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Once Again, FOX Turns Transgender Acceptance Into Toilet Talk

Started by Shana A, April 17, 2010, 08:51:19 AM

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Shana A

Once Again, FOX Turns Transgender Acceptance Into Toilet Talk

Fri, Apr 16, 2010 by AKA William

What is the Republican fascination with toilets? Every time they talk about transgender people, it goes to bathroom talk. Men in women's bathrooms! Run!

Here, FOX's Megyn Kelly chats with Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, about the proposed guidelines for Maine's students that would, if adopted, treat the child based on gender identity.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Megyn Kelly is profoundly clueless. Here is a reporter, or supposed journalist who hasn't done the least bit of research on the subject. She was totally phobic, misinformed and pandering to the fundephobic right.


"funde phobes" are not fun! 
"I don't need your acceptance, just your love"


Fox News is always anti-progress, pro-bigotry.  They need to be banned.


I wonder what is going on in thier heads when they say this crap.
I bet they get a rush and just say mean stuff because we are a legaly safe target. They remind me of children who chant falsehoods at the weaklings just because they get a jolly from watching others suffer.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'

Dawn D.

I've actually at other times witnessed Megyn Kelly take a very positive position on Trans issues. And, in the presence of Bill O'Reilly no less (he is the one who is completely clueless).

However, what Kelly did in this interview with Mara, was reprehensible. I think what got her going on this tangent was when Mara referred to the identifying factor of trans kids as "a legitimate transgender". An unfortunate choice of terms for Mara, no doubt. Very hard to substantiate and defend the term "legitimate". I think Megyn seized on that and let it develop into a tirade on her part.

Please understand, I am not attempting to trivialize this issue, nor defend Megyn. Though, I do feel that the "anti" crowd gives a measure of believability in this issue when they make the assertion that "any boy who wants to see what's going on in the girls restroom could just enter it because they might make a claim for being transgender". Why? Because they see us as having made a choice to be who we are and that we are a bunch of "psycho's" in need of "fixing". As absurd as it is for us to take seriously this assumption, the average Joe-six-pack mom's and dad's will feel this way. And, you and I will have a very difficult time changing their minds to get an ordinance such as this one in Maine established without credible evidence to support the fact that the above example can be managed and prevented from occurring. Yet, it's not impossible.

To her credit, I think Mara did an outstanding job in maintaining her composure in a very aggressive interview. She was put under a rigorous examination and did not crack or equivocate. Unfortunately, her larger message in effect of "hey, this is about the rights of an individual vs. the bigotry, bulling and discrimination from the majority" was lost.  I think we should take this interview as a lesson though, in what terms to avoid in dialogue. So as not to create an opening in which trans rights and goals become a bigger target to exploit.

Just my two copper Lincoln's.
