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My Brother in Law is OK

Started by stephanie_craxford, July 31, 2005, 05:39:10 PM

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Hey everyone.

Just got back from a wekend at my brother in laws.  It was a great weekend, before we got there my wife and I decided that we were going to tell him and his wife about me, and my transition.  Things were really going great we were having fun, drinking some wine, and snacking on snacks and stuff.  It was going so well that my wife  and I started to get cold feet about telling them.  Anyway, we plucked up the courage, and told them.  They took it so well, his wife even said that we should have told them about me sooner.  After some big hugs, we spent the rest of the evening chatting about my transition, how others were taking it, how my wife was coping, work  etc...  The next day my brother in law told us at the breakfast table that he had taken the liberty of telling his son, and that he was ok with it  :)  Whew!!!  They are the first members of my wifes family who we have told and although we were so scared about losing them, we shouldn't have been, what a relief  :)



Awesome Steph, that must be a load off your mind. It was good of them to tell their son too. I always find it easier when people who are ok with the transition spread the news to others. Takes a little of the stress off you.



Hi Steph:

I am so happy for you that things went very well when you came out to your brotherin lae and sister in law.
I know this would have been a big relief for you, and you are pleased to have  some of your  wifes family accepting you for the real person you are.
As you have said in the past, it is amazing how accepting people are that you  were not sure of.

Congratulations and hope the rest of the family is as accepting




I think the correct way for the brother in law to have handled the situation was to ask if would be all right if he informed the son.

I am of the belief that the only one who has the right to out someone is person who is in transition.  What right does another person have to reveal very personal and intimate details of another?


Quote from: Leigh on August 01, 2005, 12:03:00 AM

I think the correct way for the brother in law to have handled the situation was to ask if would be all right if he informed the son.

I am of the belief that the only one who has the right to out someone is person who is in transition.  What right does another person have to reveal very personal and intimate details of another?

hello Leigh

I agree, in fact he did appologise, as he realised what he had done, saying he should have asked.  Fortunately his son is quite alright with me and my transition, so no real harm done this time.

Take care,





You're right, Leigh. I always tell people when I tell them about me (if their reaction is good) to feel free to tell others. It would be a bit offputting if you don't say that and someone didn't check with you. I forgot that I do that.



Hi Steph,

Brother in laws gaff aside it must have been a great experience. I am so glad for you. My mother in law before she passed surprised me on many occassions with her ability to accept change. I think you should find that is the case with your mother in law its something about the resilience of that generation.

Hope it goes well.

