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Sugar waxing

Started by gothique11, April 11, 2009, 04:13:04 AM

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I once tried normal wax hair removal -- it hurt, and it was hard to clean up. I also tried the cream -- not good for my skin. And I have an epilator that's evil and hurts. So, normally I shave -- until I gave sugar waxing a try.

You can find sugar wax at the store (or even make it yourself, recipes are online).

I've found that it doesn't hurt much -- way less then epil-monster. And clean up is easy, 'cause water washes everything away.

I find that the evening is best ('cause your skin can get little red dots all over from where the hair pulled out). I just wash the area, dry it, and then dust with baby powder. It takes a few tries to figure out how to pull correctly, but once you do, it's a charm! I love it now!

And, you can use it anywhere, legs, arms, chest, even the face and bikini line. The directions say it works for underarms, too, but I haven't tried it yet.

I should mention, however, that I've been on hrt for several years, so my hair might be finer and probably hurt less. I still find my epi-moster to hurt much worse, even with finer hair... and it's way slower to boot.

Several sites have different tips on how to sugar wax (and the box usually comes with picture diagrams and instructions). I'll admit that the first few tries I didn't do it right and it didn't work well. You'll want to be careful not to over do the same area, so for your first time, don't plan to show off your legs or try to get every spot. Just experiment on your legs until you get the technique down (didn't take me long).

The trick is speed, and I like to think of zipping rather than pulling -- I put the warmed wax on (not hot!) and spread it following the direction of the hair growth, put the cloth on (re-usable and cleans up easily), rub it up and down, and then pretend I'm zipping up a zipper really fast as I pull up (or zip up) in the opposite direction of my hair growth.

You need to make sure to wash the area first, then dry, and then dust it with baby powder (you can lightly rub it on your skin). The baby powder protects the skin, and seems to cut the pain down a lot, and seems to allow you to pull all of the hair out. Also, holding your skin below helps, too.

After, gently clean with luke-warm water (Not hot!) to get any extra sugar wax that could of been left behind. Then, apply some moisturizer. you can try a hair-minimizing moisturizer, as it can slow down the hair growth. Something like Aveen's positively smooth. Try not to go into the sun or in a hot bath or shower right after, as your skin will be sensitive -- that's why evening is best, and the red dots usually go away by the time you wakeup.

When you have a shower (or both) remember to gently exfoliate the skin, and moisturizer after. Until it's time to wax again.

If you are afraid that it might hurt more, or if you have thicker hairs -- you can get (in the waxing section) a spray or some sort of pain killer spray (let it dry on after you cleaned). That can help if you find it hurts. If you get the technique down, however, it barely hurts. Expect some trial and error at first, be patient, and you'll get it pretty quickly.

If you do get a stray hair, tweesters come in handy.

I'm really impressed with the sugar waxing.

Post Merge: April 11, 2009, 04:18:23 AM

I've also heard of a sugar wax ball method as well -- so you don't use strips. It's put on a bit differently and supposedly hurts less.


Is that the Middle-eastern method to remove hair?  I've got a Turkish acquaintance that says she's removed her facial hair like that (permanently) for years & swears she hasn't spent a single euro in professional hair removal.  Dunno but I'm skeptical that it can be done.


I've been using the surgaring method for about a month now, 2 full applications all except for beard and neck. After second time figuring out the recipe all went so well that now I wonder why one would want to pluck, use hot wax or chemicals ( burnnnn ). It will take time but the results great and it is safe for diabetics and sugar is detrimental to the survival of bacteria. I highly recommend it for everyone and yes it is middle eastern in origin. May all our results be as smoothe as silk. Huggs.


Wow... a hair removal method that goes beyond shaving every two days, and is cheap...I got to try this. epilator on the face? I get chills down my spine just thinking about that.


I've been using a combination of every method under the sun except for sugar waxing (just haven't tried it).  Epilator on the legs, wax on the underarms followed by epilator, and shaving/tweezers on the pubic area.  Does the home-made sugar wax making involve cooking?

My frustraton is that even with epilator/tweezing I find the hair starts growing back within days.... definitely not  as fast as with shaving but still way faster than '4-8 weeks'

edit: If anyone tries this on the face, definitely let us know how it goes.  facial hair is bothering the crap out of me.  Shaving never even makes it look like its not there.


Homemade = cooking sort of. If gently heating  with 2 cups of sugar and a tsp. of water and tsp. of lemon juice is cooking. It may take a couple of tries to get the consistency right at least for me that was true and I do cook and bake. OR you can just buy it but then the cost will go from very little to spending money that could be used for clothing or wigs or shoes?????? Hugs.


Even without a candy thermometer, I manage to get the consistency down by doing "soft ball" tests every minute or so after the mixture becomes golden. As soon as I see a drop turn solid in cold water, I take it off the heat.

I do mess up with reheating after it's sit for a while, though. I usually give a quick nuke to warm it, but as the jar empties, I underestimate how fast a "quick nuke" can heat a small amount.  :laugh:


I used to have a problem reheating and then I bought A " Le Petite " melting pot and keep the setting just below wax and it keeps everything perfect. At about 2/3 down I nudge the temp. down just a touch and it just perfect. Hugs.  DG


QuoteIf anyone tries this on the face, definitely let us know how it goes.  facial hair is bothering the crap out of me.  Shaving never even makes it look like its not there.
a friend of mine used to go and have her face sugared and the result looked and felt superb but she said it was certainly painful.

If you want some idea of what it will be like, grab a couple of your top-lip bristles with eyebrow tweezers and yank them out.
........ and don't forget to take your mascara off first  ;)
To those who understand, I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand, take me as I am
Not under your command, I know where I stand
I won't change to fix your plan, Take me as I am (Dreamtheatre - As I Am)
I started out with nothing..... and I still have most of it left.


Sugar waxing Recipe

You'll need:2 cups of regular granulated sugar

1/4 cup of water (some people use distilled water, but tap water is just fine

1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (remove seeds).


A saucepan
A plastic container or jar
Dull knife
Cotton strips (cut out an old t-shirt)
Cooking thermometer.


1 Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan.
2 Start with heating the mix up on low temperature, until the bubbles start showing up.
3 Using the thermometer, make sure the mix has reached 250F. When this happens, take it off and pour into the previously prepared container. Let the mix cool down.
4 Make sure the mix has cooled enough so it doesn't burn you.
5 Using the dull knife, spread the mix in the direction of hair growth.
6 Place the cotton strip, press with your fingers a bit and then pull in the direction opposite the hair growth.To wash off, use warm water and soap, that will do it.

Sugar waxing tips

Make sure the hairs are 1/4 inch or so long. If too short, you won't be able to pull them out.This mix can be reused if you haven't used it all up the first time. Simply keep in the refrigerator and then reheat in the microwave when you want to use it.Finally, to help pull out the hairs more easily, take a shower beforehand and use a body scrub to remove extra dead skin that sugar might adhere to. That's it!  Follow up with a good moisturizer, and you're good to go.  Easy stuff. :laugh:


note to self: add thermometer to shopping list and fresh lemons (just to be on the safe side)


This type of waxing doesn't work at all in my experience, no pain no gain. It really depends of the quailty of the wax to determine how your hair will grow back as.
The laws of God, the laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I. Let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; And if my ways are not as theirs Let them mind their own affairs. - A. E. Housman


this seems to be my only hair removal option till i can save some money up for more permanent hair removal