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Master – Grasshopper seeks guidance ???

Started by EveMarie, January 11, 2010, 05:13:52 PM

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Michio Kaku, you just have to love his infectuous enthusiasm :).


Well, I've just finished the "Collected Fiction" of Jorge Luis Borges...

If I posted an emoticon, I'd have to use every one! OMG!

Brilliant, Captivating, Deep beyond my expectations. Some of the story's that stand out; "The Widow Chang—Pirate", "Man on Pink Corner", "Deutsches Requiem", "The book of Sand".

In "TLON, UQBAR, ORBIS TERTIUS" he brings an interesting concept to mind, He writes:
QuoteThere are no nouns in the conjectural Ursprache of Tlon from which its "present -day" languages and dialects derive: there are impersonal verbs, modified by monosyllabic suffixes (or prefixes) functioning as adverbs. For example, there is no noun that corresponds to our word "moon," but there is a verb which in English would be "to moonate" or "to enmoon." "The moon rose above the river" is...    translates: Upward, behind the onstreaming it mooned.

Take a shot at writing in that style ???

Anyway, Im definitely adding Borges to my library.  Thanks again for the reference.
"You are not born a woman... you become one..."  Simone de Beauvior
"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."  Friedrich Nietzsche


He (Borges) was fascinated by the way different languages worked.  He wrote in Spanish, but enjoyed critical acclaim and accompanying sales in English.  Fluent enough to read in English he often commented that so many of the ideas he was trying to express came out so different in translation.  He would have loved the on-line translators where you can put in a line, translate it, translate it back and sit back and enjoy the humor.  He did express - from time to time at least - a notion that he would have liked to work in English because of the flexibility in that language as opposed to Spanish - because as he exclaimed several time in the interview cited in the Old Patagonian Express, that 'you just can not say that in Spanish."
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...