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Lying to Attain Sex Leads to Rape Conviction

Started by meh, July 20, 2010, 11:19:02 PM

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"An Israeli man of Arab origin has been convicted of rape after having consensual sex with a woman who had believed him to be a fellow Jew.

Sabbar Kashur, 30, was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Monday after the court ruled that he was guilty of rape by deception"

Why is it when I read this, can I easily see someone taking a trans person to court for something like this.

Anyway this story drives me up a if some dude said he was a millionaire and some chick slept with him and later found out he wasn't, does that mean she can take him to court for rape by deception? I think not.

This is ridiculous.




What happen to virtue and reserve sex for a higher value in the expression of everlasting love?


Quote from: lisagurl on July 21, 2010, 08:35:40 AM
What happen to virtue and reserve sex for a higher value in the expression of everlasting love?

Yeah... that's just a fairytale you know?
there's no such thing as "everlasting" love.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Not all sex is romanticaly bassed and niether do I think it should be.
When we start talking about virtue there is an implied "I am better than you" lurking around the corner.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


The realties of this story are a little more problematic than the Guardian article might indicate.

It seems that this woman met this man who chatted her up and gave her a false name. She almost immediatly agreed to go with him to an office block where they had sex. He then left before she had time to dress herself.

She subsequently accused him of rape. But this was eventually down granded to a charge of rape by deception.

The court itself agreed that sex was consenual and that the issue was that this man is an Arab.

Quote"If she hadn't thought the accused was a Jewish bachelor interested in a serious romantic relationship, she would not have co-operated," Mrs Segal said as she delivered her verdict.

Apparently, in Israel, if a man lies to a woman to get her to have sex, this is rape by deception. This is a charge which has no precident elsewhere.

I somehow doubt it will have any effect on women who are  post op transgender unless they happen to live in Israel, happen to be Arab and happen to have sex with a Jew. Even then it is unclear if the law applies to men or men and women equally.

Needless to say, this story is causing a storm of controversy.

Susans is one of the few places on the web that, so far, has not had any serious discussion on the Israel issue.

All I can say is that, whenever this issue has been discussed elsewhere, it has resulted in a polarisation of positions, together with associated name calling. Often, this polarisation has spilled into other threads, unconnected with Israel, the ME or even world politics.

Hopefully, if Israel is to be discussed here, in any depth, we can confine these to specific forums and not bear serious issues into others.


That law is just messed up. I mean the truth of the matter is almost everyone has deceived their sexual partner(s) in some way. I mean I hear people inflate their accomplishments all of the time to impress people. This is deception but, it is hardly malice.

In any case I hope Israel realizes that their law is wrong, subjective and potentially discriminatory. I am not holding my breath on this though. I sincerely hope that the Israeli trans community isn't targeted with this sort of attack, as I feel peoples personal details are just that personal and they should only share them if they want to.
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