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Do you live alone?

Started by Hannah, December 07, 2009, 11:25:07 PM

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...or with other people? Do you like it?

I seriously withdrew socially over the last couple years, and it's had very very negative effects on me. I live alone but I'm thinking about getting an apartment and a roomie or two because meh, I miss being around people. When I was in a long term relationship that I thought was going to be forever, while I loved him I have to admit I used to wonder what it would be like to be all by myself. Well now I know and it sucks.

Do you prefer the company of others or would you just as soon be left alone?


I have best of both worlds. I live in a rooming house. My room is mine and mine alone. I answer to no one but  if I want I can join the guys in the living room and watch all the football I want to as well as movies westerns and girl watching (of course).


Quote from: Becca on December 07, 2009, 11:25:07 PM
...or with other people? Do you like it?

I live w/my gf & our cats.

QuoteDo you prefer the company of others or would you just as soon be left alone?

I dont like bein alone.  I'm a people person. I gotta be w/ people.


interesting topic i live with my soon to be ex wife lol and id rather be alone ive been married since i was 17 and ive never really been alone im actually kind of looking forward to it at least for a while
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


Well socially, now that I'm allowed to be myself, I've found I get out of the house a lot and hang out with friends. Before that, I was always at home on the computer doing my own thing by myself. Reclusive.

As for living alone, I'm now doing that since my wife moved out and it's ok but I'm still not home very much hah


Northern Jane

I have been married twice and single for the past 10 years. I live with a giant Hound so I am NEVER alone.

I might consider keeping a man for a pet again one day .....  :o ;D


Heather and I live together.  I was alone for a year and hated it.  I could do it, but I think I would at least have a dog.

I was married for 20 years.  And it was a shock to be alone.

Hugs and Love


Live with my SO, kids and cats. I have lived alone before and do fine with it. I just had to go out and socialize more.
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


I've lived alone for the past 2 1/2 years.  It was an adjustment at first, but now I like it.  I have lots of friends who I see regularly.  I go out every day, sometimes just to sit in the coffee shop and write in my journal.  I like being out where there are other people even if I'm alone.

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


I live by myself and some days it's fine and other days I hate it. I don't go out because there is nothing to do around here and I'm always broke.


Yup, it's just me and my pets in my apt.

Sometimes I like the solitude. Other times I'm very lonely  :-\
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M



Since late 1984 (about 6 months after my SRS) I have never been alone.


I live alone with my 2 cats, who are excellent company, by the way: very low maintenance ---those cats.
I vacillate between being content being alone, and wondering if I could make it with a partner again.  There is alot to be said to only have to answer for one person (me), and have my days and nights free to do what I wish.
But sometimes the house seems very large and empty, and my bed feels barren of life and love.
But I have learned the lessons of not rushing out to find someone to fill the space, and to wait on someone the universe shall bring in its perfect timing.


I've lived alone for about the last 3 years, since getting a divorce.
I understand where you're coming from.  I really withdrew a lot these last few years, and haven't gotten out of the house much.  Being alone really dulls your social skills (moreso if you're particularly quiet anyway), especially if the only time you ever talk to others is at work.
On the the one hand, I don't like it.  It is very lonely. 
On the other hand, for me it's about survival.  It's really the first time in my life that I have lived completely alone.  Marriage almost completely destroyed me, more than I thought anything could.  I'm not even close to considering the possibility of a relationship again, and being trans really narrows the prospective field of roomates.
Sometimes being alone isn't what you want to's just what is necessary for begin again.


I live with 3 girl roommates in  a 2 bedroom house.

Can get a little congested at times but only way to do it where I live since everything is so expensive.

I love my roommates for the most part too.  We're all pretty close and we do a lot of things together.  I enjoy the roommates because they help keep me socially active and not lonely hehe
trying to live life one day at a time


The stresses and strains of a very busy everyday life mean that I cherish my solitude when I get it, as it's such a total relief!  However, it's also nice to cuddle up on the sofa together too.  So I think it's not so much being alone that I enjoy, it's just getting out of the chaos, the crowds and the noise.

Alyssa M.

I've lived with roommates or housemates a few times, including all but two of the seven years after high school, but I've lived alone since then and I love it. I cannot err. There is no creature whom I belong to, whom I could wrong. I shall never be Different. Love me.

I grew up in a noisy family, and I value solitude and silence.
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


room mate, 3 cats

I prefer no human company most of the time :P

Dana Lane

I have lived alone for the past 13 years or so. I was a bit of a shut-in for most of that time. I'm now a lot more sociable (too sociable, in fact!) lately. I have liked living alone but at the same time I have felt pretty lonely for a long time.  Who knows, maybe that will change one day.
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


I think I achieved the perfect balance, My So and I live with each other for 7 months out of the year. I dig being alone and living on my own schedule but I also enjoy our time together. My alone time gives me a chance to get involved in a project and get it done without disturbance.
Yes there is really bigender people