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Only 35 more days until I go under the knife in Chonburi

Started by JessicaF1971, February 24, 2010, 09:08:11 PM

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It was nice reading about the ladies that had just come back from Dr. Suporn.  I makes me feel good that I picked the right surgeon.  I could tell just by the amount of information they ask for and give back that they were good.  But hearing actual results makes me feel even better.

I leaving Nashville, TN USA on the 27th of March and having surgery on the 30th.  I am having my full forehead and eyes done, adams apple shave and new boobies.  I just paid the full amount yesterday.  Wooh that was a big check, I am glad that I know that it isn't going into some ponzi scheme or something.  I had to float the last $2000 on my credit card but it will be worth it. 

I am so scared but so excited at the same time, I am sure that is the way we all feel when we undertake these extreme procedures. 

If anyone is going to be there around the same time please let me know.  I will be there until April 19th.  It would sure be nice to know someone before I go.  I am about to go visit my parents for 3 weeks before hand to relax and take some of the stress off my life right now.  I have too many things going on in my life to be a good parent or friend to my soon to be ex-wife.  BTW I signed those papers at the bank notary as I wired my money to Chonburi.  It will be nice to be with my folks who love me so much.  I know a lot of woman out there that don't have that option, so I consider myself lucky.  I also got some last minute contract work that should pay for all my travels and debits before I leave.  So I got to get cracking on that.

Any other useful info that the Doc's staff doesn't tell you about Chonburi would be helpful.  Any tips on getting around, eating, relaxing, etc, etc would be great.


Hi Jessica,

Have a great trip, and more importantly happy healing!   Enjoy the feelings of "scared and excited" while they last, you only have them a couple of times during this journey, *giggles*.   You'll do great!

There is a Dr S yahoo group you can join, then search their message history for (lots of) tips on Chonburi.  The group is called "dr_s_club" on yahoo groups.

My blog here on susan's has some recent pictures of the area, but not really that informative about chonburi itself. It does talk about the two trips the clinic offers patients.  (link is below in my sig).  There are two shopping malls in walking distance to the hotel.  Just start making friends when you arrive and talk with the other patients that are already there, and you have instant guides to the area, along with the Suporn clinic staff, who are great!

Best Wishes,


Thanks so much, I will check out the group and see what they have to offer.  It is nice knowing that so many girls have been happy with their travels and operations there.
Take care,

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 10:31:10 PM

I looked for the Dr_S_club on yahoo groups and only came up with "the_other_dr_s_group"  which was scary at best.  At least I am not having SRS and the woman amanda did state that Dr. S was still a great surgeon, that her surgery was fine and the she had major complications in recovery. 

I hope this is a small percentage of the cases.  I was hoping to do this surgery so that I would feel comfortable when SRS time came around, and that at least I knew the surgeon. :(


Hi Jessica

as melan has said just enjoy yourself and make friends, im sitting here at my workdesk, 3 week post supporn ffs and although i still look messy i can truly see the changes taking place, my brother walked past me in the airport and i had to wave infront of his face for like 10secs lol funny really

you are in amazing hands and you made an excellent choice i promise you

hugs and get healing really soon


good luck!

just wondering, what's suporn's price for forehead job?


The full forehead is the most expensive piece of the pie depending if you do everything.  The full upper face region package is costing me 495000 thai baht.  That is about $15000 american.  It sounds like a lot but this what you get with it: Scalp reduction, hair transplants, forehead lift, forehead reconstruction/contouring, upper blepharoplasty - So that is a lot of major surgeries thrown into one.  I need them all, this is the part of my face that is over the top masculine, and even as a guy I never like the way my eyes and forehead looked, family traits though.

I hope that answers your questions.


nope it doesn't! I wonder how much only the forehead reconstruction cost.
Do you have a separate price for that?


No they just lumped them all together. Sorry.  That is probably the most expensive part.  I would think that part is around $5000 easy.