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Getting Along - A Guide to Forum Communication

Started by Julie Marie, October 15, 2009, 09:26:16 PM

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QuoteIf you find a post out of line, report it to the moderators.

The internet is supposed to be open to freedom of expression. But this forum apparently isn't.  :(


I value freedom of expression - but when expression doesn't take others into consideration, then it's not really free, since someone is still being made to pay.

I think all that's being expected here on this forum is that we're considerate of each other, which I think should be a minimum expectation on any forum. If someone complains to a moderator about someone else's post, the moderator (thank goodness!) will show common sense about whether to act on it or not (I speak as someone who occasionally shoots first and asks questions later, and then needs to take back the bullet ::)).


Quote from: jodi on March 30, 2011, 07:38:34 AM
The internet is supposed to be open to freedom of expression. But this forum apparently isn't.  :(

This site is open to freedom of expression within responsible limits.  If you can't be responsible in your expression, then you will be asked to leave.

The internet is free to use but each site is paid for by somebody.  This forum is hosted and maintained and brought to you by Susan.  She sets the rules (look here).  The staff enforces Susan's rules. 

The rules established for this site encourage open dialogue, the exchange of information, and support for one another.  We try to prevent people from disrupting that and sending the discussions into invective, argument, and chaos because then the forum would no longer be useful.

You are free to express your opinions here.  We only ask that you do it with consideration for others.

- Kate

Life is a pilgrimage.


If limits then no longer has freedom, when you have rules, those who has the say [in the rules] tends to have double standards, even taking things personally, with prejudice.

I will stop the discussion here otherwise I will get ban.


Jodi, with respect that makes me think of someone saying that removing our right to shoot each other limits our freedom or something else along those lines.  The rules seem to be in place to keep us from unintentionally hurting the other members of the forum, and I think that if you hang out for a bit you'll see that the moderators aren't exactly expression Nazis.  A wide range of views are shared in this forum, and you're definitely welcome to express yours as well. 
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html

Robert Scott

I am so please let me know if I am pissing you off ... I am totally miss things and don't want to unintentionally hurt someone's feeling.

I know when I first stated posting that some of my stuff had to be changes cause I was using terms that was offensive to other -- I didn't know I was so new to being trans -- and I appreciated that it was done so people didn't think I was a total jerk.


Lee, I have been there, in other similar regulated forum, being banned for posting something which in my common sense is mild, reasonable, and intellectual response, just because a certain moderator does not like it.

If instead of being ban, these moderator were given power of detaining someone for saying something they don't like, then it is no difference to some undemocratic government who will state there is freedom of speech within a limit.

However to equate removing our right to shoot each other limits our freedom, to freedom of speech in a forum being hindered by rules, is inappropriate if you consider the harm / benefit. There is no physical harm possible by not limited freedom of speech in an online forum.

"Over protecting" someone who is communicating in an online forum, is in fact to handicap them, preventing them the opportunity for intellectual growth.

A regulated forum is limiting the possibility for fair debate of ideas, as any attempt to extend a discussion is view as an argument, and cause the poster to be ban.

I will stop here lest my long post is view as an initiation of an argument by someone who may in turn report me. As I still have interest in reading the forum, with the exception of posting anything lengthy or meaningful.


Sarah Louise

It is not common for a member to be banned for a "mild, reasonable, and intellectual response".

The moderators here try to be very careful in how they watch over the content of posts.  We often discuss things among ourselves and come to a decision we all can agree on.

Sometimes we make mistakes, letting things go too far, or stepping in too early.  This is just a fact of life, but in each case we try to correct our error.  That can mean locking a thread, or even unlocking a thread if we decide we acted prematurely.

But like it or not, this site does have Rules, they are clearly stated and will be enforced (as fairly as humanly possible).

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


I will agree with Jodi.

I have seen a double standard in play here on Susans.

I do not care too go over every incident I have seen and I have no interest in trying to defend that statement.
It is what it is.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Jodi, I think you're assuming you're going to be shot down before you've even taken off. And it feels to me like you're trying to force your own set of rules on us about how this forum should be, or you'll take your bat and ball and go home - and that's emotional blackmail in my book, for what it's worth.

In turn, I think it's inappropriate and very matronising to describe what's happening here the way you have:

"Over protecting" someone who is communicating in an online forum, is in fact to handicap them, preventing them the opportunity for intellectual growth.

What you will mostly see here (if you choose to stay and participate) is all of us taking care of each other.


Quote from: jodi on March 30, 2011, 07:38:34 AM
The internet is supposed to be open to freedom of expression. But this forum apparently isn't.  :(
:police: NO it isn't - This forum is owned and run by a private individual, namely Susan. This is the internet equivalent of her front room - and when you come into her house you play by her rules or you WILL be shown the door

Do I make myself clear?

I hope so because you are coming PERILOUSLY close to crossing the line.

This is your one friendly warning - the  next one will be official - and after that it progresses inexorably towards banning!

So read the rules which you can find here,2.0.html and learn to live within them or go elsewhere - your choice! :police:


I think some people just miss the fact that Susans is a Transgender SUPPORT site, and unsupportive talk isn't tolerated. At least that's how I see it. Tracey


Quote from: jodi on March 30, 2011, 07:38:34 AM
The internet is supposed to be open to freedom of expression. But this forum apparently isn't.  :(

Epic lulz at the irony in this statement.


"The internet is supposed to be open to freedom of expression. But this forum apparently isn't."
Actually, yes, I agree, the internet as a whole should be open and free.
Just like the world (in my opinion) should be open and free.


An individual site on the internet is not "the internet", just like an individual house or place of business is not the world.
A place like this is more like a house than a place of business too.

So, This forum is like it's Susan's place, literally speaking.
Meaning, it's HER property.
There's a few people who work on her behalf to keep her property Safe in accordance to the rules that she has set for her own place, her property.

It's like if we were all in her livingroom. If she says "you're not allowed to smoke in here" then we, on her behalf, would be given the responsibility to kick you out if you start smoking.

This place isn't a democracy, it's someone's personal property.
The rules aren't forced on you, nor anyone else, we're all free to leave whenever we want, you included.

"A regulated forum is limiting the possibility for fair debate of ideas"
That depends on what you consider "fair".
Everyone has to obey the same rules of conduct, whether they're new members or old moderators, that's fairer than most forums I've seen.
What you can't debate here, you're still free to debate in any number of other places, so we're not preventing you from debating the ideas simply stating that you can't do that "here".
And there are only a couple things you can't debate here, the rules are primarily related to how we conduct ourselves in debates.
Meaning that you're not allowed to be a jerk to other people.
Which I think's pretty fair, cause other people aren't allowed to be a jerk towards you either.

So yeah.
I love this place for all the reasons above.
It's a gift from the founder, one worth a lot to me.
And it is, in my opinion, quite fair. More so than most other places.
I love it.

If you don't like it, then you don't have to be here.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I've read something nice this morning what suits this situation somehow: "don't put anything on the internet you wouldn't say to your neighbors".
As mentioned before, probably most of the people don't mean to offend or isult other people here but it might happen because of peoples differnt cultures and backgrounds. In that case we should try to solve it like adults.

I agree with the moderators, we should respect the rules here set up by susan just as one has to respect the rules of a person if you are visiting their house.


Quote from: yoxi on March 30, 2011, 08:02:29 AM
If someone complains to a moderator about someone else's post, the moderator (thank goodness!) will show common sense about whether to act on it or not (I speak as someone who occasionally shoots first and asks questions later, and then needs to take back the bullet ::)).
You are a wise person we are all equals even the best of us is but human (and I wish you'd change that damn name lol)


Quote from: Sophie on April 06, 2011, 10:38:25 AM
(and I wish you'd change that damn name lol)
...that's harassment, I'm complaining to the Moderator!!! :)


*Evil grin*  The levels I can go to annoy knows no limits muahaha


hmm this forum has its moments as do some mods but then so do several individuals who regularly post my exp has been you get a warning after that it progresses if the behavior continues seams fair to me
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


I wanted to post here about my recent bout of angering some by using the wrong words.
I am new to this stuff so I used the word straight to describe myself. That is all I knew.
Now upon being informed of the term cisgender I can post with the proper terms.
I posted an apology in the Christian section where most of my posts are at.
I figured I would post it here as well since it seems to fit.
Having said such, I am sorry if I offended anyone by using the wrong words.
Take care.