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Started by tammygirluk, July 15, 2005, 03:13:18 PM

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I cant stay on here long.

My mum found out i cross dress now shes very upset she wont talk to me and before she stopped talking to me there was a big fight.My dad doesnt want me to do it any more just to please my mum but i cant give it up i just cant.


Ultimately you have to be who you are, regardless if anyone else on the planet accepts you or not, I think.
The trick, I think, is to learn how to make everyone else and yourself happy. I hazard to guess in your case your best bet is to be patient and concentrate on standing on your own two feet financially so when you have the opportunity to live your life in the way that you choose you will have the means to do so.

Hang in there Tammy, eventually things should get better.


Hi Tammy,

As someone that's been going through a really rough time with family acceptance (much less any open level of communication at all from many) since I finally "came out" into the world for the first time last year, I can only hope that things will begin to eventually improve for you.

Not knowing your age, but guessing you are still fairly young, it can present some pretty challenging problems, having to still live at home and dealing with being under their "rules and regulations"... 
As your parents, it sounds like they still rightly feel that they are entitled to enforce or reinforce their feelings and preferences about your life, to whatever degree they feel is appropriate, based on their own personal feelings, prior lifestyles, personal, family, and religious influences, level of acceptance, information, and opemindedness and awareness of what else is actually going on in the real world around them, whether they like it or not....

Unfortunately though, at this moment, this apparently isnt allowing for you to have your real freedom of expression, much less understanding and acceptance that you would probably most dearly love and like to get from them...

Have you begun to clearly identify where you think you will eventually find yourself most comfortable in the gender spectrum ? and if so, is getting any professional support or other counseling to help you get through all of this, available to you in any way at all ?

How soon could you possibly begin to move towards independance so that you will have the chance to control your own personal actions and feelings more without direct interference or constant hiding from them ? If this is not a possibility for quite awhile, then you must find ways to compromise to keep what little peace with them that you may have, until you have the independance and assistance to make your desires a more fearless reality...

A lot also depends on your personal history with your parents and what your relationship to both of them was like before all this came to their attention.
Do you (or did you) have fairly good, loving, and positive relations with fairly open communications with them ?
Have they ever shown the willingness and ability to take you seriously as a person, with your own valid and valuable thoughts, feelings , concepts, and views of the world as you have begun to get older and start growing up ? If so, how can you use that to your advantage in trying to begin communicating a little with them about this in a manner which wont cause a total meltdown ? You know them best, so only you would know that....

Is that level of communication with these parents even possible for you, or are they potentially completely close-minded to you on these personal levels ? It sounds like they may be, but they may also just need some more time to absorb and begin to process what they are dealing with.

Are there times and places you can go to still be as you would like to be ? Do any of your friends know, and if so, are they willing to help give you space to just get real when you may really need or want to ?

There are a lot of questions that all of this brings up, and most will have an answer somplace along this line for you, if you are truly that compelled to express yourself in gender in this manner. You know you have a safe place here to get support and express your thoughts and feelings. As well, there are many resources that, depending on your situation and location in the world, many of the folks here could maybe help to link you up with, if you get to the point of feeling like you really need some support closer to home or school, if that is still an option for you...

I can tell you, Im having to learn a great deal of patience with others in my life about what i'm dealing with, but eventually it will come to the point of not being able to compromise myself any longer for any of them - no matter what. If we cant naturally just BE, and honestly express ourselves as who and what we are, and exactly how we honestly feel most content, we will be no good to our own selves, much less anyone else because of the complete buildup of stress, anxiety, anger, and resentment that this can eventually cause for many people in similar circumstances....

I hope that some of this can help, and i know i asked alot of personal questions, but since it seems to have already come to a bit of a crisis level with your folks, it would help to know a little more of your real circumstances and quality of relations prior to this event, before knowing better how we can all help to give you the most correctly appropriate levels of support and information....
And a good mum will usually always love her kids, no matter what, but again, she may need a little time, and possibly intervention from your dad - depending on whther you think you can get him or another family member to be on your side to help discuss the matter with her if you think it really will have to come to that.

If they are truly impossibly angry, very closeminded, or really bigoted, then you may have to consider going into hiding for a while longer until you can begin to leave their control of you're life behind you....

Please be well, be real strong as you can, hang in there, and know that you've got a lot of loving support here, no matter what...

Lovingly always,


Level the playing field


You hang in there too Anna.
I know it is a harsh way to find out but knowing who we can count on and who is worth trusting is worth a lot, I think. Silver lining behind the dark clouds and all that. :eusa_shifty:


Tammy, I couldn't agree more with the advice that Maryanne has given you.  There a lot of options there for you to consider, and each has it's merits, so please consider them.  To help us to be more helpful to you, it would be good if you could give us a deeper explination of your circumstances, if you feel comfortable doing that.  Right now, as Maryanne indicated, we are assuming things, and we may be a little off track with those asumptions.

This is a huge shock for your parents, to have "Found out" about this rather than you telling them.  I'm not sure of the circumstances, but I imagin that there lots of things running through your parents minds right now, what did they do wrong, what will the rest of the family think, what will the neibours think, may be even are you some kind of pervert... things like that.  Since your mom is not talking to you, and may be your dad is, then it looks like he should be the one you can talk to about this.  Just little bits at first, don't try and lay the whole crossdressing thing on him all at once.  Go slowly and give them time to get over the initial shock, and re-read Maryannes post.



Hi Tammy,

That is very good advice you have received. One I would add is that we love our children more than they can ever love us. If you think of your parents of being at the top of a pyramid they love down to you. You love up to them and down to those below. Your love is therefore divided. Human beings are designed to love after those below this is the parental instinct. Those of us with children approaching and already into adulthood have already experienced this. Your parents therefore have an extremely strong bond with you and the fact  that they have not kicked you out indicates this. Given time and patience they may come round. Give them at least the chance to know and love this side of you.


Yes I did it a little at a time

First I told my mom that I had been dressing for all my conscious life (since 4 that I can remember).  Things she brought up is stuff like; what did me and your father do wrong? Why did you cling to me and not your father (lists his faults that she can think of? Gave some alternatives (like maybe you should just be a flamboyant male or something).

I showed her some photos of me.

Then I let few weeks go by and simmer down, (about a month and half) talking about normal stuff.

Then gradually we could talk about what she wears, vs my experience with them. Nylons, heels, earrings, makeup, and sewing. (basically sort of slowly started talking about it again).

Then I want to take hormones to increase my breasts. And this sort of repeats the process.

They do need to hear exactly what you want and desire, but in little clearly understandable simple  bits.


Just a quick reply i will reply fully tomorrow as i things are still alittle aquward.

My dad is ok with what i do he isnt as upset as my mum my mum is now talking ot me thank god and we had a good talk about it and things are out in the open.

My mums not happy about what i do and i not sure whats going to happen but i think in time hse will come around.He worst fear was me being gay she told me that but im not and i reasured her shes a little happier and we talking which is one of the main things.If everything goes well i wont have to hide anymore and i will be happy.

My mum told my dad  about what i do she told him last sunday and he said its only a fetesh and theres no harm in it.I was so scared that he was going to be angry and throw me out of the house.


Hi Tammy,

You wouldn't be the first to underestimate the ability to accept in ones who love us, particularly our parents. As a parent myself my greatest fear is the thought of losing one of my kids. I like to think that I could be open to anything about them given time to come to grips with it.

Good Luck Shelley 


Hi Tammy, i was just browsing here and after seeing this thread, i decided to register here, i myself am in the same position as you. I am young, and am looking to tell my parents like really soon. I bought 4 pairs of bras and panties on ebay and that will kind of be my big hint. Just depends how they take it.