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Transsexual headlines in news articles

Started by Dana Lane, February 21, 2010, 05:40:36 AM

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Dana Lane

I have had just about enough of this crap and it infuriates me. Everyone on earth wants to throw "Transsexual" into a headline whenever possible to make it "more interesting".

For Example, my favorite place to get my news is the Huffington Post blog. However, I am starting to get really tired of their transphobic headlines. They rarely report on important transsexual issues and when they do they slide right out of existence within the hour.

Susan Sarandon Vomited On: Puked On By A Transsexual

WTF?! It would be too boring if Susan was merely puked on.

Why is the Huffington Post not covering this story?

Judge reversed order after transit agency fought longtime employee's gender-marker change last year

Please send a link about the DART story to and tell them transsexuals need more than just their 'puke' stories published. How about real stories for a change? This poor woman in Dallas needs help!
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


I hate when the media do that, its constant. They do it with gay people too.
They'd happily put something along the lines of 'Bisexual man robs bank'  its like...well whats that got to do with it really? did he have a crush whilst he was in there?

its stupid.


Ugh. I hate it even more when they use phrases like "sex swap" in their headlines. I hate that one. As if there's this place I can go to to toss my uterus into a collection bin and pick up facial hair and a penis in another. BECAUSE THAT'S HOW SRS WORKS. TOTALLY.
"In this day and age, some turn 18 and think they're a man or a woman and that's it, but that's just not true. You have to establish your manhood or your womanhood with actions."
-Orlando McGuire

Dana Lane

Quote from: Dominick on April 07, 2010, 10:26:17 PM
Ugh. I hate it even more when they use phrases like "sex swap" in their headlines. I hate that one. As if there's this place I can go to to toss my uterus into a collection bin and pick up facial hair and a penis in another. BECAUSE THAT'S HOW SRS WORKS. TOTALLY.

I wish there was a swap shop for that!!!
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


Quote from: Dominick on April 07, 2010, 10:26:17 PM
Ugh. I hate it even more when they use phrases like "sex swap" in their headlines. I hate that one. As if there's this place I can go to to toss my uterus into a collection bin and pick up facial hair and a penis in another. BECAUSE THAT'S HOW SRS WORKS. TOTALLY.
With you all the way there, because I've been there personally and got the tee shirt.

Daily Mirror (unless my memory fails me) headline which was about me in the mid 80's when iI had been briefly outted by the UK tabloids.

"Sex Swap Jenny Want's Baby" LOL ;D

To be honest I wasn't too proud of that little escapade. Fortunately people have short memories. So I went back to being nicely anonymous within a few weeks.


One that really irritates me is "man turned woman" or anything along the lines of that. Yeah, because a person's identity doesn't matter at all, it's only when some tissue gets rearragned that a person magically becomes a "real" woman.  :rolleyes: And let's not forget the use of incorrect pronouns and names. Even when they use the correct names and pronouns they often say, "born *birthname*". I'm pretty that whoever the story is about doesn't want the world to know that. I wish journalists could learn to be more respectful.


This kind of thing pushes my buttons: "The lawyers concluded that the birth certificate could not be altered by law, unless there was a mistake made when the birth certificate was completed..."

There WAS a f***ing mistake. Nobody asked me.
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


It seems like people would do anything for attention/money/power, and it's starting to sicken me just too much.

The reason why these tabloids write such discriminative articles is to get the attention of Average Joe and get some pennies!? ugh it's stupid.

This is the reason why most societies fail, and is why we, as humanity are going to fail and die, because of our fault.

We don't understand each other, we don't support each other, we don't want to work together to build a stronger society and almost everyone is too full of themselves like to do anything.



It has been a long fight to just get some gender civil and protective rights that to still have this type of dark ages bias attitudes toward others whom are  only wanting to live as they feel gets me mad.