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Catholic and proud?

Started by Alicia, October 20, 2005, 10:26:06 PM

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ok, I'm a catholic >.>; and well, a comfirmed one x.x but from what I know, Genderly issued people aren't very accepted..I'm a sin? I mean, I'm not very active in my religous feild(honestly I don't care about mom made me do it x.x) but, when I go to church for like christmas or something, and I'm crossed dressed,..would they kick me out?

Or have I heard everything wrong and catholics don't care? >.> I mean because once I cross dress..I don't ever want to be male again...cus it's not


I wouldn't risk going to church like that. It's just one night. Why upset people? You may be able to find a church that is accepting but I doubt it will be a catholic one (I am also catholic).

If you do some checking at a GLBT center, they may know of a church in your area that is more accepting even if it is another religion. No matter what, it's just a slightly differant version of christianity as is any religion.



I guess so..I mean, the problems's the only church mom and dad will go to..and family HAVE to go x.x and the last thing I want to do after cross dressing is dressing like a guy maybe if i'm truely convincing? or...not go? (XD like mom would approve of me not I know one of mom's lines will be: "It's one night where you dress like a guy, do it for Jesus..he doesn't ask for much" lol..


Well it depends on how much you want to strain the relationship with your family. It could cause alot of problems that can only get worse from there. It makes me sad when I know someone could possible have some serious problems with their parents.

If you do one day decide to go further on becomming TG, you will eventually have to do RLE (real life experince) 24 hours a day. All I can say is, if you want to go to church that night, just be prepared for lots of things including your parents being very upset and not letting you go or much worse, or the church kicking you out.  If you can really pass as female, the chances that the church kicking you out are very small. How is your voice?



lol, I wish my voice was gone XD..I have a very deep voice from what I'm told...I also never really practiced talking like a so I was thinking as passing mute XD but that sounds so stupid..I heard hormones can fix it..but lots of problems with, it cost money x.x two my mom gave me a pretty fair warning..our family has breast cancer and a tendency for cancer in general going through it. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and she knows what she is talking about when I t comes to this. She said if I take hormones it could hieghten my risk for Breast cancer.....think there is a way to train my voice to be higher pitched?

(and the last thing I want in my family is conflict..and specially over


Hormones won't have an effect on your voice. You can do a search on these forums for some voice training tapes, I have read on here that some people have tried them and have had luck.

As far as conflict, you may get it with your family, You just need to be prepared with that. I haven't talked to any of my family since April and I doubt I ever will again.

As far as hormones, yeah they do have risks and thats why it's always important to have a doctor who will monitor you. Some people have to even stop hormones because it affects them to badly.


o_o oh my...

I really hope nothing will never talking to my family again..even though sometimes I get frusterated with them, and like my little sister would

I hope hormones will have good effects on me..and not bad ones  ^ ^;;

And I do hope you come in with good ties with your own family...

Will it be hard to train my voice? I doubt it but, would I be able to damage it while training? XD..(sorry have to ask to be


I have no idea about any of the voice stuff, I never had to worry about mine, I aways got refered to as a female on the phone, and in drive throughs. I have a boyfriend who has no clue that I have a male body. We haven't done much sexually of course but hes a good guy and he don't push me for it.

Other people can help you with your voice questions, just post a seperate post about it.


ok, I will do that. thanks!

And lucky on the voice  :P and hope you and your boyfriend enjoy life together ^ ^


Hi Alicia,

Looks like you have already found a friend in kloud9. It's good to have someone your own age to talk to who is also TS. On the voice thing, no you won't damage your voice with voice training. You can strain it some if you work at it too long in your early sessions but nothing permanent. Here's a link to a thread that will be helpful.,1194.0.html

On going to church just go and talk to your priest. explain the situation and that you plan on attending enfemme. If they are going to have a problem with that then that is the best way to find out rather than springing the surpise on them. As to getting kicked out when you go to church I doubt they would do that. Although I'm sure you would probably get a lot of stares from people who recognize you.

When and if you go through RLT or RLE as kloud referred to it(both are correct) you can not just pop back and forth between male and female. Defeats the purpose of doing RLT. You have to live full time and that means all the time. You have to take the good with the bad.

For TS MtF's dressing male is crossdressing dressing in womens cloths is just being dressed. vice verse for FtM's. Since you have a family history of cancer there is a higher probability of getting cancer yourself so your doctor should be informed so they will be on the lookout and teach you what you need to look for for early detection. This will be very important for you. Hopefully there will be no problem but just in case close monitoring by a doctor is crucial.

Good Journey,



Just out of curiousity...what is RLT and RLE?

As for cross dressing, like you said once you have done it once, you have to stick with it full time..this is what I'm going to do..just scared ^ ^; but I'm going to swallow my fear and once I'm in my new room away from the homophobic room mate I'm going to be how I want ^ ^


Quote from: Alicia on October 21, 2005, 12:44:58 AM
Just out of curiousity...what is RLT and RLE?

As for cross dressing, like you said once you have done it once, you have to stick with it full time..this is what I'm going to do..just scared ^ ^; but I'm going to swallow my fear and once I'm in my new room away from the homophobic room mate I'm going to be how I want ^ ^

Real life test and real life experience, basically the same things, where you live your life 100% as the gender you feel you are. They make you do this so that you know what it is and will be like after surgery. Sometimes it can be a year or longer for the RLE/RLT. Usually if people have doubts on gping through with it, it will be during this time which is why it's required.


Hi Alicia,

Quotejust scared ^ ^; but I'm going to swallow my fear

Everyone is scared at first. Everyone here has had to face their fears at one time or another. Here is a mantra for you to repaeat everyday and whenever you feel your fear overwhelming you. It's from the Dune saga.

Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear and let it pass through me.

It has helped me more times than I can count. Thank you Frank Herbert.

Good Journey,




hi Cassandra,

Thanks for the mantra  :) I will try to remember it in times of fear.

I'm really enjoying my time here and glad I found it :D

Thank you for your time ^ ^




Hi, Alicia!

You might want to contact the diocean office to see what parishes have GLBT support groups and are accepting of GLBT's.  My guess that it will be an innercity parish, but that is not always the case. 

The upper echelons of the Catholic church are officially anti-gay - look at what Benedict is saying about gay priests!  (Forgive me, but I hope he goes to his reward as soon as possible!)  However, your local parishes are usually much more open to GLBT's.



Hi Alicia,
(this will be an insanely long post, I'm composing offline, my apologies for the length of this message...)
I'm a catholic, too, a neo-catholic even, baptized and confirmed only 2,5 years ago. Catholic and proud. Yes, it is possible... but you do have to take care what you do.  The advice other people here have given you is sound. I wouldn't recommend dressing for church. First, you should find out about any glbt catholic support groups, see if there is a church where you can know in advance that you'll be welcome.  I'm a member of several groups here in Holland and also in the UK. (Some have been more helpful to me than others, though). Otherwise, coming out is the same as with family, you never really know what they'll say. Don't just come out in front of the whole community at Christmas, please: talk to a priest, see what his reaction is. if he's positive you can ask advice on how to deal with others in the community, as he'll have a better idea of how the people in his parish think. 
In my case, I have been very fortunate to get mostly kind reactions in my church, which is also now where I work. I came out here first as a lesbian, the gender thing has only come up in a few conversations, I have some work to do on that... but generally I suspect that is significantly easier for a bio-woman who wants to live as a man. I now wear my everyday "in-between" look to church without problems, I'm even a lector. Some people ask questions, but it's usually pretty easy to explain to them that this is who I am and how I feel comfortable.  I do realise that this is as far as i can go here. Unfortunately I think this will not be as easy to achieve for you. Take your time to find out what you can do and what not, where you are welcome, who you can talk to, etc. When I first came out, one priest said "you should know you are a free child of God". Another laughed and said "I already knew that! .... God created a colourful world, just be your wonderful self".
Still, you should prepare for some bad reactions, I have had those, too.  I studied in England for a year and at the first church there I was excommunicated at once. I then looked for support groups and throught these wonderful people I found a church where I could be myself.
Generally, the catholic church, at the local level, tends to have the approach that they can't interfere with your private life, but you shouldn't be too much 'in their face'. What that means differs from place to place. Take time to find out.

About fear: I have been afraid of everything and anything most of my life, afraid of people (form of social phobia). This has complicated coming out as catholic, then as lesbian, now as, 'genderqueer'(I'm not sure of that label yet), ... (my family have issues with all these things). Don't let fear control your life. Cassie's mantra is a good one. Here's a prayer that has kept me going for years now, from a book called Metafisica cristiana, by Conny Mendez, in spanish. Here's a paraphrase in English (I tend to address God as Mother instead of Father):

I am not afraid. I will not allow fear in my life. God is Love, and in all of her creation,
I have nothing to fear. I have faith. I want to feel faith.
Thank you, Mother, for you have already heard my prayer.

The phrase "Fear not, I am the Lord, your God" is one of the most frequently repeated lines in the Bible... so when you get bad reactions from people DO NOT LET THEM TAKE AWAY YOUR FAITH!!!! If you accept yourself and know deep in your heart that God loves you as you are, that is the most precious gift in life, a great source of strength for the road ahead of you, AND NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM YOU!

I wish you all the best.... and now I'll reschedule some of the appointments in the priests diary so I can squeeze myself in... I can't be writing all this to you and not take steps myself to finish that conversation with him, about my own gender-issues.

I hope this helps you,