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Which color is your aura?

Started by tinkerbell, November 16, 2006, 02:48:06 AM

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Do you believe in auras?  do people, children, or animals run away from you? >:D  Do people smile at you frequently...

what color is your aura?  find out here.

My results

Red is a bold, passionate, and bright color. That goes for you too! Red-Aura people are bold and daring. You're always a little too much of something. You can be explosive, and have a very hot-temper for almost the littlest reasons. But you're always alert, attentive, and learn fast. A natural born leader, you're full of charisma and ideas. People see you as a person who's very-very-very smart, but doesn't know how to handle your potential. To undo this idea, you must loosen up, and maybe calm the volcano and think a lot before you act.You seek for love and wisdom, and always believe in doing what your heart says.

Famous Red-Aura: George W. Bush

Most Compatible With: Green-Aura, Orange-Aura

Least Compatible With: Blue-Aura

Quote: "Remember that the higher you fly, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly." --???

At Your Best: Bold, alert and charming

At Your Worst: Angry, annoyed easily and distant

2172 other people got this result!
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11% of people had this result.

Wow!  even president Bush has a red aura!! ::)

tinkerbell :icon_chick:

Mia and Marq

Orange is the color of You're sarcastic, funny, childish, and tend to talk before you think. Confident and out-going, you seem to fit in with most people. You like bringing fun to people's lives, and beneath that childish-self, you're self-sarcraficing. You want the people around you to be happy, and you put your need's last. People see you as a person who's a little foolish, but extremely fun to hang with, but some people might just wish you would go away. You seek for happiness in others, and just pure fun!
Famous Orange-Aura: Ashton Kutcher
Most Compatible With: Orange-Aura, Red-Aura
Least Compatible With: Green-Aura
Quote:"Don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."  --John F. Kennedy
At Your Best:Confident, funny and self-sacraficing
At Your Worst: Selfish, annoying and hurtful

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Being given the gift of two-spirits meant that this individual had the ability to see the world from two perspectives at the same time. This greater vision was a gift to be shared, and as such, Two-spirited beings were revered as leaders, mediators, teachers, artists, seers, and spiritual guides


<img src="">

You are an activist, thinker, scientist and a true friend of humanity. You're hard-working if you put your mind to it, and extremely loyal. People see you as a person with opinions that will probably benefit the world a lot! Though you can be weird, have mood-swings, and sometimes be ignorant, you seek for truth and justice. As a thinker, you're a little slow, but beyond that, you seem to have wisdom beyond you age. Whether that wisdom is with people, economics, chemistry, literature or math, you're pretty much a expert.You love the world, and the people in it, though you're not as nave as you look.

Famous Purple-Aura: Martin Luther King Jr
Most Compatible With: Orange-Aura, Blue-Aura
Least Compatible With: Red

AuraQuote:"There are questions in this world with answers, and there are answers in this world with questions, but there are questions without answers, and answers without questions. It is our job to find these questions and answers." –gomicha11

At Your Best: Hard-working, charming and thoughtful
At Your Worst: Cold, distant and ignorant


Ah, yes...the color everyone seems to hate...the color that everyone thinks is only for preppy-girly-girls. Well, you're not exactly a preppy-girly-girl. You're who you are, and all you want is to be accepted. Pink-Aura people are 'mis-fits' and sometimes end up to be loners. But deep inside, these people are actually the most caring, and cleverest, and most brave people. It's hard to see that, since you (pink-aura people) are secretive, and uncomfortable when sharing feelings. People see you as weird, and totally not wearing the 'it' clothes or just plain DIFFERENT. But if people take their time and work hard on gaining your trust, it's going to be worth more than being immortal. You seek for peace and acceptance among people.

Famous Pink-Aura: Michael Jackson (People must stop making fun of him!!!)
Most Compatible With: Green-Aura, Orange-Aura
Least Compatible With: Red-Aura
Quote:"Just because I am who I am doesn't mean I am not human." –gomicha11
At Your Best: Kind, clever and brave
At Your Worst: Distant, cold and really weird

This made me smile just a little bit.  :)

Rei Ayanami

Tink I love all the little quizzes that you find :)

A story-teller, dreamer and honest person, Blue-Aura people are almost always 'staring in space'. Though it seems this way, Blue-Aura people are just thinking. They think a lot, which makes you guys great philosphers. You're also a good story-teller. You have a close-knit group of friends, and like to keep it that way. Sometimes you can be stubborn and rebellious, always wanting everything your way. You see, your dreamland that you go into is the way you picture the world. Or the way it should be. You seek for peace and a better place. People see you as a day-dreaming sweetheart, or a lazy person with blunt opinions! Famous Blue-Aura: Ron Weasley (from Harry Potter) Most Compatible With: Purple-Aura, Green-Aura Least Compatible With: Red-Aura Quote: "Great minds think alike." --??? At Your Best: Telling stories, thoughtful and giving At Your Worst: Rebellious, very-very stubborn and lazy



Deep, understanding, and mature, you're an extremely loyal person. You're kind and helpful to the people close to you. People see you as a person who's ready to branch out and understand and truly help a person, but also a closed-up bud. When it comes to your own feelings, you're a little shy about expressing them. If you try your very best to open up, I guarantee you that the results will be shocking, beautiful, gorgeous and utterly astonishing. You seek for fairness and love, and even if your aura is green, you're not as jealous as you look!

Famous Green-Aura:Oprah Winfrey
Most Compatible With: Grey-Aura, Pink-Aura
Least Compatible With: Orange-Aura
Quote:"Every idea starts out with a seed, and every death ends with flowers on the grave." -gomicha11
At Your Best: Understanding, kind and loving
At Your Worse: Distant, confusing and quiet


umop ap!sdn

QuoteYou're sarcastic, funny, childish, and tend to talk before you think.
Who, me?  :angel: ;D

Julie Marie

Orange is the color of ... an orange. You're sarcastic, funny, childish, but a deep thinker. Confident but shy, you seem to fit in with most people but it takes you a while to warm up. You like bringing fun to people's lives, but beneath that childish-self, you're sometimes too serious and intense. You want the people around you to be happy, and you put your need's last much of the time. People see you as a person who's a little too serious sometimes, but usually fun to hang with, but some people might just wish you would go away. You seek for happiness in others, and just pure fun!

Quote: "Just be true to yourself" Author unknown
At Your Best:Confident, funny and helpful
At Your Worst: Too worried about what others think

Edited text in red


When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.