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Started by Krissy_Australia, March 10, 2009, 01:17:27 PM

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Im looking at Dr Sprn for surgery. Can any one recommend him or not


Dr. Sprn?

I'd like to buy a vowel please.


Quote from: Krissy_Australia on March 10, 2009, 01:17:27 PM
Im looking at Dr Sprn for surgery. Can any one recommend him or not

Hi Krissy,

I can't personally recommend him, but a very close friend just returned from him for SRS, and she spoke to many other girls there who had FFS, and said most were very pleased.  It would also depend on what you are having done.  You may wish to join the Yahoo FFS group, they just had a big discussion recently on Suporn's strengths/weaknesses.  Like I know my friend stated she wouldn't do a trach shave with Suporn, but that he is strong in other areas, like forehead contouring. 

Sorry for no direct answer to your question, but I hope the resources help.

There is also a Suporn Yahoo group, Dr_S_Club ... lots of good info there.

Best of Luck, *huggs*,


Thanks Melan

Ive started making formal applications to Dr Suporn for surgery in December. Its such a daunting process chosing somene.


Hi Krissy

well as Melan has said, the best surgeons all have their strength and weak points but DEr Suporn is held in high regard and a very fine surgeon for srs and ffs.

Tract shaves are not his strong point but i have never really met a dissatified ffs customer of his.

He also has his own group which is a bit more informative than the ffs group


I can't personally recommend him either. I mean no offense by this & don't take me wrong but is it just me or do all Suporn's FFS patients look alike?  That was one of the things I noticed when I was shopping for FFS surgeons myself.  At the end I decided for someone else other than Suporn & I'm quite happy I did.


Quote from: Krissy_Australia on March 11, 2009, 07:16:32 AM
Thanks Melan

....Its such a daunting process chosing somene.

Holds Krissy's hand...  I know exactly what you mean.  Just be patient, research and learn as much as you can, then let your heart guide you on the surgeon that you think will give you your desired results.   I did that, and yes, even after picking a FFS surgeon, I was a nervous wreck about my choice until about a week before the surgery, lol.   But it truly worked out. 

If all goes to plan, I plan to visit Dr. Suporn in January '10, for SRS.  Maybe our paths will criss-cross ;)



Hi Krissy,

I had my FFS and SRS/BA with Dr Suporn.

FFS was in 2000 and I had forehead revision / brow bosing, tracheal shave, jaw reduction, open revision septorhinoplasty, bilateral otoplasty, upper and lower blethoroplasty and some stuff I cant spell.

I like him a great deal and his wife Aoi is a wonderful person. I have nothing but praise for him and his staff and very much enjoyed my time in Chonburi.

The other thing is that you will get a discount (25% abouts) on SRS if you have been to him before.

Why did I chose Suporn, well a number of factors, no particularly good European surgeons, I knew people who had been to him and Thailand is a reasonable flight time from the UK. Also his prices where at that time competitive, although that has now changed and Thialand is a very safe, friendly and cheap place to stay.

If you wish to ask any specific questions, please PM me.




Ive provisionally booked with Dr Suporn for late November this year. Below is the list of procedures Ill be getting done. I have a lot of questions but the one that is seems to stand out most is are there specific areas I should target to remove my facial hair before surgery. Ive been doing laser for about 10 months and now its just the stubborn white hairs remaining. Not sure how hair removal techniques will affect incision areas

Scalp Reduction
Forehead Reconstruction (Procedure III), or
Forehead Contouring/Resetting (Procedure I & II)
Upper Blepharoplasty (UB)
Lower Blepharoplasty (UB)
Feminizing Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Upper Lip Lift
Upper Lip Fill
Lower Lip Fill
Chin Re-profiling


Why don't you try someone more local like Dr. Ian Carlisle?
He is an Australian maxiollofacial and plastic surgeon who works at Cabrini Hospital in Malvern, Victoria.
He has a lot of experience, he works on transsexual people as well and he has a good reputation.
His prices are better than Suporn as well.
And he has a good attitude.


Quote from: Leslie on March 11, 2009, 08:31:11 AM
I can't personally recommend him either. I mean no offense by this & don't take me wrong but is it just me or do all Suporn's FFS patients look alike?  That was one of the things I noticed when I was shopping for FFS surgeons myself.  At the end I decided for someone else other than Suporn & I'm quite happy I did.

Ive noticed that!
For insiders like us its recognisable, but for outsiders it probably is not.


i really laugh at comments like that, i had alot of work done by Dr suporn 3 months ago and newsflash the other girls and me all looked different.

wow such a cwazy world we live in, if you think for one minute and stop spouting the same stuff most ts say in forums, how is it possible to look like someone else when you didnt from the a major failing in even understanding ffs.

post surgery everyone looks similar give it time you go back to the female you