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Stranger and stranger!

Started by Northern Jane, November 11, 2009, 05:53:23 AM

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Northern Jane

My life just gets stranger and stranger!

When I was quite young (like up to age 8, 1957) I thought I was a girl and nobody could talk me out of it. By age 8, they (adults) put a few dents in my conviction and I figured I must be a transsexual 'cause I looked sort of male, sort of female, but not completely either - still psychologically girl.

At 24 (1974) I had surgery and went happily tripping through life, girl's life, without another thought to it.

Thirty years later (2004), through the anonymity of the internet, I decided to see what was happening with "transsexuals" these days and found I couldn't really relate to 99% of these people.

I had never heard the term Intersex back when I was young and I started reading about the various conditions. Last year I decided to get checked out and got referred to a geneticist. After reviewing some CT scans from 2005 the doctor called me last week and said they found "something" and they think it is a uterus .... WTF??!! .... and they want to do some more detailed pelvic scans ..... YES PLEASE!

About the time you think you have things figured out and understand what's going on, Mother Nature throws in another right angle turn!


Quote from: Northern Jane on November 11, 2009, 05:53:23 AM
My life just gets stranger and stranger! . . . About the time you think you have things figured out and understand what's going on, Mother Nature throws in another right angle turn!

Northern lol I know just what you mean about "couldn't really relate" but WE are quite older now, what do you expect? Don't dismiss the flat fact that you and I were there once, how soon we'd rather forget, but how do ya figure "right angle"?

I'd say yer brain (can't "take it" anymore?) just became that much more *wrapped tight* still! My divorce hearing is tomorrow, just saw the kids Saturday! Wish me luck 'cause having to *deal with just two* - kids - is surely plenty enough for me!
"But it's no use now," thought poor Alice, "to pretend be two people!
"Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!"

Northern Jane

Quote from: Kiera on November 11, 2009, 10:44:25 AM... but how do ya figure "right angle"?

Because I thought I was TS (with a few hormonal oddities) from 1960-something until recently and I should NOT have a uterus if I was ever "male", at least not "normal male". (But then are any males ever "normal"? LOL!)


Quote from: Northern Jane on November 11, 2009, 11:45:42 AM
Because I thought I was TS (with a few hormonal oddities) from 1960-something until recently and I should NOT have a uterus if I was ever "male", at least not "normal male". (But then are any males ever "normal"? LOL!)

I resemble that remark!! Well normal as I can get I guess.

As to your discovery, WOW. Thirty years to find out that you have 'proof' of what you knew all along. That is pretty amazing. I guess you don't need mine anymore. Darn



There is a reason for everything, well almost everything. A reason that you
went through what you did as a "transsexual", a reason that you are about to
go through what you are about to as an "intersexual" and a reason that you
have found your way here to share your hard knocks garnered perspective
and wisdom. You have been brought safely thus far, for a reason

.....and so have we.

"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


It is so strange to read about your 'something'.  I dreamed for years that 'something' would be found.  But after my lower abdominal surgery and I was not told about any anomalies. Dang it.  But it was nice to dream that something was there waiting to be discovered.


Northern Jane

Quote from: LordKAT on November 12, 2009, 12:12:43 AMI guess you don't need mine anymore.

LOL! That thought already went through my mind, "Why couldn't they have found this when I was 20-something?" I would have given my right arm to have children (even if it had to be by C-section). Now I am 60 so it isn't of much use (except vindication).


For what it is worth I have an uncanily similar story - and rather similar feelings - so believe me late diagnosis, particularly for those of us old enough to be born at a time when these things were not so well understood, is really not that uncommon.... Sadly!

Post Merge: November 12, 2009, 04:18:16 PM

Hi Jane

You sent me a PM - sadly for some reason that I don't understand I am not permitted to PM in reply - but the short answer to your question is Yes!

Sadly as I can't PM you it isn't really possible go into any more details.


PS - If someone from the forum staff could explain why I can't reply to a PM that someone else has sent me I would be very grateful.


Quote from: rejennyrated on November 12, 2009, 03:22:29 PM
For what it is worth I have an uncanily similar story - and rather similar feelings - so believe me late diagnosis, particularly for those of us old enough to be born at a time when these things were not so well understood, is really not that uncommon.... Sadly!

Post Merge: November 12, 2009, 04:18:16 PM

Hi Jane

You sent me a PM - sadly for some reason that I don't understand I am not permitted to PM in reply - but the short answer to your question is Yes!

Sadly as I can't PM you it isn't really possible go into any more details.


PS - If someone from the forum staff could explain why I can't reply to a PM that someone else has sent me I would be very grateful.

Hi rejennyrated,

Members cannot send or reply to personal messages until they have hit 15 posts. The same goes for viewing other members' profiles and editing your own. This is mostly a safety precaution for the site and its members. You will be able to do all of these things after making 15 posts of discussion. That said, welcome to Susan's!  :)

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.