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Has being in transition left you with breasts, and how do this make you feel

Started by rogue, October 13, 2009, 05:11:09 PM

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I lived full time in role, on hormones for approximaltey 9 years, and now 5 years out of transition still have my 36b breasts. They are my reminder everyday of my real self. They affect my life in good and bad ways, Dating...I go for the honesty option..becuase sooner or later (LOL as I like to say "in the unlikey event of" having a partner)..I'd have to address my past and honesty is the best policy...otherwise that frist passioante kiss and cuddle may be abruptly halted by a " you have better tits than me..."
Swimming ; Going to the local pool is ...unrecommended..unless your into stares and poorly masked whispers.
Wearing tight T shirts in work not to you'll give the girls somthing to talk about till christmas, and the guys fighting feelings of sexual confusion.
Playing sports...while running I wear a tankini top, it keeps them from bouncing around, cycling I wear it too to reduce my female silhouette..
From a positive side still having my breasts feels good becuase its my private rebellion as Sarah, when I dress to find some peace having my breasts in a bra, and seeing my shape in a nice dress makes me smile.
Maybe one day I'll find a partner who I can tell and will be fine with me, Sarah and her breasts.

Just Kate

I still have them, fortunately not large - didn't have the genetics for larger breasts.  I don't go shirtless pretty much anywhere.  I bind if necessary, but normally it isn't needed unless I'm wearing something form fitting on top.
Ill no longer be defined by my condition. From now on, I'm just, Kate.

Susan Dundee

I lived as a male with small breasts from hormones for years. As long as you don't wear tight fitting clothes is unlikely anyone will notice.  Perhaps fortunately I did not develop larger boobs or it might have become a problem.  Looks like I will have to pay for them!



Hi, I have been taking a low dose of Estrogen for the past few months without supervision (stopped for now till I talk to my doctor). I have naturally low testosterone levels and that coupled with the estrogen-while the resulting growth is not spectacular, the shape of my chest has definately changed. When I stand up straight you can easily see them. An aquaintence of mine who I see on a regular basis usually asks me what kind of exercise regimine I use as my chest is bigger than it was before. I just smile and say I do the same routines-calesthenics and stretches I used while in karate school. One of my sisters who I see often has also noticed a difference. When we first see each other the first thing she does is look at my chest then my fingernails (she knows I have always wanted to be female).



So there is more than one randi out there.  I only care what people see a little.  If I'm in a mixed crowd i usually throw on a loose Tee shirt when swimming.  This summer i got a Jellyfish up my back in that tee shirt.  After that I didn't care what others thought the shirt was off.  I don't wear knit shiirts unless i'm in a provacative mood.  My general rule is I'm not in the closet, but I won't shove my challenge in your face.  If someone comments, I ask if they really want to know.  If they do I just tell them I'm Gender Dysphoric what more do they want to nkow.


Hi randi1214, Welcome to the forums. I like your 'general rule' and think this is a good policy to follow. I'm not out to everybody yet and still live in the closet for the most part. I can relate to the jellyfish in the shirt-I got stung while in FL last month.

While I cannot see my getting to transition completely due to factors beyond my control, I see this goal in my mind and think of it constantly. If I were given a choice-and my life situation were different-yes I would love to go ahead and transition but I must take one small step at a time and stay focused on what is most important right now for me and for my family.

My chest is not really big but when I lean over there they are for all to see and I am glad to have them-even though they are cause for odd questions now and then.

Randi :)


I'll bet you still have children in the house don't you?  The money issue alone is a major factor for me.  Above all I dearly love and believe in my church.  If I had GRS I would be thrown out in a month.  It means too much for me to do that. 

When the kids were around I was much more discreet.  However I made sure both my wife and children knew.  I didn't want the kids digging around in my drawers looking for items to make a Halloween costume and getting a shock.  I had a rather messy bankruptcy after the kids were raised and that was a major contributor to my divorce.  To some extent GIS contributed, she just felt I was infringing on her role.  My son is living with me now (at my request, he helps pay the rent).  I told him upfront I'm tired of people telling me how to live, I want the freedom to dress who I am, don't come in my door without knocking, I sleep in a night gown and often am wearing a dress.

He was fine with that, he didn't want people walking in on him all the time.  Where he came from his reading and online games were always being interrupted.  So we get along fine.  Any woman I date has to understand that's the way it is early on.  If that's a problem we should pleasantly say goodbye.  My last one liked it, we wore the same size and I have excellent taste. ;)



Good Morning,
You are right-we have a son (16)still in the house with us. Overall I guess my wife & I are getting along better than most. It has been a great shock for her to absorb and still maintain some measure of sanity. The church is also important to us and we both are very active in our participation there every week. Most church congregations (ours included) would not understand nor would they even entertain the idea that what I am going thru has a physiological origin-as opposed to being a mental condition or result of sin-so I choose to keep that between my wife and myself and the Holy Spirit. 

I am finding out that transition MTF takes a great deal of money to get thru. That is one of my barriers as well. Right now it is enough for me to be able to see my therapist occasionally and get started on estrogen. Everything will depend upon what my insurance will cover or what I am able to come up with in cash. Cash money is something we never seem to have enough of to do what we want to but we have enough for what we need. So I am forced to keep things under control and take small steps and forget about getting a lot done at once. My short term goals are not impossible just difficult to accomplish.



I feel so much for you and your wife.  I was in the closet for over 20 years from my teens on, and until the end of that period never thought much about it.  I never saw this coming.  Why would I even have warned my wife I had this problem, I mentioned it like it was history.  I got deeply depressed in my forties when my perfect little life was working out poorly.  I was terribly suicidal it was when my male half was so weak and hopeless that the female part stepped forward and said "Hey, I want this life."  I owe her my life.  I promised I would never put her back in the closet and that I would find meaningful ways for her to express herself. 

My church feels very strongly about the roles of men and women, so do I for that matter.  I don't want to run around town in some florescent sequins mini dress.  Sure I wanted to look cute but I really wanted to be a wife and a mother.  My second oldest memory is me trying to turn myself into a girl.  It's just the way I am.  I prayed a lot about it.  One day I asked Father if I was female.  He told me, "You aren't very male."; hearing that made me feel better.  The facts are I can never be a mother, I had a wife I wanted to make happy, I had four perfect children, I am 6'6", with a long face, long hands, narrow hips, and a big nose.  I can never be made 'passing', I would loose the church I had an absolute testimony of, I would be a very large person with a few artificial female organs, a freak.  I had four kids I could love like a mother, I could reach out and comfort others, I could wear women's clothes once in a while, I could ask to hold other's babies, and I could be compassionate.  I could have much of what I wanted.

My wife hated the female side of me, but tolerated it as long as she never saw or heard about it.  When all the financial trials came along it didn't matter how good I was.  I was just a drag on her ambitions.  26 years of marriage up in smoke.  It's funny, she had been a tom-boy all her life, she wanted a career more than a family, she had been repeatedly raped and I was sensitive to her hurt, she hated all the challenges life threw at her for being a woman.  She became intolerant of me because I loved what she had to be and she hated.

The money thing is such an obstacle.  I sometimes wonder if we could have an SRS lotto, winner gets happy.  While I can't have SRS, I don't think anyone would say anything if I had a vagina created, moved the urethra, and kept the male parts.  They don't say anything about the breasts, because lots of guys have them and I got them under the care of a physician.  I've been looking at one of the doctors of Bangkok. 

My breasts are size 'AA' and 'B' cup.  I had been looking at the Brava breast enhancement system.  It cost over $1000, but refurbished units are about $500 on ebay, or $300-400 for used.  I got to looking a Noogleberry out of England.  Their system varies depending on what you get.  I got closed cell foam, an extra large cup and a nipple enhancement kit for $68 delivered.  The cup is hugely too deep, but that's what I needed to for width to cover the one side.  It came in four days.  I want to balance my breasts.  It's unbelievable.  My small breast goes into it about an inch (it has graduation marks on it).  I put like five squeezes on the pump and my breast shoots out to 2.25" and doubles in volume in about two seconds.  I'm having some problems with slow leaking, but the foam, shaving the seal area, and some lotion should help.  10 hours a night for 12 weeks is supposed to make a permanent change.  I can't seem to put too much vacuum on the breast; the nipple thing could hurt you.  I'm excited.  We'll see how it goes.

My heart goes out to you both.