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I can't control myself so I have to control you

Started by Julie Marie, May 10, 2010, 11:22:58 PM

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Julie Marie

I saw this documentary last night about the Malleus Maleficarum, a book written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer.  It was the book used by many to identify, try, prosecute and punish witches, first in Europe and later in the US colonies.

Kramer had a questionable motive. 

Even though he was initially working as an Inquisitor for the Catholic Church, they would not endorse his book.  But he managed to attach names of known scholars as endorsers and even the Church by prefacing the book with what is known as the Papal Bull.  And the book was printed and eventually accepted as a way to deal with witches. 

Think Salem, Massachusetts.

If you read about Kramer (many at the time called him senile), you begin to wonder what drove him to such a hatred for women.  He made the ridiculous claim that "all witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable."  It makes you wonder if he wasn't talking about how women made HIM feel, that he had an insatiable lustful desire and he couldn't handle it.

Fast forward to today.  We have people out there talking about how gays, lesbians, TGs are going to ruin society.  And they eventually go to the bedroom or bathroom to validate their claims.

We look at them and wonder how they ever got there.  But when you think of people like Kramer you begin to realize they are projecting on everyone else their own phobias, insecurities and other personal issues that are unsettling to them.

Maybe the next time we look at the haters, the phobes, the people who want to keep us down or even eliminate us, we will see, instead of us having the problem, people who have a lot of problems of their own who just can't deal with them.  So they turn the focus on someone else.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


QuoteFast forward to today.  We have people out there talking about how gays, lesbians, TGs are going to ruin society.  And they eventually go to the bedroom or bathroom to validate their claims.

We look at them and wonder how they ever got there.  But when you think of people like Kramer you begin to realize they are projecting on everyone else their own phobias, insecurities and other personal issues that are unsettling to them.

Maybe the next time we look at the haters, the phobes, the people who want to keep us down or even eliminate us, we will see, instead of us having the problem, people who have a lot of
problems of their own who just can't deal with them.  So they turn the focus on someone else.

For a lot of the fanatical religious sector, the LGBT or anyone who even looks like they belong to this group, means the end of times. It's sad to think that while we're trying to get on with life, these people are relishing the death of us all!!

On one of my bad days, they just p*** me off! They can burn me at the stake anytime!  >:(


Julie Marie

It's interesting, when you read about Heinrich Kramer and insert the names of some of today's witch hunters, you begin to see how alike they are.  There is a set of rules, so to speak, established even before the Malleus Maleficarum was written, that seems to be successful in getting people to believe evil forces are at work that do not originate from humans.

Modern science was in its infancy at the time the Malleus was written so I can understand people believing in evil spirits and devils and such but why does that kind of thing go on today?  The whole idea of being possessed by evil spirits is widely accepted as nonsense today yet there are people who try to portray LGBT people as evil, as if cavorting with the devil.

Many of these homophobes and transphobes get caught in a sexual relationship with the same people they call sinners, doing exactly what they have preached was so wrong.  People like George Rekers, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard all made a career out of being anti-LGBT (and masked it by claiming to be pro-Christ).  They made a lot of money in the process - and hurt a lot of innocent people along the way.  Then we find they are gay themselves.

In the Malleus, Kramer seems to obsess about women's sexuality and how evil they are for being so sexual.  A familiar pattern?  It sounds like people like this are brainwashed into believing that the sexual desire within them is a bad thing. So rather than confronting their own demons, they campaign to rid the world of the very thing that they find so desirable. Sounds pretty messed up to me.

If someone "stirs up your loins" and that bothers you, don't blame them.  Go see a therapist.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


It has been speculated that believing in witches is a product of food that is poor quality and has poison in it that effects your mind.

Think mushrooms etc.


If you look at most of the people who have been in the 'witch-hunting' business you will find many similarities. The fact of the matter is most people, who we would vilify are projecting their insecurities, it really does stand to reason.

Pretty much everyone who has a platform that they speak with projects their insecurities, from politicians, to preachers, to the concerned parents at PTA meetings.

The real danger as I see it, is when people with similar insecurities get together and validate each other....
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


Quote from: Hikari on May 20, 2010, 03:22:49 PM
If you look at most of the people who have been in the 'witch-hunting' business you will find many similarities. The fact of the matter is most people, who we would vilify are projecting their insecurities, it really does stand to reason.

Pretty much everyone who has a platform that they speak with projects their insecurities, from politicians, to preachers, to the concerned parents at PTA meetings.

The real danger as I see it, is when people with similar insecurities get together and validate each other....

Great post.  :)