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Pet Questions

Started by Hauser, June 09, 2010, 11:25:32 AM

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i am studying to become a Veterinary Behaviorist. Ive also worked as a dog trainer, done about 6 years of rescue work and was an assistant to a show dog breeder.

So i saw this subforum and thought id open a thread for anyone who might want an animal professional's input on any issues they have with their pets or advice on how to choose the right pet for your situation.



Got a question, got any tips on how to stop my dog barking at the postman and people walking outside our house?


Quote from: Nathan. on June 09, 2010, 01:18:11 PM
Got a question, got any tips on how to stop my dog barking at the postman and people walking outside our house?

Barking is usually a tricky one. In breeds(and mixes thereof) such as the various hounds, shelties and collie types owners often have to resort to surgical debarking. but that is typically a last resort.

this is a behavior issue that requires an individualistic approach.

Could you give me a little background on the dog in question?

including age, sex, breed or suspected mix and what type of training methods have you already tried to alleviate the issue.


Similar problem to nathan
8 y/o female german shepard.
also she still eats toilet paper..... is this normal?


Quote from: Hauser on June 09, 2010, 01:41:58 PM
Barking is usually a tricky one. In breeds(and mixes thereof) such as the various hounds, shelties and collie types owners often have to resort to surgical debarking. but that is typically a last resort.

this is a behavior issue that requires an individualistic approach.

Could you give me a little background on the dog in question?

including age, sex, breed or suspected mix and what type of training methods have you already tried to alleviate the issue.

He is about a year old, not 100% sure as he's a rescue we got him when he was 5/6 months old, also not 100% sure of what breeds are in him, he looks a bit like a lab but not sure on what else is in there, want a picture?


i always want dog pics lol, but i digress.

Im going to just give a general training lesson

Learning Theory
Positive Reinforcement - add something the dog values to increase a behavior
Example: Dog sits on cue, you reward. Dog is more likely to sit on cue in the future.
Negative Reinforcement - take away something the dog finds aversive to increase a behavior
Example: Dog does not sit on cue, you tighten his collar only releasing the pressure once he sits. Dog is more likely to sit on cue in the future.
Positive Punishment - add something the dog finds aversive to decrease a behavior
Example: Dog jumps up on you, you squirt him with a blast of water, dog jumps down. Dog is less likely to jump up on you in the future.
Negative Punishment - take away something the dog values to decrease a behavior
Example: Puppy nips during play, you end the play session. Puppy is less likely to nip in the future
Extinction - extinguish a behavior by removing the reward that was maintaining it
Example: Dog barks at the dinner table and has previously been rewarded with tidbits from the table. Dog barks at the dinner table, owner no longer offers tidbits. Dog eventually stops barking at dinner table.

problem is you have to figure out

a. why he's doing it  and b. what does he find reinforcing about it and c. what other thing does he find to be MORE reinforing than the undesirable behavior.

One way Ive successfully dealt with barking and its certainly something you can try..

is to marker train a speak and a hush. the idea this exercise is founded in is called premacks princple..iow..if he is simply barking for barking's sake..turn the bark into a command and then use the command to reward him for being quiet.

you probably have questions after that lol..let me know what you need me to clarify.


Thanks for the info  :)

How do I teach him to bark on command?

Also when he barks his hackles are up, don't know if that makes a difference.


here's a good video tutorial on it that gives the general idea. once you ascertain what he's barking at, this should work

part one
part two

you should follow through with each can find them on her channel. is also a goldmine of basic positive training exercises and general good info.

hope that helps.


Thank you so much for those vids and the link  ;D


no problem. let me know how it goes. :) or if you have any troubles or questions.