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Do individuals beat up women or is it society?

Started by Rubberneck, April 05, 2012, 02:55:18 PM

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I was just watching some little fellow whinging on the tv about how our 'society' encourages football players to domestic violence.

What sparked him off was that a football player is going to court for assaulting his girlfriend.

This whining guy was blaming our 'society'. I was under the impression that western society slightly frowns upon violence towards women. The offender is going to court. He'll be fined and is facing possible jailing. Sounds like our society deals will people like him summarily.

I fail to see how suddenly his crime is now everyone elses fault. We all need to feel ashamed? even though almost every other society in the world that's non-western has far higher rates of violence towards women. The footballer commited the crime. why on earth must the rest of us be guilty?

I'm not saying i want to be beaten up. I just wasn't aware that our society bestows prestigiousness and encouragement on criminals who do it. {sarcasm}




There is a part of Western society that condemns male violence towards women, but there is also a part of Western society that values 'macho' behaviour such as verbal and physical aggression, high alcohol intake, and dominance of men over women that can encourage male violence toward women.

Although of course the offender needs to take personal responsibility for his actions, it also makes sense to look at the different influences in society, what could be done to manage these influences, and if we personally contribute to some of these negative influences in society.  This is different to excusing the offender for their behaviour, or blaming other's for their problems.


I just wasn't aware that our society bestows prestigiousness and encouragement on criminals who do it.

How can I tell that you didn't attend a Division 1 school with a huge sports tradition like Michigan, Ohio State or Penn State?

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


You can blame sociaty a part but blamming it all on it seams ridiculous.

there is places where its more "normal" and in a hard way more "accepted" to beat up certain kinds of people like transgenders or other people.
In some sociaty its just more "okay" than in others, in that way the sociaty its to blame.

however you sure can't blame a whole sociaty for your action unless your in some kind of situation where the goverment force you to beat up someone or they will kill you, (which seams ridiculous and unlikely for alot of things)
you also have a responcible for your own action, and a choice for yourself.



Strange how society never seems to enter into the equation when an individual does something good or noble. Then it's all their own doing.

I wonder how many people would say "yeah, I only saved that drowning woman because society put me in the position where I had no choice. If it were up to me, she'd have gone under." Not many, I'd wager.

It's a nonsense. A crutch.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Sorry I will point out here that the guy who his blaming society is not the guy who is in trouble for beating up his woman.

I can't find the story now. It's annoying. Anyway, a guys in trouble for it and some football fan is making a big noise about it but he seems to be blaming everyone but the guy who bloody well did it.

Hitting your gf/wife is seen as a shameful, cowardly act in western society. I really can't see otherwise at all. I just put it down to the media yet again created some weird reality which doesn't exist. Who knows why they do it.


Quote from: tekla on April 06, 2012, 08:44:00 AM
I just wasn't aware that our society bestows prestigiousness and encouragement on criminals who do it.

How can I tell that you didn't attend a Division 1 school with a huge sports tradition like Michigan, Ohio State or Penn State?



I wonder how many people would say "yeah, I only saved that drowning woman because society put me in the position where I had no choice. If it were up to me, she'd have gone under." Not many, I'd wager.

No, when they are in that position they are too busy being attention whores to really say what's going through their minds.  But I will point to first, the need for 'Good Samaritan Laws" that protected people who tried to help and only ended up getting sued.  On top of that, since the notorious Kitty Genovese case, there have been other laws put into place that say that 'yes, you do have to help if you can."  So yes, society does put them in that position.  Furthermore, religion - being a part of society and culture - puts people in exactly that position.  It makes that kind of assistance mandatory in many ways.

I'm not sure exactly what planet your commuting in from so I'm not sure what that means, but what I - and I'm sure many others in here know - is that in a lot of places, in a lot of situations and for a very few select people there are two sets of rules, one for them, and one for the rest of us.  Lots of bad behavior, including rape and beating up women were commonly covered up for top jocks and other special people, often with the notion that 'boys will be boys'.  Look at how long took Penn State to do anything to that football coach who was outright raping boys in the locker room.  And had it not been make public I'm sure it would still be business as usual.  I'm also pretty sure that had he been an English professor that would not have happened, as English is not near as important in Happy Valley as football is.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...