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Do you live alone?

Started by Hannah, December 07, 2009, 11:25:07 PM

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no.  hubby, my great dane & my guinea pig live with me.


When I first got my own place, I had a male friend I'd recently met move into my extra bedroom. He seemed like a good chap until he let his life get seriously derailed by a girl and stopped paying me rent for a year. About nine months after that, I took another person in to help him out in a messy situation. I eventually booted him when his stresses started stressing me out. . .that, and he's just an outright unpleasant person.

I've lived entirely, 100% alone for the last two or three years or so. For the most part, it's been good for me, as I require a lot of time to myself to maintain my well-being. However, that person I'd kicked out before was the host of a mostly weekly social gathering I attended, playing video games, card games, etc. Since the incident, I stopped going altogether. In addition it to this, two of my friends moved out of town around that time, and one other (my brother-in-law) is either busy attending the old gatherings or being a stay-at-home dad.

So I'm not just physically alone, but extremely socially isolated, and as the years went on, I became more and more adverse to people in general. In this town (in which I've spent nearly my entire life), I feel like I have no real peer. I'm either misunderstood or outright not understood, so I have little motivation to go out and meet people. I've never been one to actually "make friends," either. All of the above ones I mentioned just drifted into my life via school, work, or family.

Overall, I'd say living alone and even being socially adverse has had been good for me, as not only have I had much time and space for introspection and self-discovery, but influences and situations which could cause difficulties in my life can't reach me. The person I am is all me, from me, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. But the loneliness does get bad from time to time, and my growing social anxieties do worry me. (My therapist and I will focus on the latter next session, actually.)


How could anyone ever live alone? There are too many people on this planet to find any solitude.


Well I've lived alone for the last 3+ years, since coming out to my former Love.  I do have a cat, and friends.  But In truth I have not healed from my last partner leaving.  Oh I'm better, alot better, But to say it was hard would be very much an understatement.  Some days it still is.




Quote from: lisagurl on December 13, 2009, 09:06:33 PM
How could anyone ever live alone? There are too many people on this planet to find any solitude.
You could live under the sea. ^_^

I'm at university, and have a single room, all to myself. It's kind of nice, actually. I don't mind being by myself, most of the time.


after living with someone a majority of my life living alone would definately be a blessing at least for a while
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


My wife is in a nursing home, so she can only come home for a few hours a week. I lived alone as a teenager, couldn't relate to anyone because I was a girl and at that time the world didn't seem to understand it.

Nowadays I'm quite happy living alone. I do go out to clubs etc and have a small group of friends and relatives who accept me for being me.

But most of the time I'd rather be alone.

I also spent a year travelling around Australia in a 4WD and caravan, now that was being alone. Loved it. Almost forgot how to talk



I live with 3 other roommates, all girls who are the same age as me, in a 2 bedroom apartment so I share my bedroom w/ someone.  I don't like it at all because I live with really irresponsible people.  No one cares about paying things on time, cleaning, we've had cops come to our apartment a few times cos we were being loud and the next time it happens we're getting arrested and possibly kicked out of school... it's just real stressful living in a place like that cos I'm someone who's really responsible and dedicated to school.  I mean I do drugs occasionally but not 24/7, and my roommates think life is just one huge party which is why I can't wait til my lease is up.  I'd love to live alone but because of the cost of places in Boston I'll have to settle for one roommate probably

sorry about the long rant btw, I'm fighting w/ them about it now haha


I live with 2 college roommates.


I live alone with some fish in the pond.

But I did not isolate myself, instead I found that during and after transition my need to socialize was much higher than before.


I currently have one male partner (boyfriend if you prefer) and we have lived together 8 years now...

We currently live in a one bedroom, but plan to move this summer to a new place with our own bedrooms.

My BF snores very loud and twitches, unceasingly.  So that is my excuse for my own room.  Though I'm also motivated and excited to have my own room with as much or as little privacy as I want.  I think this is the best living arrangement for me.  I do not feel that I would ever want to have a place all to myself.  That's just a little too quiet and a little too much solitude for me.

There would be no point really... I would just end up inviting all my friends to spend the night all the time.   :laugh:


My fiance & I live together.




I live with family members.
The laws of God, the laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I. Let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; And if my ways are not as theirs Let them mind their own affairs. - A. E. Housman



Naturally Blonde

Quote from: Becca on December 07, 2009, 11:25:07 PM
...or with other people? Do you like it?

I seriously withdrew socially over the last couple years, and it's had very very negative effects on me. I live alone but I'm thinking about getting an apartment and a roomie or two because meh, I miss being around people. When I was in a long term relationship that I thought was going to be forever, while I loved him I have to admit I used to wonder what it would be like to be all by myself. Well now I know and it sucks.

Do you prefer the company of others or would you just as soon be left alone?

I've never lived alone and I'm sure I wouldn't like it very much.
Living in the real world, not a fantasy


I live with a friend & 2 dogs.


I wish I lived alone, and I didn't have to deal with roommates! Especially with the trouble I've had in the last two years, and also most recently with being kicked out while in the hospital.

I would love to have a place that I can call my own, and have it my actual sanctuary.

Sadly, where I live renting is very expensive. Calgary just slipped a few dollars under Vancouver for the most expensive place to rent in Canada (We were slightly ahead of Vancouver a bit by a few dollars, becoming the most expensive place to rent, and actually even live 'cause everything costs more out here).

I think the only reason that I still live in this city is friends. Other than that, it's expensive and not worth the money to live here. I don't get why anyone would want to live in this city... most people move here because there's jobs, but end up being more broke in the end 'cause that's how it is in a town like this. It's big, but it's also lame because there's no cool clubs that I like. We only have one Gay club, which is lame, even Edmonton has several gay clubs and it's smaller than Calgary. I've grown to get very annoyed with this city. It's a very apathetic city, that is very conservative

When Bush (after his presidency) came to Canada to visit, he picked Calgary because Calgary is the safest place for him in Canada 'cause the majority here are apathetic, and very conservative and religious. Annoys me.

Blah, anyway, sorry abt the rant. LOL

I have a lot of friends, which are awesome, so I usually don't have much time to myself or to be alone. So, I think it would be cool to have my own place. I just cannot afford it in this city... but it would be cool. That way, I can go out like normal, hang out with friends, and then go home and relax and have a bit of me time and sanctuary away from everything for a little bit. LOL

And believe it or not, I actually have a social calendar. LOL I don't work at the moment, but sometimes (actually, a lot of the times) I feel overwhelmed by ppl asking me to hang out with them, etc. I make friends pretty easily and I end up getting popular -- not 'cause I want to or that I'm seeking that, but it just happens that way. There's a down side to it, although, 'cause I end up with the wrong people easily and people that hurt me. I have a few close friends, and those are the ones I keep close and do things with the most. They are the ones that really care, and the ones that showed up to visit me in the hospital... But, yeah, some nights I'm getting 4 or 5 ppl wanting me to come hang out with them, or go to some concert or club with them, or some party, etc. It gets frustrating. Sometimes I want alone time, and I don't wanna feel bad about having that. I always feel bad when I have to tell people no about going out with them to something. But, it's also overwhelming. A place alone without having to deal with people, and having some me time and alone time -- a place that's mine -- would be awesome.

june bug

I live by myself by choice.  Self-imposed isolation because I am absolutely focused on finishing my surgeries and having a social life or relationship will only distract me.  I'm still young, so the way I see it, taking this time off to get this stuff done is a lot better than trying to juggle a "life" and thus making transition last longer.

Actually, I guess my long-story-short is the fact that I tried that... for five years... and in the end I was as miserable as I was when I started and had barely moved forward with my transition.  Now that I'm really focused on it, things are moving much more quickly and I'm happier as each day goes by.

Lonely... but happier than I was when I had friends and a lover and felt incomplete.

Only one more year to go and then I'll be queen of the town.  :-*

King Malachite

I live with my mom and my father's son.

It's not that I hate living there so much because compared to other 20 year olds I'm still pretty sheltered and pampered there but it's more of the fact that I can't transition because I'm living with her.  Ideally I would like to live with a girlfriend and 2 cats because I do want company.
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