful thinking...

If wishes were horses
Beggars would ride:
If turnips were watches
I would wear one by my side.

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


"I know I'm getting my laptop this fall and I don't have to lift a finger for it! "

Sounds like a plan.


One of the thing that really bugs me about the secret is that it suggests (in the movie) that we only use 5% of our brain.
Which isn't false, strictly speaking, but it's highly misleading. Yes we only use a small portion of our brain at a time.
It's like muscles, you don't use all your muscles at the same time, you can't bend and straighten your knee at the exact same moment, but in the span of a week, if not a day, you use every muscle at least once (or almost every).
Same thing with the brain, just cause you're not using 100% of it, every given moment, doesn't mean there's 95% of it laying around waiting for you to activate it so you can get superpowers.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


"Same thing with the brain, just cause you're not using 100% of it, every given moment, doesn't mean there's 95% of it laying around waiting for you to activate it so you can get superpowers."

Some new scientists and philosophers like Alva Noe are looking at consciousness from a different angle. Perhaps the larger thinking forces are outside the skull.


Quote from: tekla on September 09, 2009, 01:02:37 PM
Certainly, such techniques like visualization do have an important role to play, and the mind set on things can help bring those things to reality, but alone, it don't do much or else all those people daydreaming on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park would be rock stars or something.

That is the exact problem with The Secret.  It neglects action.

That's like teaching someone how to psych themselves up for a race, and then telling them that they can just stand around at the starting line and still win.  The fact that you taught them how to race is negated by your convincing them that they could be a winner without even entering the race.

State of mind is important, but only to the extent that it is used to discover and implement methods of creation.  People can dream all they want of new computers falling into their lap.  But the fact remains that the best way to get a new computer is a buy a damn computer.
"The cake is a lie."


Awakening Consciousness

It is known by science that there are infinite potentialities within quantum realities or dimensions. We exist in a realm where we can only have any concept of infinity is when the mind is stilled, one heart beat at a time in the void where the conscious mind is between the wakeful and the sleep state. And even in the sleep state the mind is never completely at rest or void of mental activity.

So as we plod along on the path of life we learn and we grow as we learn and are taught as to what others believe to be correct to their understanding of the world around them Then the time comes where we are left on our own to learn from our own experiences in life.

I believe that growth and lessons learned through experience in this reality also helps us to understand our inner spiritual selves as well. These lessons are not obtained easily, but I believe that growth and learning by trial and error is all part of the conscious awakening and the coming ascension.

How many realities and how many lifetimes, or how many suits of flesh, must our spiritual being inhabit in order to grow and evolve to its full potential within the infinite consciousness? How many lives have we lived since the seed of this universe came into being?

I believe that the seed of life, sentient life everywhere in universe was planted into the fertile soils of a plethora of planets not just in this universe but in the multiverses as well.

So what are dreams born from? Where does a thought originate from? What is the difference between imagination and fantasy? Where does reality disembark from being a dream, to being a reality? And how are these thoughts formed to create these dreams that will be manifested into reality?

Can you imagine all the lifetime memories a soul could potentially contain, from the instant when the seed of this universe came into being, until now? Time, space, and distance itself is an illusion. Past, present, and future exist simultaneously within the Oneness of all that exists.
