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Started by aime, July 25, 2005, 12:05:16 AM

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Spending so much money on those glamor shots, when digital cameras are so inexpensive doesn't add up these days.  But then it lacks the thrill of the whole "being naughty, and doing something risque on the spur of the moment" thing.  Not as much fun, especially when you do it with someone you have fun with.  Just a second, isn't  that's what memories are made of  :)



  "I think it's kind of expensive to spend $400 on photos when you can get a digital camera for $240 and take 90000 pictures. That return on investment seems better if you ask me."

heck, I'll go one better.  I went to one of those sales pitch thingies where they give you a gift to get you to attend so they can try to sell you stuff.  In this case, it was a vacation club, but the freebe was a digital cam and no obligation to buy anything, so I went and had coffee, doughnuts, cookies etc, listened and watched the presentation, got my camera and left.  cheapee, but it looks like it works.



One of the advantages of the salon style setups though vs the Do it yourself style is the generally better results you should get at the salon. In the end I'd think the digital cam method would win out because eventually you should be able to get some really nice results, but I am guessing it would take both a lot of practice and time. Which means you'll go through supplies and is just as likely end up costing a few coppers in the long run that way.

Of course, the Terri-method works too: <CLICK> Done! ;)


Hah, you wanna know the other shoe of the "Terri" method? ..... If it takes experts using professional equipment, lighting, makeup, hair, positioning etc. to bring it out,   What relationship does such a picture have to being of any real description of you as you are, even in best presentation?

To me, is simply better when what you see is what you get.  Easier on friendships when you keep it that way also.

Yes, I realise it may be fun and that fantasy tickles the fancy, but something that isn't real is only illusion, and trust me on this, Illusion can be a trap you don't want to get into.



Teri! I'm shocked, you not into illusion, who'd of thought.  >:D ;D

Seriously though I think I might like to go in for a glamour shot one day just for the fun of it. I'd like to try one of those Hollywood style salons, like in Hollywood. I think a complete makeover like they do for women on TV talk shows from time to time gives you some idea of what can be done without being completley delusional. Of course unlike you Teri I'm into being very feminine, so I tend to go for makeovers, trips to salons, getting my nails done and such.

Of course your devil may care approach is a lot easier, less complicated, just not my style.

Good Journey,



Well, I just joined and one of the things I was wondering about was my avatar. After reading all of these posts I think I am going to go the use-my- own-digital-camera approach and save a few hundred$$. Not that I don't think it would be fun to go the Glamor Shots method. But, I think if I take 10,000 pictures, one of them might be usable. Trouble is, I need some help with my makeup as I am not very good at it. Any ideas where to look for some help?



Hello Amy,

One of the best places to start looking for help with make-up is your local esthetician.  Give them a phone call and let them know what you are looking for, and if they would be willing to help you with make-up.  If they are unable to maybe they could point you in the right direction.

This is where I started.  It took me a while to pluck up the courage to phone, but once I did it didn't take long to find someone who would do it.  I told them that I was a transsexual male to female, who needed help with my make-up.  I think that on the second or third phone call I managed to find a place that would help me with my make-up and did it in a private room.  Remember that these places are customer service oriented, they want to sell you a service and then sell you products that support their service.

Give it a try, the worst they can say is no.  :)

Other options is to contact a local support group that may have contacts in this field.  Try a google search on GLBT in your area and see what pops up.    :)

Chat later



Go to Susans home page Amy. Under Shopping/Cosmetics you'll find lots of good links to get you started in the right direction. I got a dvd on cosmetics for MtF. It helped a lot.

It concentrated on simple understated makeup designed to give you a more natural feminine look. You can't really see it in the photo at left but I do look good. My wife said  my makeup looked better than hers and started asking for pointers. It's really easy once you get the hang of it. At first it took me like twenty or thirty minutes, now I've got it down to about five. Foundation, contour, blush, brows, lids, lashes, lips, powder, done.


Hi Amy

Couple of my old avatars, or the full size pics they were made from rather, taken with a Creative Web Cam III back in 98 or 99, can't remember now, been a while.  Cam had a bad flicker in it and made spots on the pics, especially on the one in black. had a window in front of my computer desk with a lot of sun coming in allso.   May have to right click and click "show picture if it is x'd out, might have to repeat that a few times, but it will eventually show, not sure why.

Anyway, when these were reduced down for avatar size, they turned out quite well.  I wasn't quite 50 years old yet at the time so was still fairly smooth, but a little liquid foundation and powder cleaned out the lines and stuff pretty good. I was just starting to come out of skirts about that time and makeup and messing with hair was becoming a bore.

WebCams work fine though if you want to spend a little time on yourself first.  And get the lighting right.



Steph, Cassandra, Terri:

Thank you all for your help. It gives me some ideas and puts me in the right direction.



"I got tons of avatars on my system, about 3000.

Dig up a couple of yourself, I hate staring at cartoons and trying to take them serious, Just a personality flaw in me though, so ignore it.
