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How can transgendered people be religious?

Started by Angel On Acid, June 04, 2010, 09:46:55 AM

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Dana Lane

Why can't you simply pass up atheists? Aren't there plenty of religious people you can "put religion standards on "?
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret

jainie marlena

I used to go to a baptist church. I stopped going because I could not follow what they told me. I kept reading the word of God because I wanted to know why I was this way. one verse come to my mind when I asked the question "why did you make me this way?."

the disciples asked what did the parents do to make this man to be born blind. Jesus said that the parents did not do anything to make this man born blind. He was born blind so that the glory of God could be seen.

respect how others think no matter what. I am rejected by churches because they still can't see. could it be that they are blind for God's glory. they are blind, but through their blindness I see.

respect what an atheist says or anyone else's for that matter. I wanted to walk a way from God. But I remember that he sees me for who I am.  why would I walk a way from the only other person that knows me for me.

thank for just one minute how you feel about being a women in a man's body and no one believes you or vise versa. Believe it or not God is in the same boat because the body (church) is working against the way he feels.

God's grace is over everyone that has been pushed away by religion. even if you don't know it. even if you don't believe it or even can't believe it.

beside why would anyone want to know someone that rank worser than Hitler for mass murder. This is the God that churches show us.

the wheat 99% tares 1% How much of the world is God going to save? 


I believe Saint Thomas Aquinas, though it could have been another major Christian, said that it was up to the person to decide which part to follow in the face of hypocrisy.  He showed the different conflicting parts in the Bible, and then he left it up to the reader to figure out which part was right and which wasn't.  He also said that the errors were scribal errors and not due to God.  People make mistakes when it comes to writing, so it was only natural for a human scribe to make mistakes when copying the word of God or originally writing down the word of God.

Anyway, I identify as loosely Catholic.  I have no issue with it because I don't follow the bastardized version of the teachings and head back towards when Christianity first arose and really wasn't considered a part of Christianity and was considered just another part of Judaism.  I also have a tendency to prefer the God in the Old Testament, but I don't like the notion of a "good" god.  I prefer a god who isn't afraid to stand up for what he feels.  I also mix in the Buddhist way of life and then I mix in Anubis into my system.  So far I have not had any issues.

Well, I'm done with the rant.  To me, it makes no sense for God to hate or condemn people that he supposedly made.  He would have made you in what he thought was the proper way, and that being trans is just a challenge that he set for us to overcome.


Quote from: Dana Lane on June 26, 2010, 12:00:03 PM
Why can't you simply pass up atheists? Aren't there plenty of religious people you can "put religion standards on "?

I'm not aware of anyone here trying to put anything onto anyone.



I am Southern Baptist, and a born again christian. I believe God made me how I am. And there is nothing in the entire bible to say that transgender is wrong. I am slightly asexual, as I have never really wanted to have sex. But I do love the companionship of a relationship with people. And my girlfriend I love with all my heart!

I will continue to love God despite what some people think about it. And surprisingly my church has no objections at this point.

Dana Lane

Quote from: CrazyTina on June 26, 2010, 02:43:07 PM
I am Southern Baptist, and a born again christian. I believe God made me how I am. And there is nothing in the entire bible to say that transgender is wrong. I am slightly asexual, as I have never really wanted to have sex. But I do love the companionship of a relationship with people. And my girlfriend I love with all my heart!

I will continue to love God despite what some people think about it. And surprisingly my church has no objections at this point.

So you have a girlfriend? Does that make you gay? Because they most definitely have words in the bible about that!

Post Merge: June 26, 2010, 02:46:37 PM

Quote from: spacial on June 26, 2010, 01:06:29 PM
I'm not aware of anyone here trying to put anything onto anyone.

I was quoting accord03.
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


Quote from: Dana Lane on June 26, 2010, 02:45:48 PM
So you have a girlfriend? Does that make you gay? Because they most definitely have words in the bible about that!

Post Merge: June 26, 2010, 02:46:37 PM

I was quoting accord03.

The parts of the Bible which make any claims about any sexual matters, apart from adultry, were abrogated by Jesus.

In short, they don't count.

Apologies for #45


Why does a large portion of this thread read as if religious = christian?

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Quote from: Miniar on June 26, 2010, 04:46:58 PM
Why does a large portion of this thread read as if religious = christian?

At a guess, perhaps because this is the Christinity forum.



Quote from: spacial on June 26, 2010, 05:19:42 PM
At a guess, perhaps because this is the Christinity forum.

This.  It's why I was coming from a Christian standpoint because this is the Christianity forum.


The subject of this thread is posing the question : How can transgendered people be religious? posted in the Christianty forum.

It is presumed that this question is asking the question from a Christian perspective.

All I can say, from a Christian perspective, is that I, as a Christian, am responsible for my own soul. I will answer only once.

I as a Christian feel no trouble in my conscience, with my own feelings, nor with encourageing others. (Though never going beyond encouragement of decisions already taken).

If I am asked for my textual justification I will point out that the only Commandment dealing with sexual matters is a prohibition on adultry. (Like all of the commandments, I really can't see any reasonable person, of any conscience, finding anything to disagree with here).

Tammy Hope

Quote from: Amy on June 04, 2010, 09:46:55 AM
I'm very atheist so I can't really understand this. How can you be happy for the body that god gave you?
As a Christian, i do not accept the premise.

god didn't "give me this body" any more than he gave a Downs Syndrome baby their disability.

I believe we live in a fallen world where bad things happen - including birth defects.
QuoteHow can you be religious when there's religious groups that hate on us?

Can't blame the god because the followers are screw-ups. According to my faith system, it's BECAUSE we are so screwed up that we needed a savior.

Post Merge: June 26, 2010, 10:45:55 PM

Quote from: Seras on June 06, 2010, 07:58:28 AM
Well of course the whole thing is a metaphor.

But even if it is a metaphor God set up the temptation trap somehow!

Have you ever heard it said "how would we know of pleasure if there was no pain?" nd such like?

It's similar to that - if there is no possibility of failure, then how does one define success? if there is not potential for "sin" then how can anyone be said to be "good"?

It is only the real existence of darkness that makes light praiseworthy.

If God had set up a people and a system in which no one could ever do the wrong thing, there would be no such thing as doing the right thing - we'd be automotons, not free beings.
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


Quote from: Dana Lane on June 26, 2010, 12:00:03 PM
Why can't you simply pass up atheists? Aren't there plenty of religious people you can "put religion standards on "?

Then why are atheists on a Christian thread in a religion section?


This is how. Transgenders who are religious believe in God not the Bible.

Tammy Hope

Quote from: cynthialee on June 25, 2010, 07:55:56 AM
I regect your violent assertion on my soul that I am a sinner. Maybe it would be better to say 'we christians believe we are sinners'.
Personaly I take it as an assault on my identity for anyone to make a blanket statement all have sinned. Please refrain from labbeling all people sinners. I am not a sinner.

Doesn't that sort of depend on your definition of sin?

for instance....if you consider lying a sin, almost no one would deny they have lied at some point...

Or is it like being a writer? A lot of people write, but few can actually call themselves a writer.

Post Merge: June 27, 2010, 01:17:28 AM

Quote from: cynthialee on June 25, 2010, 08:41:41 AM
No, I am denying I am a sinner. I am not. Such a thing is almost impossible to me.
For me to sin would require me intentionaly inflicting stress or pain on anouther sentient soul, without regard to the cause or results, or the intentional harming of self.
ok, cool. that's something to work with.

but let me preface by saying I'm NOT trying to change your mind or define you according to Christian theology....It's just an intellectual exercise here because of the confidence with which you speak.

Would you claim that, in the heat of anger for instance, you have never said to another person  something that was intended to be and was painful for them to hear?

I don't doubt that there are people like that - I'd actually claim that it's very rare that I would do so - but I offer it as an example of how it is possible for a person to violate their own standards. whether or not you feel you are a sinner in the Christian tradition, i find it stunningly hard to believe that anyone could review their own behavior and not see ANY point in which they violated their own ethic of right and wrong.

you might not prefer the use of the word sin, but it's an equivilant idea.

Oh, and by the way, pretty much everything anyone ever posts on a discussion board has an implied "in my opinion" attached to it. when a Christian (for instance) says "all have sinned" it should be read "In my opinion, all have sinned"

A person can only speak from their own worldview, and it doesn't logically follow that the person is insiting that YOU think you are a sinner, they are merely saying that in their own worldview, you have to be by definition.

I don't see the point in taking personal offense at that. so long as no one attempts to impose upon your liberties based on that belief.
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


Laura Hope pretty much summed up things I wanted to say.


Quote from: ƃuıxǝʌ on June 27, 2010, 08:08:21 PM
'Trangenders' isn't a word.

I made it a word :P

Also, transgendered people was too much to write. (Yes, I'm lazy ;D)


Stope being so sensitive and pendantic vixen.  :D

You know what she meant.

Only French people worry about such things.  :D


"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Quote from: ƃuıxǝʌ on June 28, 2010, 05:28:09 AM
What's a stope?  ;D

It's a pointe just outside the shope, where mene and womene ponder on the incomprehensibility of spellinge.

Damm. It's bad enough being dyslexic, but trying to spell things wrongly is even more difficult than trying to do it right.  :D