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School + Lesbians + Transgendered Students all in one!! lol

Started by StaceyBean, April 01, 2010, 10:37:09 PM

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So I was over one of my professors houses today and after practicing pitching with her daughter (Who is on my softball team)

She asked me if I heard of the couple on campus and what happened to them. Since I commute I really don't hear much so I said no and inquired further.
Come to find out a lesbian couple while kissing in the quad(that sounds dirty haha...but the quad=4 dorms creating a little square or w/e totally off topic okay..) So while they were holding hands and kissing or one or the other, someone SPIT on them!! YES I said spit!!..

It's odd because living in Mass I have not really faced ANY discrimination for being a lesbian and don't anticipate seeing much now being in a straight relationship with Davis and FTM.. Except on this campus! Like our school is horribly closed minded, my professor and I always say, when you come to our campus you travel out of 2010 and back to 1950...So yea..that's what happened with the Lesbian couple, WHICH I will NEVER know what happened because things just seem to get "taken care of" without much light shed on what happened, which is horrible in my book.

Anyways on to something more closely related to this site, I found out today that we have a trans person on campus (well at least only ONE that is OUT) but we also have two applying and its awesome because the professor who I was with today was talking about being on a support panel with the trans students and it's just super awesome because I got to tell her about Davis. :D She was awesome which I knew she would be because she was great when I came out as a Lesbian and she is extremely involved with diversity being like our only black professor, we have a couple but very little..
Okay I'm done babbling. LoL I love my life.


mmm do you live in Massachusetts? which university are you attending?


Yes I do, PM...I get a lil nervous sharing all the wonderful details of where I am and all that on the webernet because its such a big place.


That's really unfortunate:[ I go to a women's college in MA and the transboys are the kings of the campus.




Most likely :P We're pretty infamous. All my favorite boys graduated this yr though:[


Awe that's sad is it in western ma if so I def know haha


:D there goes any attempts of anonymity on this site. I was never very good at preserving that....


Quote from: Hunter_ on May 14, 2010, 09:46:51 PM
Most likely :P We're pretty infamous. All my favorite boys graduated this yr though:[

On a random note, I'm fairly certain you go to the same college as my best friend. 8D (Unless there are other infamously queer women's colleges in MA that I don't know about.)

Back on topic, though-- It's really exciting to see signs of diversity in discouragingly behind-the-times places! My situations is... almost the opposite. My college is kind of an oasis of (relative) diversity and acceptance in an otherwise hyper-conservative state. It's not perfect, by any means, but it's a good safe space for me until I get my bachelor's degree and can move to a more accepting area. I try to make the best of it. 83
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