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2008 Presidental Campaign

Started by Chaunte, December 11, 2006, 07:18:23 PM

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On the Democratic side, who would you vote for?

6 (50%)
2 (16.7%)
2 (16.7%)
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: December 18, 2006, 07:18:23 PM


Al Gore said that he is considering a run for the White House in '08. 

Out of curiosity, which of these Democratic candidates would you vote for?

If you are not a Democrat, which would you be able to support?

This is JUST FOR FUN and is not intended as political information for any candidate!
*speak a little louder into the computer, please!*



Obama - Interesting, charismatic, exciting, still a rookie
Clinton - If possible smarter than Bill, certainly smarter than Bush (but who isn't)
Gore - Actually the people already elected him.  I know, it's history, but that's the point and I know it'll probably start a fight - again, but that's they way it is.
To me, a close call between Clinton and Gore; I go for Gore, again.

Susan Kay

Cindi Jones

There are things that I like about each one.  It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Author of Squirrel Cage


I cannot decide yet, I have to read up on Obama.  I know I do not see a woman being elect as president yet.  I would see a African-American Man elected first.  This is still a Good Ole Boys club after all.

Julie Marie

Well, this is a tough one.  I know Gore invented the Internet and that's a big plus.  Hillary, well what can I say about a woman who scared the hell out of everyone in the White House, including her husband.  She would be a true dictator.  Obama, gee, I don't know.  He hasn't been charged with anything illegal or corrupt yet.  He isn't full of himself.  He seems genuine.  He doesn't make promises to get elected then forget the promises.  He's just not a real politician yet.  But Other, I haven't heard of him/her so I'll vote for Other.

(sarcasm and cynicism purely intentional)

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Shana A

I recently saw Gore's movie, and am more impressed with him now than I was when he ran in 2000. I'd certainly consider voting for him. I just heard yesterday that Kucinich has announced that he will run again, along with the others this should be an interesting race.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Of the three you listed I'd probably vote for Obama. He seems OK and I haven't heard anything negative about him. I'd have to wait until he actually ran until I made my decision.

This may be petty but I still can't forgive Hillary for what I see as her using New York State for her own political gains. And I've been rather disappointed by her as senator.

Gore might have gotten my vote at one time but I'm leery of him these days.

I voted "other", namely Charles Schumer. If he wanted to run for president I could back him.

But to tell you the truth I'm hoping Rudy Giuliani will run. The day he announces his candidacy is the day he gets my vote. I'd consider Giuliani vs. Schumer a win-win situation.


Obama seems interesting, although I don't know much about him.  He's young, yes, but we need someone different than the current politicians, someone who can really lead the nation, not just play at politics.  This is not a time for politicians.

Clinton can't win.  She's at least as hated as Bush is.  Plus a lot of Americans flat out won't vote for a woman.  I have other reasons not to vote for her.

Other than maybe Obama, though, there's no one I know of considering running for the Republicans or the Democrats that I can see myself voting for.


What about the Republican side?  >:D >:D >:D Just kidding! :D

Okay I was going to say "all of the above" Duh!! ...wouldn't it be wonderful if we had one candidate with the qualities of each person mentioned on the poll?

....Obama seems to be ahead of all the others IMO... :)

tinkerbell :icon_chick: