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If you are FTM would you want to be pregnant?

Started by Sophie90, January 04, 2009, 05:53:26 PM

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Would you like to be pregnant?

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little... NO!


Steven Lee | 24 | Dog Dad | Beginner Figure Skater | Aspiring Writer

:icon_arrow:Started counseling on June 11th, 2017
:icon_arrow:Received HRT Letter on July 2nd, 2017
:icon_arrow:HRT Consultation with Doctor on July 16th, 2017



I have two kids. I am almost ashamed of saying I had easy labours. Kids just popped out before the doctor even had time to come in to the room. I hardly got into hospital before they were out.

No anasthetics. Just pure parental energy.

I don't feel less male. Kids sometimes say dad-mom to me. Being male is how I feel about myself. I never felt like a MOM. I'm not a mom. You can call me anything but it's still my inner image that counts.

Non of my kids were planned. Would I do it again? No. I did a hysterectomy 7 years ago.


I'd love to have kids- in fact I'm getting my eggs frozen so I can keep those doors open, but doubt I'd undergo pregnancy unless there was truly no other option to have kids.
I don't think I'd like to go off HRT to do that... then again, I haven't gone on HRT yet.
kindest regards possible,


Quote from: undautri on June 29, 2017, 03:39:07 PM
I'd love to have kids- in fact I'm getting my eggs frozen so I can keep those doors open, but doubt I'd undergo pregnancy unless there was truly no other option to have kids.
I don't think I'd like to go off HRT to do that... then again, I haven't gone on HRT yet.

The question of how much cryogenic storage costs comes up frequently.  Have you priced it recently?

Hugs, Devlyn


In the UK, it is free to get your eggs frozen under the right circumstances. When/if I get the go-ahead for HRT I'll apply to see if I can get them frozen. if I have to pay, though, I'll pay, even if it's more than I can afford right now. I'll find a work around. I am very determined to have children in the future, I love kids.
kindest regards possible,




Nope. Although I'd love to have kids some day, maybe, I've literally never had the desire to get pregnant. This feeling only amplified when I found out I have several chronic illnesses that I can easily pass down to possible kids AND which will make pregnancy and childbirth much more painful so, nope. It's a definite no from me.

Adoption is a thing too, and so is fostering, so that's what I'd want to look into.
don't let it break your heart.
Alex. They/them & he/him


Hell to the No.... Pregnancy would have to be the polar opposite of transitioning. Transitioning is taking steps forward towards the real you, pregnancy is running back in the other direction and padlocking yourself in the closet to me. It would personally feel like I had violated my body. Although I want to have Kids, yes. I'd like to be a father one day. If a partner wanted to get pregnant that'd be their call and I'd be supportive, but would be happy with adoption.

Glad to see I'm not the only one that feels this way, my friend (who is obsessed with birth rates and probably been reading too many stories about pregnant transmen) seemed to think that despite transitioning I would still want to get pregnant as I'd have maternal urges! Had to set him straight on that one and explained that the transmen who do this are a clear minority and that it's as ridiculous as me asking him if he wants to get pregnant if he had a womb...


Never wanted to, and never will. I don't feel particularly good with kids anyway but if I had my own I would adopt. That's always appealed to me more but I'm still unsure if I would want kids at all.


I'd rather have dogs than babies. I don't have much patience with or fondness for young kids, but I know how to raise young animals. I've been the 'parent' of quite a few. 
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Hell no! The mere thought that this damn body at this point could probably theoretically still do that if I used it that way disgusts me to the core and could make me aggressive already.
I can't wait to get rid of these awful organs and with them that ability. To me it's humiliating that those things are there and could theoretically function, I'm severely dysphoric about their existence.

Beside that carrying a child and giving birth is the most womanly act out of them all to me personally.

Additionally I don't want kids anyway; I am not good with children, am not fond of them and caring for one is the most uninteresting and restricting task I can possibly think of.



I couldn't even imagine giving birth when I was a child...

Getting pregnant, giving birth & breastfeeding would feel devastating. Feels like that would perpetually ruin my life...
!!!REBIRTH=legal name change on Feb 16th 2018!!!
This is where life begins for me. It's a miracle I finally got it done.

My body is the home of my soul; not the other way around.

I'm more than anything an individual; I'm too complex to be put in any box.

- A social butterfly not living in social isolation anymore  ;D -
(Highly approachable but difficult to grasp)

The past is overrated - why stick with it when you are able to recreate yourself every day


Even before I came out I knew I never wanted to experience pregnancy. I've always been uncomfortable with my vagina/uterus as sexual organs. I've never liked anything penetrating me, and the idea of being pregnant and giving birth is so incredibly unpleasant.
I'm still unsure if I want children in general, but if I do make that choice, I will 110% adopt.
Until then, dogs will just be my babies!



When I was pretending to be a guy. I felt my deviance, which is what we were called at the time, deviants. I did not want children because I did not want them to suffer for my sins. Well then I did some drugs and came home horny as a heathen and the rest is history. It was the biggest mistake of my life until I realized It was not. It actually was the best thing I ever did. They gave me a purpose to live. I have always had nurturing instincts that I got to express. But I always wanted to be female and one of the things that make females, female. Getting pregnant and having a baby is the ultimate "Do I pass"
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17




Quote from: Frazer on September 07, 2017, 01:42:31 PM
Hell to the No.... Pregnancy would have to be the polar opposite of transitioning. Transitioning is taking steps forward towards the real you, pregnancy is running back in the other direction and padlocking yourself in the closet to me. It would personally feel like I had violated my body.

and this.

Quote from: Corax on September 15, 2017, 03:05:54 PM
Hell no! The mere thought that this damn body at this point could probably theoretically still do that if I used it that way disgusts me to the core and could make me aggressive already.
I can't wait to get rid of these awful organs and with them that ability. To me it's humiliating that those things are there and could theoretically function, I'm severely dysphoric about their existence.

Beside that carrying a child and giving birth is the most womanly act out of them all to me personally.

Even if I was the last person on earth who could repopulate it by giving birth, sorry everyone but that would be the end of our species because I'd rather die.

I'll have neices and nephews I can spoil the crap out of then send back home when they're too much to handle. I've been told I'd make a good father but I value my quiet time, free time and financial stability and I'm just not willing to sacfirice those kinds of things for kid/s. Maybe in an ideal universe but I still wouldn't be the one giving birth to them.


A strong "no" from me. I'm not sure if I'm even fertile, cause pre-T my periods were always irregular and I've had unprotected piv-sex with cis men on several occasions over the years, but it never lead to anything. I've never wanted kids and the thought of ending up with one for life probably terrifies me even more than pregnancy itself, cause at least that would be over in 9 months, but I'm also careless and impulsive with sex partners cause I forget how to use my brain when I'm horny.

The thought of being pregnant freaks me out quite a lot. I think it would be very dysphoria inducing and do a real number on my mind with all the female hormones. My mood was a total mess on estrogen before I started taking testosterone. In terms of giving birth I mostly just shrug though. Physical pain doesn't really bother me much. Not since having lived with chronic pain for the past 13 years, it doesn't really get to me anymore, even when it's extreme.

Now I plan on getting a hysto, so I won't have to worry myself half to death whenever I'll end up being careless and impulsive with another guy. And to never have to worry about possibly getting abortions, taking birth control, etc. Then I just have to worry about std's and frankly, that's enough already. I enjoy using my vagina for sex, but a pregnancy is not the kind of result I want from it!

I really don't have a parental bone in my body. I look at others' kids and just think they're weird and gross. As a young kid I never liked playing with dolls that looked like babies or play pretend family scenarios. I thought that was stupid and couldn't see the fun in it. I once held a baby when I was 14 and I just wanted for the mother to come back and save me from it asap, as she just dumped her kid in my arms for a phone call or whatever. At age 15, a classmate of the same age as me got her first kid while still in 9th grade. I just really couldn't understand how she could be happy about that.

Now I'm 29 and more and more of my friends start having kids and I just shake my head about it. I don't get why people do that. I don't think I ever will. I'd much rather raise a bunch of cats instead. That's the kind of family I'd want, preferably with a boyfriend/husband as well, if I can find one of those someday.
Mar. 2009 - came out as ftm
Nov. 2009 - changed my name to John
Mar. 2010 - diagnosed with GID
Aug. 2010 - started T, then stopped after 1 year
Aug. 2013 - started T again, kept taking it since
Mar. 2014 - top surgery
Dec. 2014 - legal gender marker changed to male
Jul. 2018 - came out as cis woman and began detransition
Sep. 2018 - stopped taking T and changed my name to Laura
Oct. 2018 - got new ID-card

Medical Detransition plans: breast reconstruction surgery, change legal gender back to female.