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Not of this world!

Started by Ricki, November 18, 2006, 07:23:07 PM

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Okay this is gonna be weird but somehow i have to type it so you can understand how i think or feel a lot of times.
I do not feel like i belong in this world......
that was easy! whew thought it would be harder to type!
I should quantify some now....
first of all i have a hard time loving and showing love (not affection i can do that) there are very few times, things, or people i ever could say i was soo in love with i would do anything?
I've taken no ownership of pretty much anything i have no desire to own property or to raise a family, not to mention bearing children into this world.  No real meaningful ownership!  Materially, socially, emotionally too!
I've not planned for a future at all because i do not see one or envision one, lots fo epople have dreams and plans of what they will become as they age and grow i have none!
I have no desire to have a relationship that is lasting or that will grow or be there in the long run.  I keep very few if anything close to me>?
I stopped once hiking last fall it was cool, foggy i was breathing heavy with a big pack on the clouds were overcast and was thinking a lot and just stopped and looked up into the sky and just wondered why am i here?  At that minute i felt nothing because i was looking upward wondering what in the hell i was doing in this lifetime?  There is not one thing i bond with or honestly feel likened to that i feel i should be here in this time and place?
I am not a monster i feel pain, i feel hurt, i see suffering and often feel it rather harshly even though its other peoples suffering, i see loss and death and feel sadly about it.  I feel sad for this place, this planet there seems to be soo much hurt and bad and wrong here...I stated before i do not cry much and i do not but once in a while i see something bad not related to me in one way and i tear up and get very how do i explain choked up inside like i am smothering somehow???  and have no explanation for the way i felt at that particular time!
I have found times and places, and things that have made me "happy in relative terms" but not connected?
I've found some religion and faith that has helped me survive i think but also feel no boundaries, like not right and wrong but life and death?  I do not care if i die and it's not just because i am ts or becasue i would otherwise hate my life.. I feel i have a purpose somewhere else but not in this lifetime?  i feel anxious about getting to that point when i will get to my next lifetime or maybe where i should be in the first place?
It's sad but true i do not feel one bit connected to this planet or life or earth>
A tree has roots and is "rooted" right i do not feel this?
I do not know how to explain it any more i guess than to say that i think i am somehow in a world and place by accident and i do not belong here........
Is this possible?
Thanks if anyone decides to reply or has insight?


Jillieann Rose

Hi Ricki,
I feel sadness for you.  :( :(
You sound lonely to me.  :'(  :'(
We love you here and you always bring a smile to our face and you made me think with your questions.
You do have a place in my life and I would hurt to see you go. :'(
I have felt that I didn't belong here too, but than I would think of the people I have touched by just being in this world.
That would helped me to understand that I do have a reason for being here.
Ricki you have made a difference here at Susan's.
Thank you for being here.
:) :)


Ricki... i can relate.

I know these feelings. I have often wondered about this planet and it's inhabitants... sometimes i sit in the cafe on a sunday morning before work and see these people around me, living their lives and such.... and i get the feeling that this is not my home.

It is very difficult to explain... like your an alien or something... you only feel human emotion by studying how it goes. You are right, there is a lot of saddness and suffering on this planet. Humans are indeed a strange species and i look at them in the sense that i'm not the same... It sounds strange... but i totally understand.
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I think that if you cannot be true to yourself (for whatever reasons), that if your life feels like a lie in the universe then the disconnect between who you are and who you're showing continues into your perceptions of the world.  I've had very similar feelings, knowing that I was so different that I couldn't possibly be a member of the groups I was surrounded by.  The difference in "who I am" versus "who I'm showing the world I am" has caused me to feel as if I was not in the world, the imposter was.  He was in the way - between me and the rest of humanity.

I think that the stress caused by this is what pushes us to eventually transition, those of us who do.  For those who do not the stress simply hasn't gotten that bad yet, it seems.  Or they've found ways to cope that those who transition haven't.  And until I can live an authentic life (a wonderful phrase from a support group member) I will continue to feel that distance between myself and the rest of the universe.

I would think that this is pretty common among transsexuals.

hugs & smiles,
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


Thanks for the replies and each one of you have touched me in a very good and very different way...Thank you!
rest assured I'm here for tomorrow and even Xmas time i have no short range plans.. Hehe unless my superiors come for me in a flying spacebucket landing in my front yard?  Hailing me back to the planet of demensia or something!
Thanks Jillieann that was nice! :'(
Thanks wishy that was almost surreal :-*
Thanks Helen that is nice and maybe even somewhat accurate?.. ;)
I do not know how to explain it anymore but i could on one hand say it has nothing to do with gender issues, but had i not been born with gender issues then i would not know if i'd feel this way either?  No hindsight info to work off of?
The disconnected thing may be something to think about i have distanced and disconnected a lot?  I dunno still just a nagging thing.....
Well anyway i have you guys-girls and that's nice and its a place for me to come!!!


Ricki, I'm afraid all I can offer is my own experiences in the hope that maybe you'll find some similarities and hopefully a better understanding of "why". For me personally a lot of the feeling disconnected and in some ways disconnecting myself is all about pain. For example, I've got some friends at work but I don't get too close to anyone here. I think it's because of the "inopportune" times that we moved when I was younger.

Sure we moved when I was very young but before a certain age it doen't seem to matter so much. But we moved to Troy when I was... well, honestly I don't know. I just remember being 3 or 4 and being in that house. I started kindergarten when I lived in that house. I met some new people (I don't really remember them) and then halfway through the year we moved. To an adult it's not really that far between the two houses (maybe about half an hour) but to a 5 year old they're worlds apart. I just kind of had to move on.

We moved again the August before I started first grade (6 or eight months after that "first" move). Again, it wasn't so bad for an adult but it was another world apart for a kid. Things were very much "not good" for me in grade school so I ws kind of looking forward to starting over in junior high (which in that school started in eigth grade). We were in the same house but there would be some kids who didn't know me, so it was like a new start. Darn it, half way through the year we moved 250 miles away. That killed me. We hardly got to see family, let alone friends. So I had to leave those friends behind too.

So not only did I have to learn to be very careful who I "let in" so I didn't get hurt, now I was learning that it wasn't really worth letting ANYBODY in because eventually you would have to leave them behind. Sure enough, four and a half years later I graduated high school and most of us went our separate ways. Let them go, Casey, let them go. It hurts less.

I quit my first job after only six months, but I did it so badly (yes, I was young and stupid) that I felt uncomfortable seeing anybody from there. Let them go. My next job lasted six and a half years before we got the news that the company really was going bankrupt but we were going to be out of a job in a month. Between the Christmas rush and everybody trying to find a new job quickly, not to mention my own self esteem problems, I didn't really feel comfortable asking to keep in touch. Everybody just kind of wanted to get the heck out of Dodge. Let them go Casey.

So it had become a vicious cycle. It hurt too much to let people get close, and even if I did I was just going to have to let them go eventually, mostly because I wasn't worth keeping in touch with (my self esteem issues rearing its ugly head). I learned how to deal with feeling disconnected: ignore it. So I was disconnecting because I felt disconneted because I was disconnecting because...

Like I said at the beginning, it's all about pain. At least it is in my experience. The thing is what do you do about that pain. But that's the million dollar question, isn't it?


thank you thank you!
For taking the time to write and post i see a lot of sense in what you wrote and i may self-admittedly put emotional walls up.  I do not know cause it's such a hard thing for me to put my finger on? 
Like i said i'd like to just blame it on being transgendered, but lurking somewhere in me i wonder if that would be legitimate? I do not think its all gender based on my issues but then again i will never know having these issues?
Just a weird thing?
Maybe it's not anything I'll ever figure out?  I just sometimes feel that way not all the time, sometimes?  I honestly do not get depressive or mad or anything more like a feeling of wow i cannot believe this place and what am i doing here....????
Thanks though!


Ricki...You are such a special heart goes out to you.

It is never easy to find one's way in this world.  Open up too much and people find ways to cause pain...Block everyone out and life is lonely and has no meaning.  What is a person to do?  An open life brings pain, but sometimes it brings incredible much of a gambler are you?  Build your walls high enough, and thick enough, and the pain never gets through...sadly, neither does the joy.

Each must find their own way.  Only you know how much risk you are willing to live badly the disappointments, betrayals and being ignored hurt, and how much you can deal with.  People suck, what can I say?  They also are the most amazing, surprising and wonderful creatures one can imagine.  Just when you think everybody is mean and stupid, you meet folks like the ones here.  Life would be so much easier if people were either "good" or "bad"..."friend" or "foe"..."sweet" or "a-hole"...Sheesh!

Your posts here have shown everyone that you are a kind, compassionate, friendly, helpful and a wonderful person.  I have enjoyed messing with you and being messed with by you...who wouldn't think you're special?  When the "spacebucket" comes to get you, have them drop by Texas and get me...I just love getting out of town  ;D

Hugs and Kisses.....Laurie
Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.



There would be hundreds of questions to ask you to really get a clear view of what may be going on that attributes to what your feeling, and of course we can't really do that lol...but what I can feel safe in saying to you is that I believe your justified in your idea that TS issues are not what has the full impact on your life, there is more to what makes the sum of a person, and TS is only a part of that sum that is your whole.

I remember many years ago it was impossible for a "professional therapist" to believe that I had no problems with issues of identity, ( I was post transition) and that my only problem was ADHD related. It took them meeting me a few times to realize that the thing which impacts my life the most is ADHD issue related things and NOT Identity issues, blew them away. ( someone had referred me to them, but they had disclosed my history against my will I might add)

As a matter of fact when I went to counseling with my daughter we never even told the counselor because it would have thrown them off of focusing on what was our real issues and not what was a issue for them to get hung up on! lol  So we chose to not talk about it sense it was not related to her teen issues and a single father dealing with teen issues etc. lol

Anyway yea, there is a lot more to who we are than our identity issues.  And Ricki here is the thing. If we really did feel like we were a real part of this world that to me would be a far cry worse!  Here is how I personally feel; I am here to do work and to grow for the life that is to come, I must be part of a complex plan that I cannot understand, but all I have to do is be open to doing my purpose here so that I can do what is to follow, and I believe what is to come is much larger than what is here, and I too look forward to that moving on one day.  I am a little afraid to die because the unknown can be pretty freaky, but overall leaving here is not a bad thing, it is only a part of evolving into the next being our energy is to take form in.  I gotta say leaving this body behind is NOT going to be a real tear jerker for me LOL


Tiffany Elise


  Like Casey said, I can only offer my point of view from my life and if you find any similarities I hope it helps. I don't want to get all religious or try to convert anyone but I too know how you feel. Like an outsider looking in, so to speak.

  From the time I was a little girl I never had any friends. Being raised around all females I never really cared for the things of boys. I spent most of my youth alone reading my Bible. For hours each night I just sat and read and envisioned a kingdom unlike the world around me.

  I muddled through life with the lind of temporal joys, happiness, pains and such you describe but never could understand why I never really had a close relationship with this world.

  In time I did notice that the only time my sorrow and such lifts is when I read the Bible, play gospel music on my guitar or sing. When I'm in church I feel very happy doing what I do.

  You know; the Bible does say that the soul of man longs to be with God. That is the part of him that cries out for God even when the shell and brain go contrary. Kind of what the Lord told Peter about leading him where he wouldn't go. Towards God and not in the direction his mind would take him since the carnal mind is enmity with God.

  Although many may disagree, my feelings of being an alien to me is a manifestation of what the scriptures say about us being strangers and alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers and sojourners on this earth. Hence; the only true joy for me is seeking God with all my heart, feeling his Spirit and waiting to be with him. Being transgender in the meanwhile is a blessing as I see the scripture "He created them male and female" in a little different light than some. I just wait for the day when at his throne I will experience "there is neither male nor female in Christ." Like the angels.

  I hope nobody thinks I'm trying to convert you. This is just my account of what I've felt over the years and why the feeling of being an alien to me is a blessing.


Jillieann Rose

Hey Ricki,
I do think Tiffany, Casey and Taylor have giving you some good answers.
Like I said at time I feel like an alien too but I also believe that I am here for a reason.
I can hear you asking me what reason? To experience this life to grown and become something I can even image right now. To touch other lives for good. To help people become all they can be.

Yes Tiffany I believe we are sojourners on this earth. Oh and I believe that God is not male or female in gender but both. He is also three people in one remember he is Father Son and Holy Ghost three distinct entities in one. So why shouldn't we be the same?

Ricki we al seem to agree that sometime we feel like aliens. I think that we should ask ourself so than what shall we do while we are here on this earth at this time?
:) :)



You guys are wonderful!
I suppose i should clarify or what do ya call it?? validate?
I am not over whelmed by this or anything its just a weird feeling i get occasionally and i wanted to share (because you guys-girls are all so very different and wordly and your opinions matter) so the feedback is awesome and i appreciate very very much!
As a rule though its not something that drives me crazy or anything?(pleanty enough regular stuff to do that)
I have a decent/good job
A roof over my head
A dysfunctional loving family (lol)
I never go hungry (go figure huh?? lol)
pleanty of Clothing and necessary stuff
More toys and gear than 5 guys could own...
So in a way my life is not horrible at all in a laymens terms, the gender issues of course are like a dead wieght that is definately somthing i work on and this great place and you guys have given and continue to give me help and that lift when i need it and so much more!
so please do not think i am all caught up in the alien not of world feeling thing?  I do not think that you guys actually do but i do not want any of you to be "alarmed" or worried i'm fine!
I tease but in reality i think i am really complicated!
But i got some stuff out of this and am thinking hard on it espcially the "dis-connected" thing..
so thank you thank you thank you!


hey Ricki! I could use some more toys ya know where exactly did you say your storage unit is??  >:D

