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Partially Transition/test for hormones

Started by michellecaro, May 17, 2010, 05:26:27 PM

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This is similar to the partial transition thread but didn't want to hijack that one......So in my job a coworker got let go because during a random drug test, the individual tested positive for a prescription drug.  The drug was something their child was taking for ADHD or something like that.  The individual said they just wanted to know what it felt like, but got let go for 'abusing drugs' since they didn't have a prescription for it.  I understand that could be an abused drug, so they test for it.  So who knows what the heck they test for.  (I've never even tried pot, so I don't know much about this.)

Ok, if I show my prescription, I'm outed. I don't want that yet.  Will estrogen show up in the urine from taking oral estrogen?  If I used injectable estrogen would that show up in the urine (different from oral since it bypasses liver)?  Same for spiro or AA's?

I can't afford to lose my job right now!


most of what they test for are the drugs that can be abused, aka get high on.  Estrogen and Spiro are not on the list of abused drugs.  Things like Vicodin, Pot, Heroin, Morphine are.  And if you have a valid prescription there is no worry.

And as a manager I know that you would have to explain it to the testing facility and they can give you a pass should something come up.  I had an employee who tested positive for Hydrocodone and he talked to the testing facility and they gave him a pass.  He did tell me, in private, it was for a long standing back pain, and he had a prescription for it.


Was probably adderall which is an amphetamine, like meth is.  Needless to say it is a widely abused drug.

Estrogen could show up in urine (not sure about injectable) but I doubt they would be looking for it.


I used to work in a rehab and the things that were on the multiscreen tests then were Opiates (heroin), Cocaine, THC (pot), Amphetamines (almost certainly what was showing with you ex colleague)and Methamphetamines. There would almost certainly not be any testing for either estroegen or testosterone as everyone would test positive ;)

I really don't think that you have anything to worry about.


Why the hell do they test for drugs like that in the USA?

As long as what they do in there spare time dosen't impair there job performance why dose it matter what the hell they take. *shrug* Backwards country.

Cindy Stephens

In reply to Pebbles,
I handle all of our companies workers compensation claims.  We only test upon accidents.  I don't care what someone does on the weekend.  However, we are a high-rise construction company, had an employee fall "only" 18 feet, and it cost us $400,000 to repair the fractures.  He will never be totally healed.  Oh, he tested positive for alcohol, coke, and heroin.  Some people just don't leave it to the weekend! 


second if it comes up in your system on a job u.a. screen it also wasnt left at home with the exception of mj which stores in fat a pos test for cocaine on a job u.a. means you used recently and are guite likely under the influence of the drug at work.
or perhaps people like the idea of docs and nurses shooting drugs to stay awake on a shift. hmm sounds like fun ill take the heroin addicted doctor on the right please.
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain


Quote from: jesse on May 19, 2010, 03:15:27 AM
or perhaps people like the idea of docs and nurses shooting drugs to stay awake on a shift. hmm sounds like fun ill take the heroin addicted doctor on the right please.

Your SRS surgeon on PCP, Yikes!!!! :laugh:


Thanks everyone. 

(Millie) Do you think spiro could possibly make the urine look unusual for some reason which would raise a flag to ask questions?


it still just looks like pee, mine does anyway.


Hi Michelle,

I don't know whether Spiro makes your urine discoloured as I don't have any experience with it (yet, although this is set to change soon) but there are several reasons why your pee would be a funny colour and it is only (sometimes) very loosely linked to drug use, the most common reason is that you are dehydrated and the toxins become concentrated, it can also be a sign that of stress to your Liver or Kidneys. Trust me, from the harrowing memories of conducting way too many drug screens, pee comes in all kinds of colours (and smells, urrggh!!) so yours probably won't set off any flags, if the colour concerns you, try drinking more water, and if that doesn't help, ask your doc if it might be the Spiro.

Take care  Milllie.


One thing to know about drug tests is that many drugs require separate tests to see if they are present.  They can't just take your urine, run one test, and be like, 'oh I wonder what will show up this time'  -- they have to decide what drug(s) they're looking for, and then the test will tell them if the drug(s) are present or not.


Ketsy that is incorrect you can run a poly and check for every known illicit drug with the exception of one and do it from one sample. you can also check for known abused prescription drugs from the same sample, and if their just craps shooting they can run an elisa test and tell you everything thats in the u.a. and its complete chemical breakdown. Sorry hun the police do it all the time. its expensive but they can do it, using any good private forensic lab.

Post Merge: May 22, 2010, 03:27:30 AM

sorry not elisa....a GCMS.
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain