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What comes next?

Started by Terra, October 25, 2009, 11:00:02 PM

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Maybe others can relate to this quick little tale. I was walking home from work when I passd two guys passing out fliers for a christian rock group. I turned it down because christian music has never appealed to me, even less so after becoming a Wiccan. I told him as much when he asked me if I didn't like christian music, and usually guys like this either just step aside or turn up their nose and step aside.

Maybe he was trying to convert me, but we ended up debating and talking about our religions and some of the ways they match up and differ. He seemed surprised at the rules we follow and how in the end actually wasn't terribly different from Christianity the same ways Islam and Judaism are. But during this talk he asked me about what comes after. In particular in how the guilty are punished or what we look forward to when we die. Or even what the meaning of life is, well the meaning to being a good person.

I told him that the Gods decide the fate of those who would harm others. We arn't here to judge one another but to help each other grow. In fact that with the concept of reincarnation that each life we live is meant for us to learn and grow stronger in spirit. To answer his question of Hitler's point of life I suggested that perhaps his next life was harder. Perhaps he came back as a Jewish girl. Just because there is no Hell does not mean that the gods let those who hurt others get off free.

But as to the point of it all? He didn't like the question directed back as to what purpose Heaven served. Yes its a utopia, but what else? My grandmother always said the day you stop learning is the day you die, so if you stop growing from experience and such what point is a utopia? I'm not sure if I handled this guy right, as i'm still rather new to all this as well. So what do you all out there think of this conversation?
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


You did well, Terra.  No arguments or shouting, just started the facts of yours and my beliefs.

Blessed Be Dear Sister,



You have done a ton better than I have in the past. I was trained as a child on a fast track to Elder in the Jehova's Witnesses. I know my scripture. When I encountered the last christian that tried to convert me I pointed out again and again how mysoginist his religion was by referanceing the bible he was carrying. After the perfect moment came I said to him that the Goddess had sent him to me so he could hear the real truth of spirit.
He got mader and mader by the time I was done he was purple and on the edge of rage, his friend had to interfere and get the guy to leave.

I never miss an oportunity to flip it on them. They do not have the only God that wants more worshipers lol. We could use a few more million of us so we can start geting brave enough to build temples near all the citys.

just sayin'
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'