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A Dream

Started by Robin., November 19, 2009, 07:41:42 PM

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I'm not Wicca but was born into it...nun-the-less I had a slightly Kabolic dream the other night that I feel like sharing and hearing feedback on.

It started out I was in my living room in a non-consistent form sort of moving all over the place like my body was constantly shape-shifting rather than actually moving.
My Father asked me to participate and aid in a ritual, but I didn't really feel like me.. the way my dad asked me was as if he was asking a God or respected spirit...
I agreed.
The site where the ritual was to take place was mostly flat-land-fields but we started from a house on a hill.
The ritual, or what have you, began at the base of the hill where it was cut off such as to make a small 3 foot cliff. i stood at the edge and behind me were the other participants, about 10 in 2 lines of 5 behind me.
When I jumped off I became a fox and the others did not follow but chased me.
I ran from them avoiding from being caught.
I went from place to place in the field and finally went into a wooded area to the left of where we had started.
There I lost my pursuers for a time, and i wondered the forest peacefully waiting for them to catch up to me or find me, at this point I waited as a woman. I gracefully petted the trees as I waited feeling love for them...
When they came upon me, i first heard a stir, and began running as the fox again. i broke out of the forest and into the fielded area, they were very close to me.
I saw a single tree ahead of me, the only in the near center of the field.
I thought to lose them by running around the tree, and successfully ran them around it at least once.
But finally I was caught.
They grabbed me and began to pull at me, mean while I grew, they ripped at my fur pealing my fox body away to reveal me, a seemingly more innocent perhaps younger female me.
They became infatuated with me and neared raping me, at which point my father approached and ended the ritual.


I think that the dream is telling you that you want the goddess back in your life. The tree is a sybol of the Goddess, you tried to hide behind her, run arund her but still they catch you. The 'they' that caught you would represent the people of the Goddess. In your capture they basicaly assist in your transition and your father saved you in the end.

Go to an alter, light a candle and ask for the Goddess to bless your life.
There is a certain gnawing feeling that most of humanity feels that crys out for spiritual life. You have moved away from the spirit and your subconscience beckons you to go back to the Goddess.

JMHO. I am not a guru, I could be dead wrong, so take with a grain of salt...maybe 2. 
/HUGZ the Robbin
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'