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Looking for a product that will remove facial hair

Started by JillEclipse, February 23, 2010, 12:26:40 PM

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Hi. I've tried Nair, Surgi Cream and some other brand of depletory cream. None of it works! I tried each one several times, and TWICE the maximum safe amount of time. Did not get rid of any hair.

So am I doing it wrong? Or are these products meant for women's hair? This is what I did, placed gobs of it on my upper lip. (I did not rub it in because it said not to.)  Should I rub it in? Should I add water? Should I try Nair for body (even though it says not to place in hair?

Can someone give me an online link to buy a depletory facial hair cream that actually works?


The facial version is probably meant for women's facial hair, which tends to be extremely fine even when it is visible enough to be a cosmetic issue. Rubbing it in won't help; it works by literally dissolving the hair, so the only thing that's going to have an effect is how long it sits on the hair reacting with it. (It can help to get it on all sides of the hair though, so you could try just doing a couple of strokes in each direction with your fingers)

The body stuff might have a higher concentration because it's meant to deal with the slightly coarser hair on the legs. You could try it, but it might be more likely to cause irritation. Give your skin a break before you put these chemicals on it again.



As someone who has thick facial hair and had to keep up appearances by trying to remove it I've tried several things. I'm afraid once you reach a certain level of thickness your best bet is waxing.

We'll see if anybody has a better suggestion.

Definitely don't go against the instructions and don't use body hair removal products on your face. Remember these products are full of harsh chemicals and often cause chemical burns. I know someone who was badly burnt by one of these products.
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over the counter products will remove or reduce growth maybe if the planets align, your best bet is electrolysis and/or laser hair reduction.
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.


I've had very poor results from products like Nair and even with epilators. I use a Gillette Mach 5 razor and Kiss My Face shaving cream, shaving from my toes (yes, I said "toes") to my face. For fine adjustments, I use a Gillette Sensor 3.


I wish you didn't suggest waxing. I've tried it before. I suggest no man should EVER do it. It completely ripped my face apart, took weeks for the red marks to go away. It left a lot of hair too.

That joke about the planets actually has some truth to it. Your hair has different stages if you will. So in different parts of the year your hair will react better or worse differently to depletory creams. This has nothing to do with the outside seasons however.

What about threading or plucking? I really don't have 10,000$ to spend on electrolosis. (hybrid electrolysis is better than laser surgery I think.)

Theres gotta be some depletory on the web designed for men's facial hair. I'm a guy with thick hair underneath his skin. Even if I have a great shave with no stubble, my skin looks dark gray.


Quote from: JillEclipse on February 23, 2010, 01:08:46 PM
Theres gotta be some depletory on the web designed for men's facial hair. I'm a guy with thick hair underneath his skin. Even if I have a great shave with no stubble, my skin looks dark gray.
I know what you mean. I've got that blue-gray shadow all the time. I use makeup to hide it.


Quote from: JillEclipse on February 23, 2010, 01:08:46 PM
Theres gotta be some depletory on the web designed for men's facial hair. I'm a guy with thick hair underneath his skin. Even if I have a great shave with no stubble, my skin looks dark gray.
Until you get electrolysis you may have to resort to covering it with makeup. The tricky part is that it's an artform in itself to do this by creating a base, using different shades of foundation and then blending it all together to make a smooth natural look. So there's lots of layers and blending involved, but it can make a hell of a difference in how you present.
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QuoteI know what you mean. I've got that blue-gray shadow all the time. I use makeup to hide it.

You know what would be hilarious? That the shadow is still there after completing laser surgery...


Hair removal products are not meant for male facial hair.  That hair is of a different type than body hair or female facial hair (or scalp hair).

Waxing will cause problems, including making electrolysis much more difficult once you get around to that.  Same with plucking.  (The average male has a huge number of hairs on his face.  I don't remember the number, but it is in the tens of thousands.  I don't think you can pluck that many anyway.)

Laser can work well if you have dark hair and light skin.

If you can't afford electrolysis, the only option that I know of is shaving as closely as possible and a foundation that will cover the shadow.  Lots of girls do that.

I'm sorry, but those are the facts of life as far as I know. :(

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


You can get a cream called Vaniqa - it retards hair growth. It is fairly pricey and you have to put it on every day but people that have used it have said it does a great job of slowing or stopping hair growth on your face. Takes a long time to work well though (months)