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Transsexualism as a religious test

Started by justmeinoz, October 13, 2010, 06:28:27 PM

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Has anyone here considered that Gender variations are a religious test, but not for us, for society and organised religions? 
How many nations, societies and religions (as organisations) would pass or fail? 
If we are all made in God's image, then many groups are not helping advance spirituality in the world.  I would mark their school reports-

Roman Catholic Church -fail, tends to argue with the facts.
Mormons-fail, needs to put in much more work in History,
Anglican Church- pass, but needs to put in more effort in some areas,
Orthodox- pass in this subject but failed GLB, 
Mainstream Sunni-fail, tends to be harshly judgmental in class discussions,
Shia Islam- pass, but very poor results in GLB,
Evangelical Protestants-fail badly, much more work needed. Needs to listen to teacher more.
Mainstream Protestant Churches- pass, good work ethic,
Western Europe-good to very good pass in most areas,
New Zealand -pass,
USA- very patchy work, needs considerably better effort in many areas, tends to be easily distracted by colours ,
Africa,-generally very poor work. Tendency to bullying has been noted.
Thailand-good pass, exceptional results in Medicine.

Anyone else want to have a go?

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


My minister and the people in my church (Unitarian Universalist) have been very supportive - the gays and lesbians and hetero people, too. :)

I had a neighbor who doesn't go to my church tell me that my transition was good for the neighborhood - it stretches their minds and they can see that a trans person is otherwise just normal (one of them).  He thought it was especially good for the children to see that we are all different but we're all just people, too.

So yeah, I think that transitioning openly is a good lesson or test for non-trans people.  But I go to an accepting church and live in an accepting community (in the US) - not everyone does. :(

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


Been thinking about this post.

I do believe that being transgenderd along with many other trials are a spiritual test, but for us, rather than anyone else.

I am, the sum total of what God made me. I will celebrate that and try to contribute what I can, from the perspective of who I am.

I feel very sorry for those who have gotten themselves into a corner over some issues. It seems sad that they have closed themselves from so much that is good because of a rash pronouncement from where they can't escape because of their pride.

It is equally sad for those that feel they need to set themselves up as leaders yet lack the capacity to develop their ideas without generating hatred toward others.


A test for other people... that is a nice way to think about it!  :laugh:
The Netherlands as a whole passes this "test" very well. We are protected by the law and some major companies are also very accepting. I have heard of a pilot at KLM who was allowed a long time off to facilitate her transition and re-enter service as female. Churches in Holland are very mixed. Some will ban you and others simply don't see why it would be an issue.

Quote from: K8 on October 13, 2010, 06:37:03 PM
I had a neighbor who doesn't go to my church tell me that my transition was good for the neighborhood - it stretches their minds and they can see that a trans person is otherwise just normal (one of them).  He thought it was especially good for the children to see that we are all different but we're all just people, too.

That is such a sweet comment! There should be more people like him.


Does the OP suggest that this means transexualism is a religious term and nothing else?

jainie marlena

I have found many videos about transgendered being modern day eunuchs. However some not all have missunderdstood and forgot that God save eunuchs also. They look at us as devilish sex things and call it sin. :-\

It is a test on both side for them getting in the way of letting us in the kingdom of God.

Us letting them tell us who God is with out finding out for ourselves. I believe that I was born for this to be rejected by churches like I said not all. too tell other like me to seek out who God is and not let others get in your way of knowing God. I lost my so called testamony with them, but I gained his testamony about how he care about how I feel. It felt great when I realize that God knew that I was a woman because God looks on the heart not on the outward appearnce.

he has always been the friend of the minority think about that


Quote from: Gia on October 14, 2010, 09:44:11 AM
Does the OP suggest that this means transexualism is a religious term and nothing else?

Don't think so and don't believe it is.

The point is to look at who we are from a spiritual context.  For most of us, our spirituality is primary and everything else, we fit into that.

I, for example, am firstly a spiritual being. I function in the material world and resolve my experiences with my spirituality.

Some seem to find this difficult to do themselves and join various religious groups who assist them. Sadly, some apparently religious groups seem more interested in political objectives.

Quote from: laineyjain on October 14, 2010, 11:38:31 PM
I have found many videos about transgendered being modern day eunuchs. However some not all have missunderdstood and forgot that God save eunuchs also. They look at us as devilish sex things and call it sin. :-\

I've heard such comments as well. As you say, being a eunuch is not a sin.

But in any case, we are not eunuchs. A eunuch is someone whose sexuality has been removed so they can serve.

I'm pretty sure that those of us who've had SRS will say their sexuality is intact. I'm also pretty sure that if anyone asked them to serve, the answer might not leave much room for further doubt in that respect.

jainie marlena

castration is a modern term. the meaning is deeper then just cuting of body parts.
or serving someone

deeper study on the subject


No Gia, I didn't mean it is a test for us, but looking at the response of others  especially organisations that have definite views, from a spiritual point of view.
Some people approach environmental issues from a spiritual angle for instance.

"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Perhaps laineyjain.

Though the Indian reference is a little out of context. Their cultural imperitves are so different from western.

jainie marlena

You don't have to been seen as eunuch. I am not trying convence you of anything. I am refering to jews things, not the western world. hebrew arabic asia is what I am talking about if your definition is not the same then I guess it is not refering to you then. not everyone sees them selves as eunuches. just saying I do see it as the same they just did not have the western medicion and surgery to curect things and the nearst thing to being a women to them was becoming eunuches. Just about everyone before only had the option of castration which aidded in looking like a women if done early enough. modern medicin and sergury has changed the way things are. so no we are not eunuchs in a sense. But what would you have done if you did not have any option, but that would have let you grow brest and so forth.


Understand laineyjain. That makes a lot more sense. I couldn't really understand you, arguing semantics.

And I do appreciate your position now as well.

jainie marlena

Thanks for saying so. Everyone view important to me so speak it is the only way to get to know others.