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Some people are out of line.

Started by zombiesarepeaceful, March 11, 2010, 05:21:19 PM

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Mini Rant.

So someone whose name I will spare really pissed me off last night. We almost came to blows over transgender issues and if it weren't for the fact that this person is sort of close to me, and is my drag mother, I would have literally gone to blows. I ranted to my phone and saved it as a note after this so I wouldn't completely lose it. Pardon the rant:

Fck this. I am not a transvestite. I'm transgender. I'm not a lesbian. I'm a male spirit channeled into the wrong body for some sick and twisted necessary reason. I know you're christian and you don't believe in that, and I'm not in any mood to go into your fcking beliefs about where we all came from and >-bleeped-<. I don't see why it's so hard to understand. Maybe cause you have your head too far up your ass and caught up in your own beliefs. You have your right to believe whatever you do and sure I could be completely wrong and disrespectful towards you right now but I'm biting my tongue, saying this to my phone instead of you. I know that part of my rage is out of line. At least I have the balls to admit that, unlike you. I know there are other beliefs out there and I don't push mine on people, but I will defend myself. You can say I'm crazy. You can say I'm delusional. You can say I'm in denial about reality and that I'm in denial about my body. I hate to admit to myself even, what my body really is cause I hate it with a passion. You're wrong. Being trans is NOT a choice. I know what I am. I know what I believe in. Your reality is not everything. We all have our own reality, if you think about it. You can tear me down all you wish and it's your right to do whatever the hell you want to, but jesus christ, at least respect a person. When the words lesbian and transvestite start getting thrown right, you know I get pissed. I swear people do it just to push my buttons sometimes. I want so badly to scream, cry, throw things, break things, go ape>-bleeped-< on myself and you, go back to cutting after this conversation. But I can't and I won't. I'm better than that. I've been there, done that, and I know I regret my scars far too much and have enough problems hiding them that I can't go back to doing that. I hate how I can't express what I mean in my head in words. Cause then I'm doubted. As that one song which I can't remember right now goes..something about how I can't express my >-bleeped-< so you doubt what I say. Someday I'll be able to think straight enough to put it into words. My energy is really getting fcked with with the change of seasons and being around my energy vampire of a mother. I have to quit that. It drains me. But I'm still here and fighting, I have a new outlook on life. Come, break me down. I'm finished with you. In the end, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks cause in the end...I am who I am and I know who I am and no one can take that away from me any longer.

Basically this person said that I'm just a transvestite, and won't be trans until I get the surgery or get on hormones. Said that being trans is a choice. Threw the L word at me, said I was just a girl. When people start saying that, that crosses the line. This person calls themselves a transsexual themselves. But said she chose to be trans. Wtf. Said that since she has silicone in her ass, and was on hormones before, but right now presents as male and is just a drag queen..that she is trans. Whatever. I'm not even going to go on about what I think about that right now cause I can't even think straight but DAMN...some people really get to me.


Maybe you should find a new drag mother...  Isn't the whole point of a drag family to be supportive of each other?  Screw that lady.  You know who you are.
In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity.
I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.
If it's alright, then you're all wrong.
Why bounce around to the same damn song?


Sounds like one great big ignorant pile of doo-doo to me!

I won't say what I want to say about the person who said all that, because I understand that you feel close to them... but to be honest if someone had said that to me, my own gender identity notwithstanding, I would have probably felt like punching their lights out...  >:( true I probably would have restrained myself... but inside I would have been spitting blood just like you are.

So please DON'T let it get to you man. In my book you are whatever you feel you are and no one has a right to tell you different.


Yeah. I would. But I can't exactly find a new drag mother without screwing myself out of several opportunities to perform and do shows and I really need the money right now considering I don't have a job and I'm 10 bucks away from getting a binder right now. She said she was going to give me one of her numbers tonight, which means I get to be in the show tonight which is another battle entirely cause it's boi's night, which means male entertainers and some of the management doesn't like to let transkings perform on these night cause, "we have our own night". Screw them. I am a male entertainer. Most of the people can't even tell that I'm trans, in the audience.

But when she started throwing at me that I get pissed off when people she me and I shouldn't, cause that's what I am and what I have...that was it. I'm not speaking to her as much as possible right now. I'm only dealing with her.

Oh, I don't feel close to her anymore. I used to look up to her but after this, hell no. You can say whatever you feel about this person for all I care.

Post Merge: March 12, 2010, 03:42:54 PM

Well, she did give me one of her numbers last night and I'm now FOURTEEN FRICKIN CENTS away from getting my binder!!!!


Quote from: zombiesarepeaceful on March 11, 2010, 05:21:19 PMThis person calls themselves a transsexual themselves. But said she chose to be trans.

This is a big red flag to me. I personally question her being transsexual when she doesn't even realize this fallacy. Perhaps she's confused on the meanings and differences?

At any rate if I was talking to her and heard all the things she said I could care less what she had to say because she's ignorant about it and full of sh*t. Her opinions on this would mean nothing to me.
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."


When people start using their claims to be christian to force their views onto other that is a warning bell.

I don't really understand your work but I hope you can sort this out.


Good boy. You're handling your anger without closing off opportunities.

You say that she calls herself trans. Does she mean transgender or transsexual? Sometimes the shorthand term causes communication problems.
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


I know a lot of our audience calls us she its very annoying but most dont know which kings are trans and which kings are not. Make sense? But I know who you are talking about and Im not going to bad talk her but if this is what she believes then to her me, kage, you, dontae, and a few others would be she to her and that just isnt right. Transgendered is an umbrella term. She needs to do her research. Anyways just stear clear of her. Keep your anger away. If anything talk to kage about it.


Quote from: Arch on March 14, 2010, 05:43:29 PM
Good boy. You're handling your anger without closing off opportunities.

You say that she calls herself trans. Does she mean transgender or transsexual? Sometimes the shorthand term causes communication problems.

Oh, I'm trying to handle my anger. It's going fine so far. We just don't bring up the subject at all. Basically agreed to disagree, for now. She means transsexual. But she, herself, said that transgender and transsexxual means the same thing, when it does not. Whatever.

Jake yeah, it makes sense. Most of the time I hear people call kings he when they're in drag and sometimes even when out of drag. I know at least Celena read my blog on myspace about this person, but idk about Kage. Neither of them said much and I don't blame them. Don't need to start crap. I'm just dealing with her right now. Love her to death (most of the time) but we do differ on alot of things.


Oh my she kidding? choice it might mean shes choosing to be a drag queen right now. But no shouldn't she understand? It actually amazes me how much other people in the community don't understand. An mtf once commented on my journal about how my period was upsetting me and said "Lucky, I wish I had my period. It would make me a natural girl" Like HELLO?!


No, she meant that she chose to get silicone in her ass and cheeks and such, she was on estrogen before and supposedly plans to go back on it. Idk. I sort of tell myself not to bother caring. Cause if I let her irritate me and lose my cool, it's over and my drag career will be in serious jepordy (however you spell it).


As it turns out everyone has opinions about everything, and, almost worst of all - they have just as much as a right to them as I have to mine (though I think everyone else has a right to my opinion also.)  So, they get to 'share' it.  Then you say: "OK.  Thank You."  And move on.  Don't take everything personally, particularly when it really is personal. 
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Sounds like he's some self-hating poseur who made some mistakes. I'm not going to call a drag queen she when he's being such an outrageous dick. Maybe if he'd had an orchi instead of implants he'd be a nicer person.

You performed a show and only got $10? Are you sure you're... being compensated sufficiently in your career?


Quote from: Autumn on March 15, 2010, 08:53:06 PM

You performed a show and only got $10? Are you sure you're... being compensated sufficiently in your career?

Yeah, at this bar we only get tips unless you're a host or co-host. It's cool though. It's not a career for me anyhow. Just something I do.