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I am new here :)

Started by brina, November 10, 2006, 09:38:08 AM

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Hieezz everyone,

  I have just joined this board and thought a quick into would be in order. I am a M->F in Full transition and living 24/7. I began my transition on Dec. 13, 2004 when I officailly began HRT. I have satisfied the SOC in regards to getting surgory. I have under gone my first T surgory an orchiectomy and am waiting for my Vagioplasty next year with Dr. Sanguan Kunaporn at the PIH in Phuket, Thailand. My girlfriend also TS and I live in Atlantic Canada, Nova Scotia. Here is a photo from last New Years, to put a face with the chattering lol.

You will only find me in the TS section here as the other aspects of the Transgendered community hold very little interest for me.



Hi Brina, welcome to Susans.  Nice to see you here.



Welcome to Susan's Brina.

I'm sure that you are going enjoy your stay here and don't worry about only being interested in one aspect of Susan's as there are no rules about that here.  I suspect though that after awhile you may venture into the other forums as everyone's opinion is respected.

Take your time to explore the site and be sure to read the rules that govern Susan's as there is a huge amount of information to digest.

Again welcome and relax you're among friends.



  Thank you Steph for the welcome. Its always nice to meet another Canadian on these boards :).

  Hi, Melissa nice to see you here to.



Nice to meet you, Brina! ^_^

I'm also new here and i think this place is great!!!
Please check out my vampire novel project!

Please like, follow, share and support! :D


Hello wishy,

  Glad to make your aquaintance :).



Hi Brina welcome as well..
hope to see you posting and replying!


Hi Brina and welcome to Susan's indeed!

I am sure you will find many friends here who are always willing to share their experiences and provide you with support.  So please get acquainted with all of Susan's forums and take a second to review the site fules if you haven't done so already.

We will be looking forward to your future posts.  Enjoy your stay!

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Hi, Brina!  Welcome to Susan's!

I'm happy you decided to join us and I'm pleased to make your aquaintance!  I joined the forums 10 months ago and now they can't drag me out :D.  I'm MtF and just started on the journey, having begun HRT 9 weeks ago.

I hope I'll be reading many more posts from you and maybe, on the rare occasions that I get into the Chat room, maybe we'll talk some.  In any event, I'm again happy to say,

WELCOME ! !  :)
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


  Helen and Tink thank you for the welcome :). I have been exploring the board a bit and have even made into the chat, which by the way is a very nice feature to have.



Hi Brina, I'm another Canuck. I'm on the West Coast. Went to Dalhousie though, so I've done some time on the East Coast. Beautiful area. If I wasn't here, I'd be there.



Welcome, Brina.  Glad you found us.

TS couples are becoming more of a commonplace.  While working in Virginia, my FTM husband came along and found an MTF/MTF couple a half mile away from our furnished apartment.  To make the world even smaller, it turned out that the other two were on the NTAC Board of Directors a year before I was elected to the Board.  When the current Board came to DC, we all joined them for lunch one day.

Sounds as if you have your transition journey all planned out.  Best wishes.

Don't sell the other areas of Susan's short, in Forums or in Chat.  You might not be as interested in CDs, FTMs, or SOs as you are in MTF TS, but you could be a lifesaver or a fount of all knowledge to someone in need.  If not now, perhaps after SRS when people realize that SRS is not the end of the journey.  For many, the next stop is payback to the community.

I look forward to more of your posts.

Granny Robyn

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


Hi Brina, Welcome to Susan's!

Like Granny Robyn said, don't limit yourself only to the TS section.  Interesting threads and topics pop up in all areas, and all opinions are welcome.

Look forward to hearing more from you.


Quote from: reikirobyn on November 11, 2006, 10:47:47 PM
...when people realize that SRS is not the end of the journey.  For many, the next stop is payback to the community.

While I know that you mean the next step is performing service to the community, I have to admit that my first thought was "I'll get even with them"...LOL 
Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


Hiee Dennis,Reiki and Laurie,

  Thank you all for the welcome. I may or maynot have useful information but if I can be of assistance to someone then I will do my best :).


PS Dennis I forgot to mention that I lived in BC for a number of years over on the island and then in Vancouver.


That's funny, Brina. We've been on mirror image journeys. I'm on Vancouver Island now, lived in Vancouver for a number of years both before and after Halifax.



Quote from: reikirobyn on November 11, 2006, 10:47:47 PM
...but you could be a lifesaver or a fount of all knowledge to someone in need.  If not now, perhaps after SRS when people realize that SRS is not the end of the journey.  For many, the next stop is payback to the community.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't owe the community anything.  The whole time, I've given at least as much as I've received and therefore feel no debt is owed.  If I feel I want to continue contributing to the community it will not be because I feel I owe something, but rather because I am a giving person.



Hiee Robyn,

  I will be posting about information I find on the net as well as personal info ie. my transition as a TS.
Mostly it will concern Laser hair removal, effects of hormones, outcomes of surgory as it relates to T's etc. After I have my Final T-surgory next year I can't say as I will mostly, I think, be interested in getting on with my life.
