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Christian group wants ’self-mutilating’ Obama appointee fired

Started by Butterfly, January 09, 2010, 04:47:10 AM

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Christian group wants 'self-mutilating' Obama appointee fired
By Daniel Tencer
08 January, 2010

The conservative American Family Association is calling on President Barack Obama to fire Amanda Simpson, Obama's transgender appointee to the Commerce Department, because the appointment "puts the weight of the federal government behind the normalization of sexual deviancy."

"'Amanda' is a biological male in every cell of his body, and no amount of surgical mutilation is ever going to change that," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in a press release circulated Thursday. "It's a mistake for our president to appoint such a sexually confused individual to a position of public responsibility."


Agreed, because they are calling for actual action.  WND is nut-bar territory, like the FreeRepublic and RedState they pander to an extreme that one can only hope infects the Republican Party for a few years, thus making them unable to come up with candidates acceptable to the mainstream. Though I have a great deal of sympathy for the person who wrote that all this stuff is a meaningless diversion - smoke and mirrors - from what is really important.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I really hate backward, uneducated and ignorant idiots that say crap like

-"gender is assigned by the Creator at the moment of conception, and no healthy society should ever regard sexual mutilation, even if it's self-inflicted, as blah blah blah I am a retard"-

I mean why cant they just read a biology book once in a while instead of having their heads stuck in a fantasy book and babbling all kinds of nonsense?

What does it matter to them anyway?

They all just come across as selfish religious fanatics that want the world to revolve around their narrow minded beliefs and customs.


Yes, fire Amanda, because the only fake politicians are trannies.  Nevermind the honest politicians that uphold America's image by lying to billions of people every day and stealing money and oil, they've definitely done what's right and kept real.

Miss LXC 2.0

The AFA should just go ahead and Outlaw divorce to protect traditional values as well.
Unless every cell was examined to have an XY chromosome in it, I think the AFA theory is full of as many holes as are in their hearts


Quote from: Miss LXC 2.0 on February 04, 2010, 03:13:45 PM
The AFA should just go ahead and Outlaw divorce to protect traditional values as well.
Unless every cell was examined to have an XY chromosome in it, I think the AFA theory is full of as many holes as are in their hearts

OMG LEXI!  Long time no talk!



She is not male in every cell of her body, someone needs to go smack some heads with a few Biology 101 books.



Even if their argument was true (which I dispute) it isn't sound because it rests on selective application of a principle.

How many of the AFA memebers shave or cut their hair? That's mutilating their natural body form then.

How many of them cut their toenails - that's mutilation too.

Do any of them have circumcision - ditto.

Oh dear... what a shame. By now I guess we've had to fire pretty well everyone then!

What? - oh I see - when THEY do it it's normal and acceptable to "God" but when someone else does it then that's suudenly somehow mutilation and unacceptable.

In other words it is pure cant and hypocrisy!



Seems this group thinks killing people is acceptable. Since Jesus Himself made it clear that killing people is not acceptable, they would appear to be redesigning Jesus teachings, ie Christianity, to suit themselves.



To begin with the Bible is clear in that Christians are not supposed to get involved in politics. The word says pray for kings and rulers and such. Not to tell them how to run their office.
Secondly the letters that Paul wrote to the churches about how to live were sent to the churches to guide the saints. They were not sent to tell the rest of the world how to act.
Thirdly, if those who considered themselves Christians would quit trying to use the world's tactics, lifestyle and ideas and get back to trying to preparing themselves for the judgment seat of Christ they just might stop making foolish statements as listed here that cause Christianity to appear like the world's greatest gathering of idiots.


I wonder who the nutbars think "creates" hermaphrodites?


Julie Marie

If you want to know what this group is all about, check out the article "A Mighty Army" posted on the Southern Poverty Law Center website.  An excerpt:

American Family Assocation

Best known for leading boycotts of advertisers who support "indecency" in the mass media (including the supposedly cocaine-snorting Mighty Mouse), the Rev. Donald Wildmon, a former Methodist minister, has led a series of religious-right groups since 1976.


AFA's direct-mail appeals are particularly shrill. "For the sake of our children and society, we must OPPOSE the spread of homosexual activity! Just as we must oppose murder, stealing, and adultery!" says one such recent fundraising letter. "Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, the only way for them to 'breed' is to RECRUIT! And who are their targets for recruitment? Children!"

AFA has 21 state directors, including California's Scott Lively, co-author of The Pink Swastika, a book that claims "homosexuals are the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities"
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.



Sabriel Facrin

Err...I'm going to edit to clarify a little.

Strange...I'm getting a 404 on that site...
Well, either way...There's one ultimately simple reason they need to just sit down and shush a little.  This is not THEIR territory, this is EVERY American's territory.  It's outside of their religious faction's boundaries the moment it leaves the church doors.
No matter how Christianity-engulfed (I want to say infested, but that's really negative on connotations) our nation is, generalized regulation of political and social matters via religion is a foreign territory because having faith and believing is always within one's own soul, no matter how one looks at it. :\ They literally have no right to make any of these extremist efforts...

Come to think of it, opinionated, emotional notions shouldn't really make issues in the same way, should it? o.o; I guess by sheer nature of that LGBT presence doesn't cause spontanious nuclear explosions or anything, there is just really no basis at all to regulate against unusual sexualities and identities, even if one was to buy into everything they claim.

Julie Marie

Quote from: Sabriel Facrin on May 27, 2011, 01:32:34 PM
Well, either way...There's one ultimately simple reason they need to just sit down and shush a little.  This is not THEIR territory, this is EVERY American's territory.  It's outside of their religious faction's boundaries the moment it leaves the church doors.

It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear America is a christian nation.  If there was a poll, I fear it would show the majority of citizens in this country believe that.  And because of that, they believe this IS their territory and they ARE every American.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Well since the WND doesn't believe that Obama is legally the President in the first place, it's kind of funny to ask him to fire someone he didn't have the power to hire in the first place.  So if he couldn't legally hire him (because he's from Mars or something, whatever, he's not a real 'Merican and hence according to some obscure point he could not be elected in the first place), he sure can't legally fire him.  HA!  SO there WND, is this your way of admitting that he IS the legal President of the US?
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


One wonders how many of those men who view GRS as mutilation, have been circumcised.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano

Sabriel Facrin

Quote from: Julie Marie on May 28, 2011, 10:56:59 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear America is a christian nation.  If there was a poll, I fear it would show the majority of citizens in this country believe that.  And because of that, they believe this IS their territory and they ARE every American.

Ah...I think you misunderstood me to an end...I meant to insist that regardless of the nation's religious status, that faith is an internal mechanism, and literally can't be applied to running a nation, because at that point it is an opinionated nature of how the nation should run. (Specifically, an opinion that "it should run as my belief system dictates is appropriate") This becomes an even more severe situation when a nation, at least on a technical level of absolutely nothing else (and henceforth 'no matter how Christian engulfed'), has a religion/politic segregation, and furthermore religious diversity in the individuals that occupy the nation.

But yeah, that's a pretty amusing thought Lisbeth. XD Does kind of seem weird...


The American Family Association is a bigoted group of racist homophobes.  Their opinion is worth as much as a slug's, in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I believe them to be the hate group with the largest - by far - impact on culture and people in the US.  They are actually taken as a credible religious group by many that would run far away from the KKK and similar hate groups.  I wish I understood why - but I don't.  They aren't exactly skilled at crafting their message in a way to hide their hate.

The only thing I can think of is that they appeal to a sizable demographic that is looking for support for their own bigotry.  :(

As for Amanda, I'm glad that the president appointed a qualified applicant to an important post rather than just picking a politically safe one.  And it's not like the Republicans like any of the other appointees Obama has made...well, other than Secretary Gates and Ben Bernanke (the second is probably the most important to the political groups - got to make sure that we don't get someone in the Fed who actually suggests we regulate banks and Wall Street, as people wouldn't be able to steal so much money then...but I digress...).

kate durcal

When ever possible I live them a message about biology and evolution in their sites, together with a list of the names of their famous supports who have been coughs in adultery, sodomy, pedophilia, and drug consumption. Most recent one is the "honorable" Schwarzenegger, family guy, republican, and anti "girly-man" advocate