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Societal Lessons and Contradictions

Started by Julie Marie, November 06, 2006, 09:31:05 PM

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Julie Marie

We are taught a lot of things throughout life.  There's a lot of sayings we hear repeated over and over.  Yet we don't always practice what we preach.  These are some popular sayings and I've added contradictions society actually condones.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover" ... unless you don't like how it looks.

"March to the tune of a different drummer" ... as long as you walk, talk, look and act like everyone else.

I have found using these sayings and pointing out the contradictions useful in opening the eyes of people with their head in the sand.  Can you think of more?

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


"Take it to the limit" and "Be all you can be" and "Just do it" - unless you are gay, transgendered, female, mexican, poor, or just want to do something that will make somebody uncomfortable.

"Live life on your own terms." - but don't disagree with corporate culture, religion, your party leader, the two major parties, company policies, big oil, etc... or when you will make somebody really uncomfortable

"Be true to yourself" - except when it makes others feel really really uncomfortable and might inspire a harassment suit.

"Live and let live" - except when there is money to made suing people or when somebody makes you really really really uncomfortable (see also be true to yourself)

"Be happy with what you have" - but look as good as the models in the fashion magazines and have all the gadgets that in the tech magazines (or else you might not feel comfortable marching to your own tune!)

Cindi Jones

You can lead a horse to water but don't let it mate with an ass.


Author of Squirrel Cage




A friend of mine recently shared this with me--one of her co-workers pinned this up on the company bulletin board:

"Think outside the box, but color inside the lines."



"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right" unless you think you can do something christianity or republicans don't approve of, then you're wrong. ;)

"A friend in need is a friend indeed", unless that friend is Gay, Lesbian, Bi, TS, IS, etc.

"All good things come to those who wait" but remember to "seize the day" and "take the bull by the horns".
