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Started by bunny, December 21, 2009, 06:32:20 AM

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hi. i tried to post here for some help maybe a year ago, but my posts were all deleted and i never knew why. i felt really bad, like i must have said something wrong. i am real sorry, i hope i didn't say something wrong. i just don't know the right things to say. if i say the bad things in this post and you think you have to delete it, can you maybe first tell me why so i know what i did bad?

i am having a real hard time and need some advice and thought of trying to come here again. other people, i have read some posts, get real good advice and everyone sounds so nice and supportive and helpful and wanting to help. i need some help. i can't talk to mum and daddy because we don't get on so good and i don't really have any close friends. i have a disability and most people judge me by it and don't want to get to know me.
i live with mum and daddy and my brother, who is a lot older then me. only my brother isn't my brother any more, he is my sister. and i don't understand. he has been taking drugs for a real long time, a long time before anyone told me and he didn't live with us for a while so i never knew. then he moved back in with us and he has boobs and everything. now my parents call him her and by his girl's name. i don't understand because nothing he does is girly. if he wants to be a woman, why doesn't he act like a woman? i watched a show on tv and they said people are born with female brains in male bodies. ok. but his brain doesn't seem female to me. he never does anything girly. i'm not like a girly girl, i don't wear pink and frills and stuff, but i still think i am obviously a girl.

and here is the thing that makes me really think he is not really a woman. he does something that women never do. i think this is what got me deleted last time, but please don't delete me, i need help and don't know who to ask. i once saw a psychologist for a little while, she was very nice, one of my teachers was worried about me because i had some scars and sores and cuts on my arms. i mostly keep my arms covered up, but they peeped through and she saw and she knew what i had done. so i had to go see the psychologist. we talked about lots of things, and she wanted to talk about the difference between good touching and bad touching. i think she thought my daddy was bad touching me, but it wasn't him, i love my daddy, even though i don't get to see him very much, and he would never do that to me. it was my brother. and then he went away for a real long time and came back a woman. sort of. his top half is a woman and his bottom half is a man. and i thought, if he is a woman now, he won't want to touch me, but he still does. he is going to get surgery soon and become all woman. when that happens, will he stop coming in my room? i don't like it. it makes me cry. if i still saw that psychologist, i would tell her, but i don't see her any more. i don't have anyone to tell. my parents would think i am disgusting and i don't have any friends. i want him to stop it. i m so confused, i don't understand. after he does it to me, i cut on my skin with a little art knife. sometimes i wish i could die. why does he do this to me? if he is a woman, he wouldn't want to touch me like that. but he does. does that mean he doesn't really have a woman's brain? then why does he take drugs and going to have an operation? can you please explain this to me. can you please not delete me.



Hi Bunny,

Having read through you story twice.  And if your brother/sister is going what I think she is doing, you need to tell your Mom and Dad.  If they won't do anything, tell a teacher.  But tell someone, anyone.  Just because she is going thru transition, does not excuse anything.

As far as what she is going thru.  It isn't about being girly, it is about the way she see herself and about how she feels about herself.

You may have been deleted because you only had a few posts within a couple of months.  Just keep letting us know that you are alright.

I worry about you now.  Tell someone that is close to you.



Telling a school counselor or asking your parents if you can see that psychologist again may be an idea. You really do need to tell someone and quickly. If hey ask why you want to see that psychologist, tell them because you are having a real hard time with your sisters transition. It would not be a total lie from what I have read in your letter. You didn't write anything bad.


tell someone please this is a bad situation for you
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


i'm glad someone replied to me. i don't know how to tell my parents because they will take his side. they will say he is a woman, and woman don't do that sort of thing. i would really like to see that psychologist again. she was so nice. i liked talking to her, nobody listens to me much and i liked just being able to say whatever i liked. sometimes i talk to my cat but cats don't talk back.
can i ask some questions? why does my brother think he is a woman? how does he knows that? for christmas on his christmas present should i write his boy's name or girl's name?
it all just confuses me so bad. i read lots of the posts here last night and everyone sounds like they can just accept their son or daughter or brother or sister for what they say they are. why can't i? am i being a bad sister? we were never real close, he started touching me when i was small, maybe when i started school, and so i was always scared of him.
to the people here that were born in one body but have a different brain, how did you know? did you ever have feelings of wanting to hurt your sister? or your brother?

to the people in families with brothers or sisters like that, did they ever try to hurt you? did they ever touch you? how did you make them stop?


first off some woman do do this and its wrong no matter what gender you are can we ask your age please
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


i got an email but can't work out how to write back.

Post Merge: December 22, 2009, 05:11:17 AM

i am eighteen.


You could go to the police, or get a lawyer, at eighteen you do not have to rely on your parents to "save you".
You could go, and purchase, for your own money, a lock for your door. They aren't hard to set up at all.

At the time you spoke to the psychologist you were legally a minor (as far as I can tell) and so she was supposed to to file a report. Sexual abuse of a minor is something they are not supposed to keep quiet.
Any idea why nothing was done about it then?

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche



If she comes at you again, scream, kick, punch and scream again.  It is wrong and you must do whatever to protect yourself.


This is one of the sadest stories I have heard in a long time. I'm sorry you have to deal with this bunny.

This abuse has nothing to do with your 'brothers' gender issues, best not to think of them together as they are unrelated.

None of it is your fault. Nobody asks to be abused, you did not ask for it. What they are doing to you is wrong. You need to tell someone, that is the only way it will stop. Keep telling people untill someone listens. Nobody is going to think you are disgusting. Your 'brother' is the disgusting one. Tell your parents. Call the police.

I hope things work out for you bunny,