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A Church for TS/IS/CD persons

Started by taylor, August 05, 2006, 10:39:31 PM

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If you could go to chruch as the "sex/gender" of your choice and meet others that accept you as you are would you be interested in havng that church in your reach?

The reason i am asking is because we are getting ready to put together a spritual program for the community in Eastern NC and am wondering if others feel the need is there??

Your thoughts and feeling would be so welcome!


We have the facility, and it is located in a very private area as well. Please send me idea's and feedback on what you feel could assit you as an individial, even if we will not be located right by you. Speek to me about what ths may be able to offer you if one were by you  what you wouuld like to see it have to offer. All suggestions will be respectfully read and considered. Please folks speak up ok?





I would say that there is a general need for a safe place for the LGBT community to worship.  I know that here in Upstate New York, people drive 70 to 80 miles twice a month to worship as a community.

What this community has done has been to align themselves with a mainstream Catholic parish.  I think that this is very important for several reasons.
1) Provides a pastorial resource.
2) Keeps the LGBT community in touch with the mainstream.
3) Provides a working example how the LGBT community interacts with society.
4) provides a safe place to worship on the off weeks when the LGBT community does not gather.

I would suggest having a Protestant minister, Catholic priest and a Rabbi come in.  (Sounds like the start to an off-color jpke, doesn't it?)  Have them come in together a few times and rotate through.  This would give the LGBT community maximum access to their faith preferece.

I think that once we show the public that the LGBT community is also a community of faith (for those who have it), it could help support general acceptance.




I have been able to work with a local pastor that has very willingly agreed to allow me to use his facilities to have a spiritual focus group for the community. The facility is privately located which I believe will allow people to feel safe. ( It is in the country but off major highway, and near I-40)  And there are places people can change their clothing if they have the need after traveling in from various places.  There is a kitchen we can use to have pot lucks, a fishing pond for get togethers for fishing and even camping, and I  have a lady that is into cosmetics and would like to participate in working with TS women that want help with makeup art and other things. 

I also have a guy that is a keyboard player who would also like to give his support to the group and to assist me in putting this together, he is also ordained and has offered to do some services and bible studies as well.  And it is our hope that getting word out this could go over well. The group would be open to everyone that wants to attend, but the focus is for the TS/IS community.  Already having mainstream people offer up their support and wanting to attend tells me that this could be a good place to start.

It will not be a literal "Church" but a spiritual support group under All-Pointz organization. All-Pointz will be renting the facilities for a very LOW price per month to allow for it to be seperate from the denomination that the facilities belong to. It would be a non denominational group/ministrie.  So very non denominational but bible based.

As well the day would be on Saturdays and would last a large portion of the day, allowing for social time, activities, and the spiritual service time. This way for those that travel far they have a good day of sharing and being with others before they return home.

I would really like to know some of the types of activities people would like to do if they were involved in a group like this as well.

I believe finding pastors etc. to take time to come out and do services for us would be great, and I think with time that can come to be. So thank you so much for that suggestion.

Any ideas of how to get word out as we put this together?  The facilities are in Eastern NC. and any suggestions would be greatly welcome.

It is real good to hear that you have somewhere to go to worship that feels so comfortable!  And thanks for responding!




tay thats a great idea its too bad theres nothing like that on my side of the country (That i know of)
how did you  find a paster that agree ?


Hi Jaded,

When I first started the journey of my work for the book and other related things I made very clear that it was a spiritual journey. Many people in the community that are active, told me that there would be no support through the churches and the "conservative" communities. I even had publishers wanted me to keep a certian chapter out. I did not buy into any of it. I currently live in a very conservative community and have lived my life around all types of people with every back ground there is.  As with anything it is all in how you approach things.

I can't say to you exactly how it happens, but I guess I talk with them on their level and just relate as humans to humans. There is a lot of awareness that we under estimate in the world around us.





It sounds like a true church to me.  Not based on artificial boundaries but based on faith.

You have a great set-up in place.  I would go with what you have and let the Almighty provide & inspire.

In terms of getting the word out, what about sending information to counselors that work with the transgender community?  I would also send information to some of the more open-minded Protestant communities in metropolitan areas, and the diocean offices for the Catholic diocese in North Carolina & South Carolina.  I don't know if there is a similar set up for Jewish temples.  I know here in Upstate NY, people travel over an hour to worship as a community, which iis why I suggest including south Carolina.  Virginia might be in range as well.

If I get down to NC, mind if I bring my guitar and join you for a weekend?  I have been a liturgical/music minister for a while now (32 years if I counted right).




You are very welcome to come down for a weekend and we can put you up.  I also play guitar and flute and it would be great to have someone that can play better than my self taught playing lol.  I will keep you posted as we get this off the ground and we will surely welcome your visit!  I would love to hear more ideas and things that your church has to offer and activities that you all do. I can't thank you enough for all that you are sharing. Oh and there is no doubt that this is all done through God's guidance and his will. I alone could never do near what I am able to do as his tool.  Please pray for us!




There is a church in Raleigh that the Jesse Helms crew used to picket on a regular basis.  They are very open to the LGBT crowd and even have a support group that meets there.  I am not spiritually inclined but thought you might be interested.  I believe it is near Pullen Park.


Personally, I could go to any church, but I refuse to go to one that is not supportive of the GLBT community, because I feel that if they aren't then who knows what else they're teaching.


Sarah Louise

I go to a Calvary Chapel church here in So California.  They leave me alone, so I am happy.  Who knows, maybe they haven't guessed that I was born male.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


Hi Lost,

Would you be able to get me the name of that church. I am thinking it might be the Unity Church? 




I pinged a friend for the exact name and location.  When I hear back, I will post it here.  :)



I appreciate the assistance with this!




You are welcome, I hope you find whatever you are looking for in this arena.

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church - Raleigh, NC

Olin T Binkley Memorial Baptist Church - Chapel Hill, NC

I know for sure that there is at least one (if not more) F2Ms who attend Pullen.  Pullen is also politically active and hosts different LGBT groups and sessions.

If you want I can let my friend know who you are and she would be happy to either meet you there on your first trip out or arrange someone in the T community to meet you there.

Since I do not attend any church I cannot really say much about either one but the person I contacted is someone I trust a lot and she is not known for handing out BS.


Hey Lost,

Thanks. I am going to PM you shortly with info and would very much like to make contact with your friend. I was just checking email and came in quick to see if there was word on how Marco is doing, and am off to a family function for the rest of the day and evening, but will write you back soon.



  Do you have any non-denominational preachers that come to your church? Just curious as that's the type I enjoy hearing.
