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respect identities

Started by Shana A, May 26, 2009, 08:28:23 AM

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Quote from: Frannie on April 27, 2010, 09:25:43 AM
Okay, so no posts for at least 30 days, but it's still a good topic. 

Wouldn't you know it, my first post on this forum, and I find the same ol' intolerance that I (and everyone else here, I guess) has to deal with in the non-trans world....


Hi Frannie :icon_wave:

Welcome to Susan's :icon_flower:

..Yes we can get a little bitchy at times, but hopefully we can all celebrate our diversity in the end.... ..hey we are only human after all. ::)

Please take a moment to introduce yourself in our "more friendly" introduction section when you feel able... ;),8.0.html





I'm glad this forum exists, because I can't quote statistics on  how many of us there are who either don't feel the need to "cross over" physically ie: surgery, or even those of us who are TG and don't feel the need to express ourselves in the "real world" but I personally think that regardless, ANY discussion of "true trans" misses the point that this is a condition, and conditions tend to run in continuums rather than polarities.

For me, being "bigender" or "multiple" or whatever the hell you want to call it, I have my en homme life which is dominant and my en femme life which is private  and less dominant. The fact that I feel I have  two personalities living inside me, distinct with their own wants and needs means that as long as I do not "suppress" my femininity, as long as I express it in a way that does not have to disrupt my family or my marriage, who the @#$! cares what anyone else thinks about that? This is a personal journey for all  of us. For me, the virtual world of second life has afforded me the opportunity to be free to let my inner woman out. I have no problems passing, but even there, identity is under fire for those of us who are transgender. There  are those who seek to out us, not just the "dancers" and "escorts", but all persons would be subject to "gender verification" if the homophobic idiots had their way. So far SL has not given in to this but I believe that the point of identity respect cannot be overstated. We are not any one profile. We are not any one point on some @#$!ing chart, and it saddens me that those of us who try to make our way through the mine field of gender identity come underfire by those who feel that we are not as Trans as they are. Well let them crusade in their own lives. For those who say that its a point of Transgender pride, let me ask what they are proud of? Being born different? Why? I am not ashamed of my transgender status, and I admire those who are brave enough should they feel so compelled to live openly as MTF or FTM if that is what THEY need to do. But projecting their own issues of self importance in an effort to feel part of an in group seems to me to be just as superficial or disengenuous as they would like to portray those of us who chose not to transition or do so only on our own terms.

I value resources like this to help me connect with "my people" and we deserve respect and to be proud of ourselves not because we are Trans, but because we are true to ourselves and THAT respect should be given to all.


There are unfortunately some people who are unable to maintain their own self-image without trying to damage other people's self-images.  Just because somebody disagrees with you does not make them inferior, or stupid, so let's all agree to live and let live.  Life is too short to worry about the small stuff, when there are bigger issues being discussed here.

I would suggest that we are all both non-op and pre-op, until we either have SRS, or until it is too late medically to undergo it.

The situation is always changing for all of us. One can always change one's mind, as that is a woman's perogative as they say.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Barbara H.

I floated for years as non-op cause my employer didn't care and I lived as a female . 9-11, The Real ID Act, TSA proceedure, and the Patriotic Act got me very concerned about having a consistent identity. So I got GRS and every time I get a pat down by the TSA ( I have a hip replacement so I always get one) the surgery was well worth it. I like to thank "Still Bushed' for pushing me to finally get GRS. Now I can shop at Victoria's Secret for anything I want. It's also better in hot weather.

PS------Look what they are doing in Arizona. Identity again


I made the mistake of inquiring about breasts in the FTM forum. WOOOOOO! That's an angry bunch in my opinion. I simply wanted some insight of the "cons" to having breasts. What a better place to find that than from people that hate or dislike their breasts?
I just didn't think that I could get the info I wanted from Non-op males growing breasts as well as those transitioning from male to female because these folks CHOSE to have breasts. I wanted an opinion of what it was like to have breasts from someone that didn't get a say so as to whether or not they had breasts.
I am a straight, married male that simply enjoys having my own breasts. I am quite sure that there would be some diagnosis for the way that i feel (seems to be a diagnosis for everyone these days).


WE are not angry, we don't get why ask us.  Just because a person is non op don't make them not trans.  a non-op male would not grow breasts as a rule or not voluntarily. You wanted opinions form people who did not want breasts and you got it.


Transgenderism has rules?  :-\


Quote from: Breastquest on May 06, 2010, 11:56:01 AM
Transgenderism has rules?  :-\

Yes, it's a game wherein everybody has their own rules, which they constantly change as they play.  Very little play actually happens, however.  Mostly, everybody just stands in the middle yelling at each other for not understanding the rules.

It's a moronic game.



Alyssa M.

Quote from: Jen on May 06, 2010, 12:36:13 PM
Yes, it's a game wherein everybody has their own rules, which they constantly change as they play. ...

You mean like Calvinball? Awesome!

Quote... Very little play actually happens, however.  Mostly, everybody just stands in the middle yelling at each other for not understanding the rules.

It's a moronic game.

Oh ... I gues not. :(
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


Lol :D.

There is another game we can play instead.   It's called I'm smiling, pass it on.  Totally more fun...
