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Started by Victoria L., February 02, 2006, 09:06:00 PM

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umop ap!sdn

Quote from: Melissa on July 12, 2006, 02:02:39 AM
I like playing Für Elise on the piano.  It's one of the few songs I know and the only one I know where I play with both hands.
I never did quite learn to play that one, but I used to be able to play a halfway decent redition of Watermark by Enya. (Not exactly classical though I guess. :D ) I miss my electronic keyboard.


Really?  I learned it in about 2 days.  Mind you I'm still not that great at it and need a lot more practice, but I think that's pretty good for not having played 2-handed on the piano before.  It's probably due to years of using computer keyboards and being ambidextrous.  After I figured out I was ambidextrous, I started seeing what I could do.  I can flip 2 swords around (1 in each hand) at the same time.  I like doing that with the kids' toy lightsabers.  It looks pretty cool in the dark.



Funny how this topic resurfaced after  6 months. Today I openned a birthday card from my mother, and with it she sent 4 classical CD set from London Philharmonic of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. I enjoy light romantic instrumental music. Symphonic, soundtrack, Kenny G, G4, some opera are all my favorite music. Enya I almost put in there too since its mostly instrumental, with light vocals.

Shana A

I love listening to early music played on period instruments, Hildegard von Bingen, JS Bach, Chopin, also modern composers such as Arvo Part, Steve Reich, Terry Riley, Harry Partch... I tend to prefer chamber music instead of orchestral, especially string quartets, classical guitar or piano.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde
